Advances in Chromosome Sciences Vol.1 Chromosome Sciences in the New Millennium Proceedings of the 1PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(日)Kiichi Fukui,Zhiyong Xin Editors
- 出 版 社:北京:中国农业科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7801195752
- 页数:485 页
Progress of Marker-Assisted Selection for Wheat in KLCGB&J.Z.Jia et al. 1
Unique Cytogenetic Studies in Japan&ENDO Takashi R. 6
Studies on Botanical Resources and Chromosomes in ROK&BANG Jaewook 10
Plant Genomics by Visualization of Genomes, Chromosomes and Genes&MUKAI Yasuuhiko 13
Chromosomal Localization of the 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA Loci in Thinopyrum ponticum (Podp.) Liu Wang and Related Diploid Species by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization&LI Dayong et al 18
Genomic Distribution and Organization of MITE Sequences in Graminae Species&KIM Namsoo et al 26
Barley Chromosomes Addition to Common Wheat&KOBA Takato 29
Advances of Wheat Breeding for Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus Resistance by Biotechnology&XIN Zhiyong et al 32
Use of Perennial Triticeae as Genetical Resources for Wheat Breeding&TSUJIMOTO Hisashi et al. 35
Phylogenetic Analysis of Ixeris and Its Allied Genera&PAK Jaehong et al. 37
Rapid Genome Evolution in Polyploid Wheat&LIU Bao et al 41
Chromosome Science as the Science of the 21st Century&FUKUI Kiichi 47
矮化型八倍体小偃麦TAI7044的染色体C-带分析&畅志坚等 51
Detection of New 1 BL.1 RS Wheat-rye Chromosomal Translocation by GISH and C-banding Analysis&KO Jongmin 55
Atomic Force Microscopy of Human Chromosormes&USHIKI Tatsuo et al 60
水稻5S rDNA和着丝粒顺序的Fiber-FISH分析&李宗芸等 63
小麦显性矮秆基因Rht 10候选基因的分离与克隆&夏兰芹等 68
Molecular Analysis for Detection of Wheat-rye Translocation Line&SEO Bongbo et al. 74
Karyotype Analysis of Medicago ruthenica&Eerdungaridi et al. 77
Physical Mapping of the 18S-26S rDNA by Fluorescent in situ Hybridization (FISH) in Two Species of Camellia (Theaceae)&Xiao Hua et al. 80
Genomic Organization of Wheat Centromere&GO Suzuki et al. 86
Molecular Organization of Constitutive Heterochromatinin Allium cepa&Geum Sook Do et al. 90
On the origin of Lycoris chejuensis (Amaryllidaceae)&LEE Byongsoon et al. 95
Cytogeography of Sanguisorba parviflora s.1.(Rosaceae) in Asia&Mishima Misako 98
小麦中携带黄矮病抗性基因中间偃麦草染色体易位片段的分子鉴定&张增艳等 101
Identification of Parental and Recombinant Chromosomes in Derivatives of a Bigeneric Hybrid between Gasteria lutzii and Aloe aristata by Genomic in situ Hybridization&TAKAHASHI Chigusa et al. 107
Image analysis of plant chromosomes by using CHIAS Ⅲ&KATO Seiji et al. 110
The Creation and Identification of Primary Trisomics of Rice&QIN Ruizhen et al. 113
FISH Analysis Revealed Random Distribution of Chromosomes of Arabidopsis Male Sterile Mutant,sds , during Meiosis I&AZUMI Yoshitaka et al. 120
Detection of alien genes in transgenic rice using fluorescence in situ hybridization&JIN Weiwei et al. 123
High Resolution FISH for Gene Mapping and Molecular Analysis of Rice Chromosomes&OHMIDO Nobuko et al. 128
小麦与高冰草不对称体细胞杂种F5代部分株系的根尖染色体数目及核型分析&陈穗云 131
Identification of Wheat-Barley Recombinant Chromosomes Using PCR Markers&MURAI Koji et al. 136
Physical Mapping of Two Single-copy Stress-related Genes in Maize (Zea Mays L.) by FISH&NING Shunbin et al. 140
In Situ Localization of Telomere-Associated Sequences on Extended DNA Fibers of Silene latifolia&CARTAGENA Joyce A.et al. 147
小麦-冰草异源二体附加系的分子鉴定及其重要基因的染色体定位&王文泉 150
Centromeric Histone H4 Acetylation in Hordeum vulgare&WAKO Toshiyuki et al. 157
小麦有丝分裂过程中染色体的空间分布构型&冯九焕 160
Variation in Ploidy of Anther-derived Regenerants in Brussels Sprouts (Brassica oleracea var.gemmifera)&ZHOU Yuanchang et al. 167
