- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)George Y. Tang编
- 出 版 社:北京市:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:730111429X
- 页数:412 页
Ⅰ.顶级笑话 3
1 I Can Remember That我能记得住 3
2 A good excuse找借口 4
3 They're looking for me他们正在找我 4
4 A Missile by Kangaroos袋鼠发导弹 5
5 A Gift for the Teacher送给老师的礼物 6
6 I got the job我被录用了 6
7 Hearing Problem听力不好 7
8 Moving couch搬沙发 7
9 Hearing Aid助听器 8
10 What does it say它在说什么 8
Ⅱ.讽刺笑话 11
11 An Alcohol Tester酒精测试仪 11
12 I quit drinking我戒酒了 11
13 The Sixth Helen第六个海伦 12
14 Anything works?有能工作的吗? 12
15 A Small Trick一个小花招 12
16 Another Trick又一个小花招 13
17 What do I have to order我该点什么 13
18 Cheap but good价廉物美 14
19 Not our own food不是我们自己的食品 14
20 Better not your daughter幸亏不是你的女儿 14
21 Not good at measuring不熟悉计量单位 15
22 A Halloween Costume万圣节戏装 15
23 Secret Code密码 15
24 What did the sign say?那标牌上写的什么字? 16
25 Didn't do gambling没有赌钱 16
26 Do it herself自己动手做 16
27 Moving Target活动目标 17
28 Obedience驯服 17
29 Contradiction自相矛盾 17
30 Food Network食品节目 18
31 Missing luggage丢了行李 18
32 Not an eye witness不是亲眼所见 18
33 More than a dozen超过一打 19
34 Stay on the line不要挂电话 19
35 Oops唉唷 19
36 A Complaint抱怨 20
37 Not a good name不是好名字 20
38 Chatting away海聊 20
39 Complex Math Problem复杂的数学题 21
40 Heroine in Rain雨天的女英雄 21
41 Like father like daughter有其父必有其女 21
42 Can be trusting?能信任吗? 22
43 A Degree in Philosophy哲学学位的用处 22
44 Now we can sleep现在我们可以睡觉了 22
45 Fight down the theft制服偷盗 23
46 Who should change?该谁换? 23
47 Am I so bad?我有那么糟吗? 23
48 Won't be in at all干脆不来了 24
49 Form a double line排成两行 24
50 Two Choices两种选择 24
51 Games in Jail监狱里的游戏 25
52 It's rather personal实在是个人隐私 25
53 Free dessert helps免费甜食有帮助 25
54 How can I help you?我能为你做什么? 26
55 Blind Submission盲从 26
56 Never seen us?从来没见过我们? 26
57 How to answer?怎样回答? 27
58 Listen to whom听谁讲 27
59 I had no choice我是没办法 27
60 It's not that noticeable那伤疤不是很明显 28
61 Insatiable不知足 28
62 A Scary Man可怕的人 28
63 Fish on changing table换尿片小桌上的鱼 29
64 Hidden Value隐藏的价值 29
65 For others to read贴给别人看的 29
66 A Hard Push猛推一把 30
67 I'm not that old我还没那么老 30
68 Pneumonia and Smoking肺炎和抽烟 30
69 I don't inhale that far down我没有往下吸到那么远 31
70 I work in customer service我是顾客服务部的 31
71 Natural Beauty天然美女 31
72 They put you on hold?他们让你等着? 32
73 Piano Player钢琴手 32
74 She needs to finish the book她该读完这本书 32
75 Clarity明确性 33
76 Unnecessary Warning不必要的警告 33
77 What's fifty bucks?50块钱算什么呀? 33
78 Can pilots fly?飞行员会飞吗? 34
79 Historical Events历史事件 34
80 Don't get around不再绕道走 34
81 Bring me another martini!再给我拿一杯马丁尼酒来! 35
82 Told you so告诉过你了 35
83 Practice every day at five o'clock每天五点钟演习 36
84 Harder being a telemarketer当电话推销员更难 36
85 Shave my head把我的头刮了 36
86 A burglar can't find me either盗匪也找不到我 37
87 The room's getting smaller是这屋子变小了 37
88 Hire a bodyguard雇一个保镖 37
89 Customer Appreciation Week顾客服务周 38
90 New Incentive Plan新的奖励计划 38
91 She's not yours她不是你的孩子 38
92 Coming or leaving是来上班,还是回家 39
93 Here comes my neighbor我邻居的房子过来了 39
94 Let'em finish!让他们快干完! 39
95 My Dream Job梦寐以求的工作 40
96 Which nine items?哪九件哪? 40
97 I'll take all three三只我都买了 40
98 The traffic light's red红灯了 41
99 We don't need to change the name名字不需要改了 41
100 That's me那是我 41
101 Break Time休息时间 42
102 Chivalry骑士精神 42
103 The garbage can is the garbage这个垃圾桶是垃圾 42
104 Hidden Intent居心不良 43
105 Was he fired?他被开除了吗? 43
106 Is there another door?还有没有别的门? 43
107 Leave the color把彩色留下 44
108 Honey,so do I!亲爱的,我也要! 44
109 Put it on my sister加到我妹妹身上 44
110 If I'd only known如果我早知道 45
111 What do I do now?现在我该干什么? 45
112 Have you seen her grades?你没看见她的成绩吗? 45
113 Smart Shopper聪明的顾客 46
114 Something Unexpected意料之外的事 46
115 It's raining天在下雨 46
116 Want a new car real bad急需一辆新车 47
117 I'm not picky我不是那种挑剔的人 47
118 How red was the light?红灯有多红? 48
119 In his own terminology三句不离本行 48
120 The Perplexed Clerk困惑的店员 48
121 Telemarketer电话推销员 49
122 Personal Experience亲身经历 49
123 Express Line快速交款队伍 49
124 Work at two restaurants在两家餐馆打工 50
125 He wants to talk with you上帝要和你说话 50
126 Good with people与人相处好 50
127 Road closed道路关闭 51
128 An Incident一个事故 51
129 Freedom's Door自由之门 52
130 Shark,Bear and Children鲨鱼、熊和儿童 52
131 The Eighth Symptom第八个症状 52
132 Statue of St.Joseph圣约瑟的塑像 53
133 An Amateur Mom外行妈妈 53
134 Good luck祝你好运 53
135 The Most Hideous Thing最丑陋的东西 54
136 Capricorns摩羯座的人 54
137 Car Locator找车器 55
138 Hi Dan!你好,丹! 55
139 Loose-fitting Clothing宽松的衣服 55
140 We adopted我们的孩子是领养的 56
141 Discretion assured确保谨慎 56
142 After a massive heart attack严重心脏病发作以后 56
