- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李华东著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787030200082
- 页数:224 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 The rationale of the study 2
1.2 Objectives of the study 4
1.3 Methodology of the study 5
1.4 Outline of the book 6
Chapter 2 Stylistics of drama:The state of the art 7
2.1 The pre-stylistic period 8
2.1.1 The traditional literary critical approach 8
2.1.2 The rhetorical-poetic approach 9
2.2 The early stylistic period:The poetic-fictional approach 11
2.3 The pragmatic and discourse analysis period:The study of the dialogue 13
2.4 The pragmastylistic period:The study of stage directions 14
2.5 A comparison and contrast of the different approaches 16
2.6 Summary 18
Chapter 3 Pragmatics as a perspective on dramatictc texts 20
3.1 The view of pragmatics as a tool kit 20
3.2 The view of pragmatics as a perspective on language 22
3.3 Different contributions of discourse analysis and pragmatics to stylistics of drama 24
3.4 A pragmatic perspective on dramatic texts 26
3.4.1 The phonological level 27
3.4.2 The semantic level 32
3.5 Summary 36
Chapter 4 Stage directions as an important object for stylistic analysis 38
4.1 Some theoretical preliminaries 38
4.1.1 Which is the object of stylistics of drama,text or perform-ance? 39
4.1.2 The double-level structure of the dramatic discourse 45
4.1.3 The production and comprehension of dramatic message 52
4.1.4 Speech,act,and semiotics 55
4.1.5 "Video discourse analysis"and"visualized discourse analysis" 58
4.2 Stage directions as an important object for stylistic analysis 60
4.2.1 Deletion and substitution:A way to elicit the importance of stage directions for stylistics of drama 62
4.2.2 Stage directions in classical plays 87
4.3 Summary 93
Chapter 5 From page to stage:A pragmastylistic perspective on stage directions 96
5.1 Pragmastylistics of drama:An integrated theory 96
5.1.1 Defining pragmastylistics of drama 96
5.1.2 Research questions drama pragmasty listicians attempt to answer 100
5.1.3 The procedure for pragmastylistic analysis of dramatic texts 101
5.2 A pragmastylistic perspective on stage directions of drama 105
5.2.1 A pragmastylistic perspective on stage directions 105
5.2.2 An analytical procedure of stage directions 107
5.2.3 Analyzing and tagging the stage direction unit:An example 120
5.3 Summary 126
Chapter 6 Characterization revealedin stage directions 127
6.1 Introduction 129
6.1.1 Yu's stylistic study of the play 129
6.1.2 My research questions 130
6.2 Methodology 131
6.2.1 Samples for analysis 131
6.2.2 Process of analysis 133
6.3 Results and discussion 133
6.3.1 General statistics 133
6.3.2 Characterization revealed by stage directions 145
6.4 Summary 159
Chapter 7 Conclusion 163
7.1 Summary of the study 163
7.2 Significance of the study 166
7.3 Implications of the study 168
7.4 Limitations of the study and suggestions for further exploration 170
References 172
Appendix 178
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- 《远去的战马 上》萨仁托娅,李东东著 2019
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