Chromosome-Mediated Genetic Transfer Using Micro- Beads&SONE Takefumi et al. 174
DNA Content Variation in Maize (Zea mays L.) Chromosome 1&PARK Seongwhan et al. 178
G-banded Human Chromosomes Observed by Atomic Force Microscopy&HOSHI Osamu et al. 181
偃麦草有利种质向普通小麦中的导入及其鉴定&傅体华 183
Unstability of Genomic Constitution of Polyploid Oats (genus Avena)&HAYASAKI Mikako et al 188
Test cross evidence for discrimination of wheat-rye complex translocation 1RS.7DS, 1BL.7DL and development of triple translocations 1RS.7DS, 1BL.7DL, 6VS.6AL between Triticum aestivum L3, Secale cereale L3and Haynaldia villosa L3Schur.&Qi Zengjun et al 192
Development of Chromosome Specific Molecular Markers in Dioecious Rumex acetosa L&JIN Dongchun et al. 197
FISH和C-分带相结合的方法鉴定小麦-多枝赖草异附加系&葛荣朝等 201
Karyotype Analysis of Rosa multifora Thunb.by Means of Giemsa Staining and FISH&KAMBARA Kumiko et al. 204
中间偃麦草与黑麦之间关系的GISH分析&吉万全等 207
柚(Citrus grandis Osbeck)单染色体微克隆文库的构建&黄代青等 211
利用杀配子染色体诱发染色体易位的研究&李集临等 216
濒危植物疏花水柏枝核型及其染色体双线期构型研究&何子灿等 221
AFLP Fingerprinting in Lupins&HAI Lin et al. 225
合成棉花[AG]复合基因组的研究&李炳林等 231
簇毛麦端体6VS端体异代换系的鉴定、显微切割和微克隆&孔凡 晶等 242
中国杏属植物核型研究&林盛华 248
Confirmation of Chromosomal Constitution by Means of Karyotype and Genomic In Situ Hybridization of an Intergeneric Hybrid between Brassica campestris and Raphanus sativus&LIM Sunjung et al 253
Karyotype Analysis of a Korean Cucumber Cultivar (Cucumis sativus L.cv.Winter Long) Using C-banding and Bicolor FISH&KOO Dalhoe et al 255
Phylogenetic Relationship of Genus Rubus L.(Rosoideae , Rosaceae) in ROK&YANG Jiyoung et al. 257
Chromosomal Assignment of the Garlic BAC clones Using FISH Technique&LEE Hyeran.et al. 259
Chromosome Studies by Means of Tissue Culture, C - banding Patterns and Physical Mapping in the Genus Allium&SED Bongbo et al. 261
Differences of Centromeric Repeats in Hordeum vulgare and H.bulbosum&KIM Namsoo 263
Detection of Abasic Site on Single DNA Molecules using Fluorescence Microscopy&HIROSE Tamaki et al. 266
基因组原位杂交(GISH)技术鉴定柑橘有性杂种&陈春丽等 269
玉米再生植株的染色体变异和RAPD分析&张可炜等 273
内蒙古中温型草原带重要饲用植物细胞地理学研究&闫贵兴等 278
小麦株高及产量性状QTLs位点分子标记的研究&杨文利等 281
Genorruc in situ hybridization analysis on intergeneric hybrids between Brassica species and Orychophragmus violaceus&LI Zaiyun et al. 285
Analyses of Progenies and Their Parents for Zea mays × Zea diploperennis Using GISH&WEI Wenhui et al. 291
小偃麦新种质绿中1的外源染色体鉴定&裴自友等 293
DNA分子荧光原位杂交技术的发展与应用&陈发棣 297
水稻转化体染色体G-显带鉴定&张福泉等 301
花烛属植物的核型分析&张成合等 306
四川枇杷属植物核型变异与系统演化研究&梁国鲁等 311
应用C分带—原位杂交技术定位黑麦45SrRNA基因&马有志等 317
节节麦的G-带核型及其变动性分析&佘朝文等 322
Natural Infection of European Stone Fruit Yellows Phytoplasma and of Its Experimental Transmission in Different Plum Varieties&TIAN Jianbao et al. 328
几种甘蓝类蔬菜基因组DNA的AFLP分析&孙德岭等 331
麦类远缘杂种染色质穿壁转移与染色体数目的变化&李浩兵等 335
野生拟南芥生长素结合蛋白基因克隆及结构分析&谢永红等 339
黄麻DNA提取与RAPD分析方法研究&周东新等 345
抗条锈小麦—中间偃麦草衍生系的分子细胞遗传学研究&王长有等 351
应用RAPD标记检测导入普通小麦中的Ely7nus rectisetus遗传物质&鲁玉柱等 355
携带中间偃麦草黄矮病抗性基因的染色体DNA文库的构建&马有志等 360
从中间偃麦草2Ai-2染色体的微克隆文库鉴定特异性DNA序列&何聪芬等 365
小麦耐盐突变体盐胁迫下cDNA片段的克隆与分析&陈桂平等 369
植物转基因沉默的分子机理与预防对策&段发平等 375
抗除草剂转基因水稻杂交后代bar基因的遗传研究&王才林等 380
山葵(Eutrema wasabia)品种间RAPD标记遗传多样性分析&陈文炳等 388
抗黄矮病小麦品系RAPD标记的研究&王丽丽等 394
苎麻栽培品种亲缘关系的RAPD分析&揭雨成等 398
甘薯近缘野生种Ipomoea trifida (2X、 6X)的核型分析&梁国鲁等 404
柑橘多倍体的自然发生与利用&向素琼等 408
特异同源三倍体水稻材料SAR-3细胞学观察&张 静等 413
利用SSR鉴定普通小麦-多枝赖草二体异附加系Line24中外源染色体同源群的归属&郭光艳等 420
同源四倍体大白菜小孢子培养获得三体的研究&申书兴等 425
利用染色体工程产生新1RS/1BL易位系的细胞学基础&张怀渝等 430
T.spelta小麦1BS染色体Rf3-rfv 1基因重组率分析&何蓓如等 435
玉米自交系籽粒清蛋白在F1代遗传表现的初步研究&陈景堂等 440
作物种子中PEPCase活性及其对蛋白质/油脂含量比率的调控作用&陈锦清 445
热带Suwan玉米群体遗传变异的研究&郭国亮等 452
四倍体“皇家嘎啦”苹果的培育及其生物学特性研究&刘庆忠等 458
梨成熟胚子叶不定芽诱导及其不定芽起源的细胞组织学研究&孙清荣等 464
中国薏苡属植物薏苡×川谷F1的细胞学研究&杜维俊等 469
蔬菜种子多年超干贮存与遗传稳定性的研究&孟淑春等 473
小黑麦染色体工程育种&孙元枢等 477
小麦花粉单倍体的染色体工程&张相岐等 481
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