143 She knows McDonald's only她只知道麦当劳 57
144 They send in the obituary writer他们把写讣告的人派来了 57
145 My vision's not too good我眼神不太好 57
146 Much more humane人道得多 58
Ⅲ.幽默笑话 61
147 The Cowboy without a Horse牛仔丢马 61
148 Where did you get that haircut你在哪里理的发 61
149 Mr.Bear and Mr.Rabbit熊先生和兔先生 63
150 You first您先请 63
151 A Good Idea好主意 64
152 A Personal Question一个私人问题 64
153 Musical Interlude音乐插曲 64
154 Half Glass of Water半杯水 65
155 Still Half Glass of Water还是半杯水 65
156 Doctor's Instructions医嘱 66
157 Oh,Ohio哦,俄亥俄 66
158 Can I borrow your daughter?我能不能借你的女儿? 66
159 What do Chinese mothers use?中国妈妈用什么? 67
160 The Meat Department肉食部 67
161 To tune my cello给大提琴调音 67
162 What'd you do with the boat?你到底把船怎么了? 67
163 It's three o'clock那是三点钟 68
164 A Deviled Egg一个魔鬼蛋 68
165 Lubbock,Texas德州鲁鲍克 69
166 Windshield Wiper雨刷 69
167 How old when you finish?多大年纪的时候完工? 69
168 Renaissance文艺复兴 70
169 Beautiful Maple Doors漂亮的枫木门 70
170 Wearing masks带着面具 70
171 What was wrong?出什么问题了? 71
172 How long?要多久? 71
173 He leaks他漏了 71
174 Chief Diagnostic Tool主要诊断工具 72
175 One of the Changes变化之一 72
176 Flight Simulator模拟飞行器 72
177 I don't even go that far on vacation我度假都没走那么远 73
178 Too good to be true好得难以相信 73
179 It's cheaper here这里比较便宜 74
180 Want to borrow my car?要不要借我的汽车? 74
181 Falling off the fridge从冰箱上掉下来 74
182 Every three months or 3,000 miles每三个月或者三千英里 75
183 Please step off the plane请下飞机 75
184 Doesn't last very long放不太久 75
185 Bills still keep coming账单还是不断寄来 76
186 Make him a conductor让他当指挥 76
187 I can turn him off我可以把他关掉 76
188 A Tip to Stay Awake保持清醒的诀窍 77
189 Cut meetings short缩短会议 77
190 No sequels再没有续集了 78
191 Psychic特异功能 78
192 Light Bulb Jokes灯泡笑话 78
193 Prayers have been said已经做了祷告 79
194 Sleeping in your bed睡在你的床上 79
195 A Double Espresso双料浓咖啡 79
196 I don't have this problem either我也没有这些麻烦 80
197 Hard to believe难以相信 80
198 What is that for?那是干什么用的? 81
199 I won't hurt you我不会伤害你 81
200 Sheep Stranded on a Hill围在小山坡上的羊 81
201 Three down and four across纵三横四 82
202 That's my son那是我的儿子 82
203 Good News and Bad News好消息和坏消息 82
204 Roaming Charges漫游费 83
205 A Real Winner真正的赢家 83
206 Haircut发型 83
207 Not in an envelope不是装在信封里 84
208 What position do you play?你是踢什么位置的? 84
209 Drive-thru closed免下车通道关闭 84
210 Change the address更改地址 85
211 Wrinkle-free免烫 85
212 I want to get out of here我想要从这里出去 85
213 Anger Management Class愤怒管理课程 86
214 Eat nails for lunch吃铁钉当午饭 86
215 A Sample of DNA DNA试样 86
216 Who am I?我是谁? 87
217 A Pistol一把手枪 87
218 Call first先打个电话 88
219 What are you using for bait你是用什么作诱饵 88
220 They'll leave the key for you他们会把钥匙留给你 88
221 Bad Golf and Clean Language球臭话干净 89
222 Chalk Outline粉笔线 89
223 A Screen Saver屏幕保护画 89
224 Dial Tone拨号音 90
225 Between church and state政教之间 90
226 Holy Angels Gabriel圣天使加百列 90
227 Shhh...嘘 91
228 He's a club member他是我们俱乐部的会员 91
229 I used to drive a school bus我以前是开校车的 91
230 My tail's wagging我在摇尾巴呢 92
231 Equal-opportunity Annoyer机会均等的骚扰者 92
Ⅳ.愚人笑话 95
232 A Letter to Her Son写给儿子的信 95
233 You haven't found it yet?你还没有找到? 95
234 I already got that side那边我已经打开了 96
235 Do not disturb请勿打搅 96
236 Checkout at 11 a.m离馆时间上午11点 96
237 Blind Driver盲人开车 97
238 Smart Raft聪明的救生筏 97
239 Wrong Deposit Slip用错了存款条 98
240 I am over 21我已满21岁 98
241 Nobody move!不许动! 99
242 A Frustrated Man沮丧的男子 99
243 A Glass Window玻璃橱窗 99
244 Bite the hook自投罗网 100
245 A Car Phone车载电话 100
246 A Strawberry Mark红色胎记 100
247 First class not for New York一等舱不到纽约去 101
248 What is Easter?复活节是什么? 101
249 A jigsaw puzzle too hard拼图游戏太难 102
250 Whiteout on the Screen荧光屏上的改正液 103
251 The other blonde inside the car在车里的另一个金发女郎 103
252 Follow a snowplow跟着扫雪车 103
253 Her mother died too她妈妈也死了 104
254 If the last engine shuts off如果最后一个引擎熄火 104
255 Greenside up绿的一面朝上 104
256 I got the license plate number我把车的牌照号码记下来了 105
257 I'm not the mother我不是妈妈 105
258 Horrible Banana可怕的香蕉 106
259 Can I have my dog back?能不能把我的狗还给我? 106
260 This is fun真有趣 107
261 No more Bart Gorman再没有巴特·戈尔曼了 107
262 Only two weeks才两个星期 107
263 Expiration Date失效日期 108
264 I still have mine我的智慧还在 108
265 How many adults?有几个大人? 108
266 Open 24/77天24小时营业 108
267 I only have a ten我只有一张十美元的 109
268 Squeeze twice for no听不见捏两下 109
269 Not so sunny阳光不那么充足 109
270 Mayday,mayday海上求救 110
271 Thank you in advance提前感谢 110
272 An Odd Noise奇特的噪音 110
273 Room Temperature室温 111
274 Expensive Crackers昂贵的饼干 111
275 I'm not the only one不光是我一个 112
276 If I don't speak English如果我不懂英语 112
277 Tomorrow's Paper明天的报纸 112
