- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:缪立群编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海人民美术出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787532254019
- 页数:132 页
东部花园 4
大门 The Main Entrance 5
兰雪堂 The Orchid Snow Parlour 8
芙蓉榭 The Lotus Pavilion 11
天泉亭 The Heavenly Spring Pavilion 13
秫香馆 The Grain Fragrance Hall 14
放眼亭 The Far-Sighted Pavilion 17
涵青亭 The All Blue Pavilion 18
中部花园 20
倚虹亭 The Rainbow Embraced Pavilion 21
梧竹幽居 The Secluded Pavilion of Phoenix Tree and Bamboo 24
雪香云蔚 The Snow-Fragrance-Luxuriant-Trees Pavilion 26
绿漪亭 The Green Ripples Pavilion 29
待霜亭 The Frost-Awaiting Pavilion 31
荷风四面亭 The Lotus-Breeze-on-Four-Sides Pavilion 33
见山楼 The Mountain-in-View Tower 35
柳阴路曲 The Willows'Shade and Winding Path 40
别有洞天 Another Wonderland 41
玉兰堂 The Magnolia Hall 43
香洲 The Fragrant Isle 46
志清意远 A Pure Mind Thinks Deep 50
得真亭 The True Nature Pavilion 57
小沧浪 The Little Gentle Waves 59
小飞虹 The Small Flying Rainbow Bridge 61
听松风处 The Place to Listen to Pine Wind 63
倚玉轩 The Bamboo Parlour 66
远香堂 The Drifting Fragrance Hall 69
二门 The Second Entrance 72
枇杷园 The Loquat Garden 77
玲珑馆 The Elegant House 79
嘉实亭 The Excellent Fruit Pavilion 83
绣绮亭 The Charm-and-Beauty Pavilion 86
海棠春坞 Flowering Crabapple's Spring Bedding 90
听雨轩 The Listening-to-the-Sound-of-Rain Chamber 91
西部花园 94
宜两亭 The Good-for-Both-Families Pavilion 95
卅六鸳鸯馆 The 36 Pairs of Mardarin Ducks Hall 96
十八曼陀罗花馆 The Eighteen Camellias'Hall 101
塔影亭 The Pagoda Reflection Pavilion 105
留听阁 The Stay-and-Listen Parlour 106
浮翠阁 The Floating Verdure Tower 107
笠亭 The Bamboo Hat Pavilion 108
与谁同坐轩 Whom-to-Sit-with Pavilion 109
倒影楼 The Inverted Reflection Tower 111
水廊 The Above-Water Corridor 114
园南住宅 116
主轴线建筑 Buildings along the main axis 117
东侧轴线建筑 Buildings along the east side axis 119
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