看东方 游中国PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:曾宪玲,邹金泰主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海世界图书出版公司
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7506288753
- 页数:345 页
Part Ⅰ Tourist Guide 1
1.Popular Scenic Sites 3
2.Suggested Itineraries 28
3.A Travel Map 34
Part Ⅱ Learning Chinese 35
1.Basic Sentence Patterns 37
Common Phrases 37
Greetings 39
Gratitude/Appreciation 40
Good Wishes 40
Apology 41
Consent 41
Disagreement 42
Advice 43
Asking favors 43
Suggestions 44
2.Conversations about Daily Life 46
Asking Directions 46
Going by Subway 49
Making a Telephone Call 52
Going Shopping 56
At the Post Office 60
At the Hotel 64
At the Bank 67
At a Restaurant 72
At the Airport 77
Making New Friends 79
At the Railway Station 83
Sightseeing 86
Renting a House 89
Talking about Hobbies 92
At the Barbershop 94
At the Hairdresser's 97
At a Foreign Book Store 100
At the Laundry 103
Taking a Taxi 106
Taking a Bus 109
Talking about Family 111
Talking about Activities 114
Saying Goodbye 117
Receiving Visitors 120
Talking about Seasons and Weather 123
Visiting Doctors 126
Going to a Show 130
Going to Church 133
Part Ⅲ Chinese History and Culture 137
1.China from Ancient Dynasties to Modern Times 139
2.The Great Thinkers in Chinese History 147
3.Religion in China 153
4.Chinese Opera 156
5.Famous Painters of Modern Times 165
6.Ancient Popular Poets and Calligraphers 171
7.Special Regional Food 178
8.Traditional Chinese Medicine 193
9.The History of the Great Wall 197
10.Chinese Legends and Folklore 199
11.Duan Wu Jie:Dragon Boat Raue and Rice Dumpling 206
12.Culture Differences between East and West 209
13.Tips for Tourists 215
14.Bargaining in China 219
Appendices 221
1.Chinese Festivals 223
2.Auspicious Characters,Phrases and Traditional Meanings for Flowers and Animals 225
3.Numbers 229
4.Chinese Horoscope 232
5.Understand Pin Yin 234
6.China's Provinces and Municipalities Directly Under the Central Government 237
Basic Dictionary 241
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