278 More than enough过犹不及 113
279 A Wig假发 113
280 University of California加利福尼亚大学 113
281 Where grandchildren from孙子、孙女从何而来 114
282 Didn't do job right工作没做好 114
283 Security Card保安磁卡 114
284 Unknown Problems未知的问题 115
285 Only for company business只能用于公司业务 115
286 Important Project重要项目 115
287 Communication Problem沟通有问题 115
288 I sold one lasagna我卖了一份意大利宽面条 115
289 I'm ready我准备好了 116
290 How badly did he play?那个鼓手打得有多糟? 116
291 The trick worked我的办法生效了 117
292 Second time split-up for good第二次永远分手 117
293 Staying up until 2 a.m.等到半夜两点 117
294 The person is on vacation那个人正在度假 118
295 The Other Half那半个人 118
296 Scheduled Lunar Eclipse安排好的月蚀 118
297 Just the money只要钱 119
298 Closer to the sunset离日落近一点 119
299 Plugged into the New Jersey side插头插在新泽西那边 119
300 Which is faster?哪一种快? 120
301 Wanted to look good希望好看一些 120
302 We'll send them a letter我们会给他们发一封信 120
303 Gift Wrapping包礼物 121
304 Put the top down把蓬顶放下来 121
305 Call in absent电话请假 121
306 Tomorrow!明天! 122
307 A Dying Lightning Bug快死的萤火虫 122
308 How much we saved?我们省了多少钱? 122
309 Q&A问题解答 123
310 I don't see any cops我没看到警察 123
311 Which Shakespeare?哪一个莎士比亚? 123
312 My First Sermon第一次讲道 124
313 But I was really sick this time可是我这一次是真的病了 124
314 My Father's Method of Accounting爸爸的计数方法 124
315 Kuwait has run out of sand科威特沙子用完了 125
316 Any trouble telling them apart有没有困难区分他们俩 125
317 Do you have this in a Nike?你们有没有耐克牌子的这种鞋? 125
Ⅴ.官僚笑话 129
318 Be prepared先准备好 129
319 Intelligent Life有智慧的生命 129
320 Finders keepers谁捡的归谁 130
321 A Tax Collector一名税务官 130
322 Give me my money把我的钱还给我 131
323 A Complaint of a Government Officer政府官员的抱怨 131
324 Official U.S.Government Property美国政府官方的财产 132
325 Destruction of Government Property破坏政府财产 132
326 A Classified Joke保密的笑话 132
327 Initial Erased Initial草签划掉的草签 133
328 Your son was born early你的儿子出生得太早了 133
329 Bring a better face带一张好脸来 133
330 Why did you leave?你为什么离开? 134
331 In case we lose one万一我们丢了一张 134
332 Ethics:Coming Soon伦理道德:即将来临 134
333 Do not refer to my wife as spouse不要把我老婆称作配偶 135
334 What about the Senate?参议院那边怎么样? 135
335 Breast-Feeding Awareness Month母乳喂养宣传月 135
336 A Tragedy悲剧 136
337 Two Candidates两个候选人 136
338 Free Kitten免费小猫 137
339 Make triplicate copies before destroy在销毁之前请复印一式三份 137
340 The Opposite反义词 137
341 There was no arriving general没有将军要来 137
342 It's your land这是你的地 138
343 Frightened Telephone Repairman吓得半死的电话修理工 138
344 Eternal Revenue Service永恒税务局 139
345 Package got lost包裹寄丢了 139
346 Don't get lost免得寄丢 139
347 Customer Appreciation Day感谢顾客日 140
Ⅵ.法律笑话 143
348 A Lawyer's Personal Integrity律师的个人诚实 143
349 A Divorce Lawyer离婚律师 143
350 Liability法律责任 144
351 An Honest Lawyer诚实的律师 144
352 What do you want it to be?你想要它等于几? 145
353 Where's my Rolex?我的劳力士表在哪里? 145
354 I'm the one我是关键人物 146
355 How are you feeling?你觉得怎么样? 146
356 You are the first你是头一个 147
357 He wasn't that fat他没有那么肥 148
358 I'm also a lawyer我也是一个律师 148
359 Kind Witness善良的目击证人 148
360 You were my lawyer你是我的辩护律师 149
361 The Guilty Room有罪室 149
362 A Heart that Hadn't Been Used从来没有用过的心脏 150
363 Local Counsel本地的辩护律师 150
364 Pollution and Solution污染和解决 150
365 I am the alligator我是鳄鱼 151
366 Outside of New York是在纽约外面 151
367 I don't know him我不认识他 151
368 He is a lawyer and an EMT他既是一个律师又是一个急救人员 152
Ⅶ.医患笑话 155
369 It's father's turn轮到父亲了 155
370 Comments Taken from Hospital Charts病历里摘录下来的精彩文字 155
371 What doctors dictated医生指示记录 155
372 In nursing home在老人院 156
373 What the heck is wrong with my wife?我太太究竟出了什么问题? 156
374 I'm a butcher我是个卖肉的 157
375 He looks just like you他长得真像你 157
376 You look better in person你本人看起来好一些 158
377 Do you have a living will?你立遗嘱了吗? 158
378 Poisonous or not有没有毒 158
379 How will I be sure?我怎么能肯定? 159
380 Everything is expensive here这里什么都贵 159
381 You can't win either way哪面也赢不了 159
382 Bite by a rabbit兔子也咬人 160
383 Don't go overboard不要过分(不要掉到水里去) 160
384 My heart was replaced last year我的心脏去年换掉了 160
385 What's his name?他叫什么名字? 161
386 I'm watching"ER"我正在看电视连续剧《急诊室》 161
387 The Cost of a Smile微笑的代价 162
388 A Brain Surgeon脑外科医生 162
389 Cross out"expert"把“专家”两个字划掉 162
390 That's just what the doctor ordered这正是医生定的 163
391 That's all I wanted to know这正是我想要知道的 163
392 It used to be a dolphin以前它只是一条海豚 164
393 I sleep with a lot of people我和很多人一起睡觉 164
394 Delete button for our mouths嘴边上装一个“删除”键 164
395 I will fill it我给你充满(我给你补上) 165
396 This is Lisa.Can I help you?我是丽莎,能为你做什么? 165
397 Start new cavities today今天就开始长新的龋齿 165
398 When were you in Austria?你什么时候去的奥地利? 166
