- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王志龙主编
- 出 版 社:福州:福建人民出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787211055463
- 页数:251 页
第一部分 基础知识精选900例 1
一、动词 1
1.连系动词 1
2.情态动词 2
3.动词的时态 5
4.动词的被动语态 10
5.动词的虚拟语气 13
6.非谓语动词——不定式 15
7.非谓语动词——分词(现在分词/过去分词) 18
8.非谓语动词——动名词 20
二、名词 22
1.名词的数 22
2.名词的所有格 25
三、冠词 25
1.不定冠词(a/an) 26
2.定冠词(the) 26
四、代词 27
1.代词分类表 27
2.不定代词 28
五、数词 28
1.基数词 28
2.序数词 29
3.分数词 29
六、形容词和副词 30
1.形容词 30
2.副词 32
3.形容词、副词的级 33
4.程度状语与形容词或副词的位置关系 33
七、介词 34
1.常见介词用法 34
2.注意以下介词短语 38
八、连词 39
1.并列连词 39
2.从属连词 40
九、主从复合句 42
1.定语从句 42
2.名词性从句——主语从句 44
3.名词性从句——宾语从句 45
4.名词性从句——表语从句 45
5.名词性从句——同位语从句 46
十、倒装句 47
1.全倒装 47
2.部分倒装 47
十一、主谓一致 48
1.与名词有关的主谓一致 48
2.与代词有关的主谓一致 49
3.与冠词有关的主谓一致 49
4.与数词有关的主谓一致 50
5.与倒装结构有关的主谓一致 50
6.与整体概念相关的主谓一致 50
7.与强调意义相关的主谓一致 51
8.主谓邻近一致的原则 51
十二、it的用法 51
1.作代词 51
2.作引导词 52
十三、省略或简略 54
十四、插入语 55
1.非谓语动词 55
2.形容词 55
3.副词 55
4.介词 56
5.连词 56
6.分句 56
十五、其他专项基础知识 57
1.关于句子的类型 57
2.关于句子的种类 58
3.其他句型 59
4.常见容易因语感而引起失误的表达 61
第二部分 重点词语辨析900例 63
一、动词 63
1.accuse/charge 63
2.add/add to/add up/add up to 63
3.advise/suggest 63
4.agree with/agree to/agree on 64
5.allow/permit/let/promise 64
6.announce/declare 64
7.answer/reply 65
8.appear/look/seem 65
9.argue/quarrel 65
10.arrive/reach/get 66
11.ask/inquire/question 66
12.be about to do sth/be to do sth 66
13.be careful of/be careful with 66
14.be familiar with/be familiar to 67
15.be known for/be known as/be known to 67
16.be made of(from/out of)/bemade into/be made up/be made up of 67
17.be tired of/be tired from/be tired out 67
18.believe/believe in/depend on 68
19.borrow/lend 68
20.bring/take/fetch/get/carry 68
21.build/putup/set up 69
22.care/mind 69
23.catch/catch up with 69
24.catch/seize/hold/catch hold of 69
25.catch fire/be on fire/cause fire/set fire to sth/set sth on fine 70
26.collect/gather 70
27.compare with/compare to 70
28.contain/include 71
29.cost/spend/pay/buy/charge/sell 71
30.cure/treat/heal 71
31.die of/die from 72
32.discover/invent/create 72
33.disturb/interrupt/trouble 72
34.dress/put on/wear/have on/be in 72
35.employ/hire/rent 73
36.fall/drop 73
37.feed on/feed with 73
38.fight against(with)/fight for 73
39.find/find out/look for 74
40.forget/leave/remain 74
41.go out/be out/put out 74
42.happen/occur/take place/come about 74
43.hear/listen 75
44.hear of/hear from 75
45.help/aid/assist 75
46.hope/wish/expect/long/desire 76
47.hurt/injure/wound/harm/damage/destroy 76
48.interview/cover/report/broadcast 77
49.join/join sb in/join in 77
50.know/get to know/recognize 77
51.lie/lay 77
52.lie in/lie on/lie to 78
53.lose/miss 78
54.prepare/prepare for/make preparations for/be prepared for 78
55.protect/prevent 78
56.raise/lift/rise/arise 78
57.receive/accept 79
58.remember/remind/memorize 79
59.require/demand/request 79
60.result in/result from 80
61.rob/steal/pick 80
62.run out/run out of 80
63.say/speak/talk/tell 80
64.scold/blame 81
65.search/search for 81
66.separate/divide 81
67.shut/close 82
68.sit/seat 82
69.stick to/insist on/persist in 82
70.stop/pause 82
71.suit/fit/do/match/go 82
72.surprise/astonish/shock 83
73.take one's place/take the place of/take place 83
74.try to do/manage to do 83
75.visit/call/see/dropin 83
76.wait/expect 84
77.win/beat/defeat 84
78.would/used to do/be used to/get used to 84
二、名词 85
1.accident/incident/event 85
2.ache/pain 85
3.affair/matter/business/thing 85
4.aim/purpose/object 86
5.amount/number 86
6.animal/beast/creature 86
7.bank/shore/beach/coast 87
8.cause/reason 87
9.chance/opportunity 87
