- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:胡锡骥主编
- 出 版 社:北京:农业出版社
- 出版年份:1993
- ISBN:7109022013
- 页数:516 页
Lesson One 1
Text:Food,Agriculture and Nutrition 1
E.R.*:(Ⅰ)Food And Population 11
(Ⅱ)Agriculture 15
Lesson Two 19
Text:The Changes in Beef Production in U.S 19
E.R.:(Ⅰ)The Change in Cattle Raising 29
(Ⅱ)Coarse Grains and Livestock 30
Lesson three 34
Text:Net Investment and Economic Growth 34
E.R.:(Ⅰ)John Maynard Keyness 42
(Ⅱ)Gross National Product 44
Lesson Four 47
Text:Accounting 47
E.R.:(Ⅰ)Accounting 56
(Ⅱ)Farm Planning 57
Lesson Five 61
Text:Production Units as Input-Output-Systems 61
E.R.:(Ⅰ)Fixed and Variable Costs 68
(Ⅱ)Blackbox 70
Lesson Six 72
Text:How is Economics Applied to Agriculture? 72
E.R.:Nature of Agricultural Economics 82
Lesson Seven 86
Text:The Basic Concepts of Linear Programming 86
E.R.:(Ⅰ)Uses of Linear Programming 94
(Ⅱ)Applying Linear Programming 96
Lesson Eight 98
Text:The Language of the Computer 98
E.R.:(Ⅰ)Fifth-Generation Computer 109
(Ⅱ)The Attributes of Computer 112
Lesson Nine 116
Text:Economics of Agricultural Production 116
E.R.:(Ⅰ)A Farm Size and Cost Economies 128
(Ⅱ)Returns to Scale versus Economies of Size 130
esson Ten 134
Text:The Role of Sampling Theory 134
E.R.:Advantages of the Sampling Method 141
Lesson Eleven 145
Text:Decision-Making 145
E.R.:The Decision-Making Process(1) 156
Lesson Twelve 162
Text:Efficiency and Productivity Analysis Factors 162
E.R.:(Ⅰ)The Decision-Making Process(2) 172
(Ⅱ)Analysis Factors for Livestock Farms 174
Lesson Thirteen 176
Text:The Economic Policies of Low-Income Countries 176
E.R.:Economic Development and Changes in Agriculture 189
Lesson Fourteen 193
Text:Diagnosing a Farm Profitability Problem 193
E.R.:Measures Which Attempt to Reduce Farm Costs 201
Lesson Fifteen 207
Text:Inflation 207
E.R.:(Ⅰ)Inflation 215
(Ⅱ)The Argument about Inflation 218
Lesson Sixteen 222
Text:Rural Life 222
E.R.:(Ⅰ)The Development of Rural Towns 237
(Ⅱ)The Business Structure of Farms 239
Lesson Seventeen 244
Text:Agricultural Productivity and Resource Mobility 244
E.R.:(Ⅰ)The Change in Inputs to Agriculture 254
(Ⅱ)Markets and the Market Economy 255
Lesson Eighteen 260
Text:Analysis of Food and Agricultural Policies for the Eighties 260
E.R.:(Ⅰ)The Impacts of Agricultural Policies 272
(Ⅱ)Farmer Cooperatives 274
Lesson Nineteen 277
Text:The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 277
E.R.:(Ⅰ)The Parity Price 286
(Ⅱ)Sources of Farm Credit 287
Lesson Twenty 294
Text:Assumptions in the Theory of Comparative Advantage 294
E.R.:(Ⅰ)Absolute Advantage vs.Comparative Advantage 304
(Ⅱ)Tariffs and Quotas 307
Lesson Twenty-One 311
Text:Twenty-five Years of Common Agricultural Policy:Balance Sheet and Prospects 311
E.R.:(Ⅰ)The New Farmer 322
(Ⅱ)Agricultural Structure Policy 324
Lesson Twenty-Two 328
Text:Monetary Policy Targets 328
E.R.:Money as a Store of Value 337
Chinese Translations 341
Vocabulary 443
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