399 Who is the patient?谁是病人? 166
400 The Only Time to Control唯一可以控制的时候 166
401 Is there a pharmacist in the house?这里有药剂师吗? 167
402 Which ear should I put the oil in?我该往哪一只耳朵里灌油呢? 167
403 You only have one eye left你只剩一只眼睛了 167
404 Taking out the ones I don't like把我不喜欢的东西挑出去 168
405 I can't wake my doctor我不能叫醒我的医生 168
406 This won't hurt a bit这一点也不疼 169
407 I'm an obstetrician我是产科医生 169
408 My patients can bite我的患者是要咬人的 169
409 In a few minutes再过几分钟 170
410 A Psychiatric Evaluation精神科医生的评估 170
411 Identity Disorder身份混乱症 170
412 Imaginary Basketball想像中的篮球 171
413 Unreachable Relief拿不到手的解脱 171
414 Is George W.Bush still President?乔治·W·布什还是总统吗? 171
415 Pay my $60 up front我先预付60美元 172
416 Go to the light走向亮光 172
417 Be true or be false忠诚或不忠诚 172
418 How long is three weeks?三个星期有多久? 173
419 Smart Investment聪明的投资 173
420 Six months to live只能活六个月了 173
421 You're just lazy你只是懒 174
422 The Next Appoinment下一次预约 174
423 Food in Hospital医院里的食物 174
424 A Good Time to Look up Old Friends访问老朋友的好时候 175
425 She's had five litters她已经下了五窝小狗了 175
426 Cane and Able残疾和自理 175
Ⅷ.技术笑话 179
427 Don't have time for girlfriend没时间找女朋友 179
428 $1 or $50,000一美元还是五万美元 179
429 Gender of Computers电脑的性别 180
430 Difference差别 181
431 Programming Contest编程竞赛 181
432 Who designed human body?谁设计了人体? 182
433 Free Space免费空间 182
434 How do you spell that?你怎么拼? 182
435 Too much time on computer在电脑上花费时间太多 183
436 Trust student better比较相信学生 183
437 Soliciting customers招揽顾客 183
438 A Tongue Twister绕口令 184
439 Worse than I Love You比我爱你更坏 184
440 Does it get cable?它能收有线电视吗? 184
441 Put your mommy on the phone让你妈接电话 185
442 I am not talking我没在讲 185
443 UNIX is not eunuchs UNIX不是太监 185
444 The United States of America Online美利坚合众国在线 186
445 How to spell AOL?AOL怎么拼? 186
446 Are you all right?你没事吧? 186
447 The Grapes of Wrath愤怒的葡萄 187
448 Scroll down往下卷 187
449 It's the only copy I have我只有一份 187
450 Search for love yielded no results搜寻爱情没有结果 188
451 My computer doesn't know Internet我的电脑不认识互联网 188
452 How is Aunt Helen feeling?海伦姨妈身体好不好? 188
453 The farmers on the Dell戴尔电脑上的农场主 189
454 What kind of line?什么样的线? 189
455 Computer Crash电脑崩溃 189
456 A man or a mouse?人还是老鼠? 190
457 This is not the Internet这里可不是互联网 190
458 Time travel is not permitted时间旅行未批准 190
459 Not a good reason说错原因 191
460 I caught two我抓到两条 191
461 Save the sunset把日落存盘 191
462 British-made英国造 192
463 The Best Troubleshoot排除故障最佳方法 192
464 She's just swearing at her computer她只是在诅咒她的电脑 192
465 Roman Numerals罗马数字 193
466 Between the keyboard and the chair在键盘和椅子之间 193
467 Contacting us by phone用电话和我们联络 193
468 A Good Student一个好学生 194
469 Updated daily每天更新 194
470 Flush Right冲洗正确 194
471 Under construction正在施工中 195
Ⅸ.警察笑话 199
472 Grand Slam大满贯 199
473 The Designated Decoy被指定的诱饵 199
474 Incriminating Evidences犯罪证据 200
475 If you hurry you can still make it如果你赶紧,还能赶得上 200
476 Only when he's DRUNK他只是在喝醉的时候才这样 200
477 I'm the groom我就是新郎 201
478 Veterinarian's Office兽医诊所 201
479 Too late to know为时已晚 202
480 What is the total cost?总共是多少钱? 202
481 No jokes,please不可开玩笑 202
482 The war is still not over南北战争还没有结束 203
483 A Good Explanation警察的解释 203
484 A Bad Day for the Couple夫妻双双被抓 204
485 Muscles in the Mirror镜子里的肌肉 204
486 Drive while on the phone开车打电话 204
487 My inspection expired我的检查证过期了 205
488 I wasn't我还没有过去 205
489 Better Speakers好一点的讲员 205
490 How long have you been waiting?你在这里等多久了? 206
491 Is it on fire?着火了吗? 206
492 The first time头一回 207
493 A Tricky Mockingbird淘气的嘲鸫鸟 207
494 I Just Stopped for the Red Light我只是等红灯 207
495 The Truth真话 208
496 No Exceptions没有例外 208
497 A Speed Trap测速陷阱 208
498 A Driving Test路考 209
499 A 14-year-old male一名14岁男孩 209
500 That's the part of me he'll see那就是他所能看见的部分 209
501 Cab for Inmates囚犯叫的出租车 210
502 A Psychic Suspect通灵的嫌疑犯 210
503 Slow down or stop慢下来还是停下来 211
504 Teaching English to prison inmates给监狱的囚犯们教英语 211
505 Don't you give out warnings?你们不给警告吗? 211
506 Radio Phonetic Alphabet无线电语音字母 211
Ⅹ.军队笑话 215
507 I'll get the new lieutenant我让新来的副官来干 215
508 Do you have change for a dollar?你能不能换一块钱硬币? 215
509 Get the enemy to eat here让敌人到这里来吃 215
510 Yes,sir是,长官 216
511 Anticipate a ride in the jeep指望坐上吉普车 216
512 The colonel is on his way上校过来了 216
513 I can't tell you我不能告诉你 217
514 The Buddy System互助系统 217
515 Earth地球 218
516 Please use other doors此门不通 218
517 A Playing Card ID扑克牌身份证 218
518 Confuzing Names困扰的名字 219
519 A Military Childhood随军子女的童年 219
520 Military English军用英语 219