10.clothes/clothing/cloth 87
11.country/nation/state 88
12.day after day/day by day 88
13.environment/surroundings 88
14.family/home/house 89
15.fun/joke 89
16.habit/custom 89
17.holiday/vacation/leave 89
18.job/work/labor/task 90
19.kind/type 90
20.man/human being/people/person/mankind 90
21.middle/center 91
22.question/problem 91
23.soil/earth/ground/land/mud 92
24.sound/noise/voice 92
25.state/condition/situation 92
26.story/tale 93
27.strength/force/energy/power 93
28.trip/journey/travel/tour/voyage 93
29.value/price/cost 94
30.war/battle/campaign/fight/struggle 94
三、形容词 95
1.actual/real/true 95
2.afraid/fear 95
3.alike/similar 96
4.alive/living/live 96
5.all/whole/total 96
6.alone/lonely 97
7.anxious/eager 97
8.asleep/sleepy/sleeping 97
9.big/great/large 97
10.bright/clever/wise 98
11.common/popular/ordinary/general/usual/normal 98
12.elder/elderly/older 99
13.everyday/every day/daily 99
14.false/wrong 99
15.farther/further 99
16.fast/quick/rapid/soon 99
17.foolish/silly/stupid 100
18.possible/probable/likely 100
19.sick/ill 100
20.silent/quiet/calm/still 101
21.special/especial/particular/peculiar 101
22.wide/broad 102
23.worth/worthy 102
四、副词 102
1.high/highly 102
2.deep/deeply 102
3.wide/widely 103
4.late/lately 103
5.hard/hardly 103
6.near/nearly 103
7.close/closely 103
8.free/freely 103
9.most/mostly 103
10.just/justly 103
11.a little/a bit 104
12.ago/before 104
13.almost/nearly 104
14.aloud/loud/loudly 104
15.altogether/all together 105
16.always/often/frequently/usually 105
17.before long/long before 105
18.late/later/latest/lately/last/latter 106
19.no longer/no more 106
20.still/yet 106
21.too/also/as well/either 106
22.too much/much too 107
23.very/quite/fairly/rather 107
五、介词 107
1.above/over/on/up 107
2.across/over/through 108
3.after/behind/at the back of 108
4.after/in 108
5.among/between 108
6.by turns/in turn/take turns 109
7.except/but/besides/including/included 109
8.for the first time/the first time/the time 110
9.in all/at all/after all/above all/for all/first of all 110
10.in the end/at the end of/by the end of 110
11.in the past/in the past three years 110
六、连词 111
1.because/since/as/for 111
2.if/whether 111
3.though/although/even though/as though 111
4.when/while/as 112
七、代词 112
1.比较几组不定代词 112
2.each/every 112
3.none/no one 113
4.nothing but/anything but/nobody but/anybody but 113
5.one/that/it 113
6.other/others/the other/the others/another 114
7.some/any 114
八、冠词 114
1.go to school/go to the school 114
2.go to church/go to the church 114
3.be in hospital/be in the hospital 115
4.in front of/in the front of 115
5.in charge of/in the charge of 115
6.in possession of/in the possession of 115
7.in case of/inthe caseof 115
8.in course of/in the course of 115
9.by road/by the road 115
10.by hand/by the hand 115
11.by day/by the day 115
12.on watch/on the watch 116
13.out of question/out of the question 116
14.three of us/the three of us 116
15.the red and white T-shirt/the red and the white T-shirts 116
第三部分 基础典型训练900题 117
一、动词的时态与语态 117
二、情态动词与虚拟语气 125
三、非谓语动词 130
四、名词与冠词 140
五、代词 142
六、数词 146
七、形容词和副词 147
八、介词 154
九、连词与从句 156
十、倒装与强调 165
十一、主谓一致 168
十二、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句 169
十三、词语辨析 171
第四部分 重点专题归纳 176
一、中学英语常用短语及句型归纳 176
二、交际用语归类 219
三、书面表达常用词语归纳 225
四、常见因母语迁移而造成的错误表达现象 238
五、构词法归纳 242
六、不规则动词变化形式归类 248
附录:基础知识典型训练900题参考答案 251
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- 《看漫画学钢琴 技巧 3》高宁译;(日)川崎美雪 2019
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