521 What kind of helicopter?哪一种直升飞机? 220
522 In case of an emergency在紧急情况下 220
523 That is how I made major这是我怎样当上空军上将的 220
524 A Mother's Reaction做母亲的反应 221
525 Four Wrinkles四条褶 221
526 The fools jump蠢人跳伞 221
527 Secondhand Smoke二手烟 222
528 Drive like you work开车要像你工作一样 222
529 Is the general expecting you?将军在等你吗? 222
530 A Geologist地质学家 223
531 Returned from the Middle East从中东回来 223
532 Ten thousand flies can't be wrong一万只苍蝇错不了 223
533 Airman is undecided空军士兵尚未决定 224
534 When it quits leaking当它不再漏的时候 224
535 Always want to look your best总是要看起来最好 224
536 After September 11 9月11日以后 225
537 Donate the blood献血 225
538 That's the point这才是目的 225
539 We've never landed从来没有着陆过 226
540 Go to war上战场 226
541 Tank parking available坦克可以停 226
542 Honeybees find land mines蜜蜂找地雷 227
543 Security Checkpoint安全检查点 227
544 Junior Officer低级军官 227
545 She worries more than your knee她担心的不只是你的膝盖 228
546 Pilots or Pedestrians是飞行员还是行人 228
547 Rocket Science火箭科学 228
548 My general outranks your general我的将军比你的将军地位高 229
549 You idiots,fall out!你们这些白痴,解散! 229
550 May I see your authority to enter?我能不能看看你的进门许可? 229
551 Corporal Meeting团队会见 230
552 A Live Bomb in Class课堂上的真炸弹 230
553 Keep your mouth shut闭嘴 231
554 Cleared for takeoff你被清除,准备起飞 231
555 Decorating the lawn布置大草坪 231
556 A New Policy一项新规定 232
557 Impeccable Appearance无可挑剔的仪容 232
558 You're free to go你可以走了 232
559 Big Difference差别好大 233
560 Primary Target Acquisition Radar一级目标采集雷达 233
561 Race cars on the sea海上赛车 234
562 1 in 359三百五十九分之一 234
563 Navel Destroyers海军的驱逐舰 234
564 And just what time is that?那到底是几点钟? 235
565 Your sign was upside down你的标志拿倒了 235
566 Everything in Duplicate什么都要双份 235
567 This is my new assistant这是我的新助手 236
568 Bombing is only a hobby轰炸只是业余爱好 236
569 How do you plan on punishing me?你还能怎么惩罚我? 236
570 Resume all unnecessary work恢复一切不必要的工作 237
571 Not sentimental不是多愁善感 237
572 Let my driver answer it让我的司机来回答 237
573 Will anyone be shooting at me?会不会有人开枪打我? 238
574 Unless he has to surrender除非他不得不投降 238
575 Jewish of the Week这个星期的犹太人 238
576 Calm frayed nerves放松紧张的神经 239
577 What's the second best thing?什么是第二好的事情? 239
578 I just never saw you coming我压根就没看见你们开过来 240
579 Flattop小平头 240
580 My wife is getting pregnant this weekend我的妻子准备这个周末怀孕 240
581 Point this end at enemy这一头指向敌人 241
582 Send us all back把我们都送回去 241
583 Mission Impossible不可能的使命 241
584 Don't shoot or I'll move!不许开枪!不然我就动了! 241
585 You can grab seconds你可以吃第二份 242
586 Just drop anchor只要抛锚就行 242
587 That plane's landing这架飞机正在降落 243
588 Private Glory二等兵丽莎 243
589 Our Own Drop Zone我们自己的着陆区 243
590 Get lost!走迷路吧! 244
591 Cleared for departure无障碍,可起飞 244
592 I'm in sales,not production我是在销售部,不是在生产部 244
593 Don't you remember what comes next?你不记得接下去该干什么了吗? 245
594 It's a banjo这是班卓琴 245
595 Navy and Marine海军和海军陆战队 245
596 Why do I hear voices in my head?我为什么在我的头里听见声音? 246
Ⅺ.老人笑话 249
597 Hearing Problems重听 249
598 Jog my memory提醒我一下 249
599 First Hotel Stay头一次住旅馆 249
600 When I was your age我在你这个年纪的时候 250
601 I need to know where I'm going我得知道我要到哪里去 250
602 Wrong Direction算错方向 251
603 Live longer比较长寿 251
604 How will I manage after that?但是那以后我怎么办? 251
605 You were coughing in your sleep你睡觉的时候在咳嗽 252
606 Can you give me a push?你能不能帮我推一把? 252
607 Never get any exercise再不能锻炼身体了 253
608 We may not have 45 minutes我们可能没有45分钟了 253
609 We have sound now现在我们的电影有声音了 254
610 You didn't have that problem你没有那样的问题 254
611 It's a lie detector这是测谎器 254
612 Who is this?你是谁? 255
613 Not him.He's the second son.不是他。他是老二。 255
614 Not just one car不是只有一辆 255
615 It makes sense说得有道理 256
616 A Bright Side of Life往好的方面想 256
617 Grandpa from McDonald's麦当劳的外公 256
618 I look like I'm a hundred我看起来有一百岁 257
619 Give you a hearing test测一下你的听力 257
620 Awfully low-cut领子开得太低 257
621 We're waiting for you to leave我们是在等你们走 258
622 I wasn't listening我根本就没在听 258
623 If you're that surprised如果你那样喜出望外 259
624 Analyze everything to death把一切都分析到死 259
625 What did you teach?你是教什么的? 259
626 The Services of an Attorney律师的服务 260
627 I thought I went deaf我以为我聋了呢 260
628 Frustrated Customers沮丧的顾客 261
629 Old Man and the Chicken老人和鸡 261
630 Don't be nervous不要紧张 261
631 Old Tradition and New Technology老传统和新技术 262
632 Base Commander's Mother基地司令官的妈 262
633 50/50 平分 263
634 A 65-Year Old New Mother 65岁的新妈妈 263
635 Sprinkle a day每天撒一点 264
636 The Only Sensible Choice唯一明智的选择 264
637 Newly Assigned Mission最近指派的新任务 264
638 You followed me all the way here你一路跟我到这里 265
639 What do you do for a living?你是靠什么谋生的? 265
640 What's the difference?有区别吗? 265
641 That's a long time这是一段漫长的时间 266
642 You're rushing things你们是太性急了 266
643 A little late有点太晚了 267
644 Get on it like a horse像(骑)马那样跨上去 267
645 Cum Laude Family Cum Laude一家 267
646 A Retired Man's Day退休以后的生活 268
647 Amazing Memory惊人的记忆力 268
648 She didn't bend for most of her life她大半辈子没有弯腰 268
Ⅻ.青少年笑话 271
649 Can we drink beer on the beach?我们可以在海滩喝啤酒吗? 271
650 Practicing my trumpet我在练习吹喇叭 271
651 A trick does long way颇费周折的花招 271
652 A Big Surprise大出所料 273
653 He doesn't hate you anymore他不再恨你了 273
654 No woman can get ready in ten minutes没有女人能在十分钟就准备好的 274
655 Historical Points of Interest历史景点 274
656 Very serious about math对数学绝不马虎 274
657 Home Town家乡 275
658 A Surprise Visit出乎意料的访问 275
659 Don't worry about dinner不要担心晚饭 276
660 Encyclopedia百科全书 276
661 A New Boyfriend新交的男朋友 276
662 Brooms and Witches扫帚和巫婆 277
663 Always get double prints总是洗两套 277
664 Mr.Summertime夏天先生 277
665 I'm going left我要左转了 278
666 Too Many Coffee Shops咖啡店太多 278
667 As soon as I dig a basement一旦我挖好地下室 278
668 Lawnmower Man and His Left Foot剪草的男人和他的左脚 279
669 Loading.Please wait.正在加载,请稍等。 279
670 Save our trees节省树木 279
671 Honesty诚实 280
672 The Skinniest Player最瘦小的队员 280
673 Playing for our team替我们球队打球 280
674 That record will stand forever这个纪录永远不会被打破了 281
675 The First Thing第一件事 281
676 They're absolutely gorgeous她们都绝对漂亮 281
677 She got the job她得到了这份工作 282
678 Pushed the wrong button按错了按钮 282
679 Is that English?这是英语吗? 282
680 I didn't even read them这两本书我根本都没看 283
681 Amphibious Assault水陆两栖突袭 283
682 Thirty years younger年轻了30岁 283
683 Exciting Trip激动的旅行 284
684 O Alaska啊,阿拉斯加 284
685 Web Site Story是网站故事 285
686 Born in a barn生在牲口棚里 285
687 Parental Control家长控制 285
688 An Easy Question一道简单的题 286
689 When my hat is here,I'm here我帽子在这里,就是我在这里 286
690 They're just friends它们只是朋友 286
691 Gen-X Daughter新潮流时代女儿 287
692 A Male Applicant男性申请人 287
693 How on earth did you do that?你究竟为什么要这么干? 288
694 Knuckles drag on the floor手掌拖着地 288
695 A Real Person真的人 288
696 Fired from my first job失去我的第一份工作 289
697 Post-partying Depression宴会后忧郁症 289
698 I'm going to miss you我会想你的 289
699 My Object of Adoration我的偶像 290
700 Rich富 290
701 Free Box免费纸箱 290
702 I'm Number One我是第一名 291
703 We kept passing the money我们把钱传下去 291
704 You are full of advice你充满了忠告 291
705 Couldn't give away给不出去 292
706 Little lights swaying to the music随着音乐摇摆的小亮点 292
707 What chair?什么椅子? 292
708 Black makes you look slimmer黑色使你看起来苗条 293
709 I'm psychotic我是精神病人 293
710 Pane and Burns疼痛和烧灼 293
711 Excuse me?你说什么? 294
712 Imagination,Limited想像有限公司 294
713 John ⅩⅩⅢ Hall约翰二十三世会堂 294
714 What's your number?你的电话号码是什么? 295
715 Double Positive双重肯定 295
716 How are the rooms appointed?房间里有什么家具和设施? 295
ⅩⅢ.孩童笑话 299
717 How many birds left?还剩几只鸟 299
718 It's Little Johnny again又是小强尼 299
719 Johnny failed exam强尼考试不及格 300
720 A nickel is bigger than a dime五分的硬币比一角的大 300
721 Where is God?上帝在哪里? 300
722 God is missing上帝丢了 301
723 Will you accept the charges?你同意不同意付钱? 301
724 She was stunned她感到震惊 302
725 Little girl knows everything小姑娘什么都知道 302
726 A Life-time Punishment终生的惩罚 303
727 If you see him running如果你们看见他跑 303
728 A Hundred Percent Red Sox百分之百的红袜子 303
729 In ten years再过十年 304
730 Left her Bart in San Francisco把她的男爵遗忘在旧金山 304
731 Polite Behavior礼貌的行为 304
732 What would God want with a dead dog?上帝要一只死狗干什么? 305
733 Just say what you hear mommy say你听妈妈怎么说,你就怎么说 305
734 Bartender酒馆老板 305
735 What if we get separated?我们分开了怎么办? 306
736 E Flat Minor降E小调 306
737 Are you giving out balloons?你发气球吗? 306
738 This time he took the cage这次它连笼子一起带走了 307
739 The funny thing is the book name可笑的是书名 307
740 My mother doesn't look like that either我妈看起来也不是这样 308
741 He won the car他赢了这辆车 308
742 We're Ranch我们是农场 308
743 The more weight,the faster it goes越重跑得越快 309
744 You don't look that old你看起来没那么老 309
745 Wise woman would have brought聪明女人会带来 309
746 The oldest thing in my house我家里最老的东西 310
747 My mom puts me in the stroller too我妈妈也把我放在手推车里面 310
748 I can see the diving board我能看见跳水板 310
749 Breast Feeding喂奶 311
750 An Earnest Prayer恳切的祷告 311
751 Rabbit and Python兔子和大蟒 311
752 Work at hotels到各个旅馆去上班 312
753 Until I saw you...在看见你之前 312
754 Can't you read,either?你也不识字? 312
755 Another Train另外一辆火车 313
756 Who do I see about getting dentures?我要镶牙该看谁呀? 313
757 Something Smelled Good什么东西这么好闻 313
758 I want my mommy我要妈妈 314
759 You used to be a bear?你以前是一只熊? 314
760 Horse Zoo大马动物园 314
761 I collect moths我收集飞蛾 315
762 Catch up!赶上去! 315
763 A Giant Boy Scout一个童子军巨人 315
764 Daddy's home爸爸回来了 316
765 Which one is John Wayne?哪一个是约翰·韦恩? 316
766 Something Kids Did Not Expect孩子们并没有期待的东西 316
767 "One-two,one-two"“一二一二” 317
768 I guess that's That我想那个是“那个” 317
769 I'll give you ten bucks我给你们十块钱 318
770 A tree's not much of a present一棵树也算不上什么礼物 318
771 Children Tourists儿童旅游者 318
772 Please,make her stop求求你,让她停下来 319
ⅩⅣ.婚姻笑话 323
773 Ours is much better looking我们的好看得多 323
774 Wife or Mistress妻子还是情妇 323
775 He wouldn't be my type他不会是我喜欢的类型 324
776 Three Nos三不包 324
777 Confusing乱套 324
778 A man vs.a Woman男人和女人 325
779 Successful Man and Woman成功的男人和女人 325
780 Happy Man and Woman快乐的男人和女人 325
781 A Man vs.a Woman男人和女人的不同 325
782 Wrong Expectation错误的期待 326
783 Important Observation重要的观察 326
784 She's probably right她可能是对的 326
785 Just be satisfied就该满足了 326
786 Odds are good but the goods are odd少的是好的,但好的是少的 327
787 Everything's harder with a ring on戴着戒指干什么都比较困难 327
788 I am married to your sister我娶了你的妹妹 328
789 A Great Invention伟大的发明 328
790 Are you taking me with you?你要带我一起去吗? 329
791 I had her on her knees我让她下跪了 329
792 Together we made mud合在一起,我们就和泥 329
793 I married better和我结婚的人比你的好 330
794 Conditional Move有条件的搬出 330
795 That's sweet真甜蜜 330
796 We don't have any of those这三样我们都没有 331
797 Have they expired?它们过期了吗? 331
798 May—December Romance 5~12月罗曼史 331
799 Doing housework做家务 332
800 Make $22,000 a year一年挣两万二 332
801 I'll browse in the hardware store我在五金店里看看 332
802 Two only one两个唯一 333
803 Free Peanuts免费的花生米 333
804 I like women who get mad like that我喜欢像那样发作的女人 333
805 That guy is me那个人是我 334
806 You got the house你分得了房子 334
807 There must be some mistake这一定是弄错了 334
808 Of course当然 335
809 Lucky you你好走运 335
810 Wasn't I married to you once?我是不是曾经娶过你? 335
811 She can't sing along她就不能同时唱了 336
812 You're the only one你是唯一一个 336
813 If you smile,put them back如果你微笑,就把它们放回去 336
814 You say something worth $300你说的话值300美元 337
815 Better take the dog with you最好带着狗去 337
816 She named the boat她给船起了名字 337
817 Go in one ear and out the other一个耳朵进,另一个耳朵出 338
818 I can't find one my wife will believe我找不到一张卡我太太会相信 338
819 Who did I ask to go to the dump?我邀请谁和我一起去垃圾场了? 338
820 I am going to use my maiden name我要用我的娘家姓了 339
821 Which door you can fit through哪一个门你能过得去 339
822 The Atlantic Ocean大西洋 339
823 Love didn't stick爱没有粘住 340
824 Priceless无价之宝 340
825 He is already used to taking orders他已经习惯于服从命令 340
826 A Smart Message一封聪明的信 341
827 My ex-husband was in the Army我的前夫也是在陆军 341
828 Men and Parking Spots男人和停车位 342
829 Difference between Man and Woman男人和女人的区别 342
830 My hands fit perfectly around his neck我的两只手刚好卡住他的脖子 342
831 Ten New Pairs of Shoes十双新鞋 343
832 You didn't miss a thing你什么也没耽误 343
833 Calling the boyfriend打电话给男朋友 343
834 40 Year Curse 40年的咒语 344
835 It's thirty-six percent more baby这是个重了36%的婴儿 344
ⅩⅤ.黑色笑话 347
836 A Flattered Man受宠若惊的男人 347
837 My First Day with the Hook第一天用假手 347
838 He made his own lunch他自己准备的午餐 348
839 The numbers followed 9-1-1 9-1-1后面的号码 349
840 Blind Golfer盲人高尔夫球手 349
841 Yield让 350
842 Who honked the horn谁按了喇叭 350
843 As soon as you wake up一醒过来 350
844 Stoop so low腰弯得这么低 351
845 The Worst Day最倒霉的一天 351
846 Change dark blue suit换深蓝色西装 351
847 The female brain has never been used这颗女性的脑子从来没有用过 352
848 I was to say something我是想说什么 352
849 But you don't have a pool可是你没有游泳池 353
850 The Last Known Position所知道的最后位置 354
851 False Teeth假牙 354
852 Fixed Income固定收入 354
853 I can bite my eye我能咬自己的眼睛 355
854 The First Ride第一次骑车 355
855 Not just once不只是一次 356
856 I've just been de-wormed我刚才吃了驱虫药 356
857 We figured it was a joke我们以为这是恶作剧 356
858 Look,death row瞧,死囚牢房 357
859 Are you hurt?你摔坏了吗? 357
860 What a waste白费力气 357
861 Don't call me不要打电话给我 358
862 How many cars did you hit?你撞了几辆车? 358
863 That was my stop我该在刚才那一站下车 358
864 Good Facts about Abraham Lincoln亚伯拉罕·林肯做的好事 359
865 What's in the box?那盒子里装的是什么? 359
866 Where's the car?你的车在哪里? 359
867 My car is the one on fire我的车是那辆正在着火的 360
868 See you!再见! 360
869 What does the ticket say?这票上怎么说? 360
870 The man missed his flight这个男子误机了 361
871 Three of the people have died这些人当中有三个已经死了 361
872 Violators will be squeezed违反者将被挤扁 362
873 It has a lifetime warranty它是终身包用的 362
874 Saddest Story最伤心的故事 362
875 It's supposed to fly too它还应该是能飞的 363
876 He no longer lived at that address他已经不在那个地址住了 363
877 That's how I stop the car too我也是这样停车的 364
878 I'm the only gravedigger in town我是小镇上唯一的掘墓人 364
879 Where to wear the wedding ring结婚戒指戴在哪里 364
880 The Rest of Your Life你余下的生命 365
881 That chute is yours这个降落伞就是你的 365
882 A Runaway Submarine一艘失控的潜艇 365
883 When do I pull the rip cord?我什么时候拉伞绳? 366
884 Practicing on my father's clients在我父亲的客户那里练的 366
885 Our dog ate your lunch我们的狗吃了你的午饭 367
886 My coffee was never stolen again我的咖啡再没有被偷 367
887 PIG!猪! 367
888 If you'd have opened the fridge如果你当时打开冰箱的话 368
889 It's for the funeral这是为葬礼准备的 368
890 The Shortest and the Widest Runway最短最宽的跑道 369
891 For safety reasons为了安全的缘故 369
892 Those fools!这帮笨蛋! 369
893 Good-bye mother!妈妈再见 370
894 Count down倒计时 371
895 I hung him up to dry是我把他挂起来晾干的 371
896 Show him,honey亲爱的,让医生看看 371
897 The Last Note最后的便条 372
898 That would sound more like this那更像这个声音 372
899 First Thing You See in the Next World下一个世界里看到的第一样东西 373
900 Protective Surveillance保护监控 373
901 Cradle-to-grave Job从摇篮到坟墓的职业 373
902 I went out and followed some tracks我出门,沿着踪迹走 374
903 The Twist and Shout扭而喊 374
904 Hole in One一杆进洞 375
ⅩⅥ.语言笑话 379
905 I only bought a little pot我只买了一个小瓦罐(一点大麻) 379
906 Which way was it headed?它往哪个方向去了? 379
907 That's why we ask这就是为什么我们要问 379
908 Poles and Holes波兰人和荷兰人 380
909 Military Intelligence军事情报部 380
910 Zero Malley,sir报告长官,零矛利 380
911 A One-word Telegraph一个字的电报 381
912 E-mail from Another Country从另一个国家发来的电子邮件 381
913 It's easier just to be Ed还是叫艾德比较方便 382
914 Why is she wearing two coats?她为什么穿两件大衣? 382
915 Bland温和,淡而无味 383
916 Married again又结婚了 383
917 Sunny Anna Rainey晴天和雨天 383
918 I'm in some pain too我也有些痛 384
919 My last name is Locke我姓佬克 384
920 Her last name is Hazzard她姓哈扎特(危险) 384
921 Loss of Consciousness失去知觉 385
922 Fire at Will!向威尔开炮! 385
923 We missed you我们想念你 385
924 Just in case以防万一 386
925 9 items or fewer九件商品以下 386
926 New Meaning of Family Jewels家庭首饰的新含义 386
927 Compound Nouns合成名词 387
928 I also cut you an s我也剪掉你一个s 387
929 Montana and California蒙大拿对加利福尼亚 387
930 Gifts for 40th Birthday四十大寿的礼物 388
931 Are you lightheaded?你觉得头晕目眩吗? 388
932 Dental Patient or Mental Patient牙科病人还是精神病人 388
933 Hare and Turtle野兔和乌龟 389
934 Full Gallop全速飞奔 389
935 Psychologist or Psycho是心理医生还是精神病 389
936 We would prefer you to go there我们希望你用那一间 390
937 Local Honey Dates Nuts本地的宝贝约会傻瓜 390
938 Succinct言简意赅 390
939 In a wreck健康情况极差 391
940 I was Libyan我是利比亚人 391
941 Will it be long?要等很久吗? 391
942 Symmetric Name对称的名字 392
943 Skip Church不去教堂 392
944 1415 or 14:15 1415年,不是14点15分 392
945 Notorious Notary臭名昭著的公证员 393
946 Is she in Paine or Hacking?她是疼痛还是干咳? 393
947 Do you give validation?你们给不给免费停车? 393
948 Writing:For the Sell of It为卖而写作 394
949 New Larger Bills新的更贵的账单 394
950 Duck,Duck,Goose鸭子、鸭子、鹅 395
951 Instructions for the Assembly of God给基督徒聚会所的指令 395
952 I finished off her life我结束了她的生命 395
953 Are you losing your hearing?你们有没有丧失听力? 396
954 What is your position?你的位置?你的职位? 396
955 What does ARMY stand for?陆军ARMY是什么意思? 396
956 Floors 3,4 and 5 have been removed三楼、四楼、五楼已经去除 397
957 Does this Jim have a last name?你这个吉姆姓什么? 397
958 Peculiar Job Description怪异的职位描述 397
959 What's one typo?什么是笔误? 398
960 He's tied up in the vault他被金库的事情缠住了 398
961 Burnt Mattress烧焦的床垫 398
962 I thought I wanted a tattoo我以为我需要一个刺青 399
963 There's no I in team!团队里面没有我! 399
964 A Different Meaning另外一种意思 399
965 Shake machine broken摇机器坏 400
966 Foot脚,英尺 400
967 No load too large or too small不论大小 400
968 Which denomination?什么面额?什么教派? 401
969 A New Title一个新职位 401
970 Change road sign改路牌 401
971 Sir Charge军官附加费 402
972 Infantry and Infants步兵和婴儿 402
973 They're looking for the elevator他们是在找电梯 402
974 Compound Interest复利 403
975 He's in Persia,golfing他在波斯,打高尔夫球 403
976 Reserve保留,预备役 403
977 Crow and Raven乌鸦和渡鸦 404
978 What genre?什么文学题材? 404
979 I'm in my first trimester我是在怀孕三个阶段的第一阶段 404
980 Fitzwater is not water Fitzwater不是一种饮料 405
981 Lisa knows karaoke丽莎会唱卡拉OK 405
982 Are you ambulatory?你是能走动的吗? 406
983 Hominy?玉米片粥吗? 406
984 Free Zucchini解放西葫芦 406
985 Our Specials我们的特色菜 407
986 Going into the clergy进牧师的肚子,当牧师 407
987 Premenstrual Syndrome经前综合症 407
988 Another PMS另一个经前综合症 408
989 Dolt笨蛋,傻瓜 408
990 Retain保留,挡住 408
991 A Person Who Has No Life一个没有生活(生命)的人 409
992 You're the man who needs a shower你就是那个要淋浴的男人 409
993 The copier was jammed复印机卡纸了 409
994 iud4u给你子宫内避孕器 410
995 Singed轻度烧伤 410
996 Four Skunks四只臭鼬 410
997 Mike's my nickname麦克是我的外号 411
998 Black and Gus布莱克和嘎斯 411
999 Speech Recognition语音识别 411
1000 Howard be thy name...霍华德是你的名字 412
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