- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李小鸽,何慎怡编写
- 出 版 社:长沙:湖南教育出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7535532004
- 页数:248 页
A 1
1.above,over 1
2.accept,receive 1
3.ache,pain 2
4.admit,allow,let,permit 3
5.affair,business,matter 4
6.afraid,frightened 6
7.after,behind 7
8.aged,old,elderly 7
9.ago,before 9
10.aid,assist,help 10
11.alive,living,live 11
12.all,entire,total,whole 12
13.almost,nearly 14
14.alone,lonely 15
15.also,too,either,as well 16
16.always,often,frequently 16
17.answer,reply 18
18.appearance,look 19
19.army,troops,forces 20
20.arrive,come,reach,get to 21
21.as,when,while 23
22.as,because,since,for 24
23.ask,beg,request,require,demand 26
24.ask,inquire,question 27
25.assistant,helper 29
B 29
26.battle,fight,war 29
27.beautiful,handsome,good-looking,pretty 30
28.begin,start 32
29.below,under 33
30.besides,except 34
31.between,among 35
32.big,great,large 35
33.boat,ship 37
34.borrow,lend 37
35.bright,clever,smart,wise 38
36.bring,carry,fetch,get,take 39
37.broad,wide 40
38.build,put up,set up 41
C 43
39.call on,drop in,see,visit 43
40.catch,seize,hold 44
41.cause,reason 45
42.center,middle,heart 46
43.certain,sure 48
44.chance,opportunity 49
45.chilly,cool,cold,freezing 50
46.choose,elect,pick,select 51
47.city,town 53
48.clean,tidy 53
49.close,shut 54
50.close,near 55
51.clothes,clothing,dress 55
52.complete,finish,end 56
53.complete,perfect 57
54.connect,join 58
55.consider,regard 59
56.continue,go on 60
57.conversation,dialogue,talk 61
58.correct,right 62
59.country,nation,state 63
60.couple,pair 64
61.crazy,mad 65
D 66
62.damage,destroy,ruin 66
63.damp,wet 67
64.dear,expensive 68
65.decide,determine 69
66.deliver,post,send 70
67.different,various 71
68.difficult,hard 71
69.divide,separate 72
70.dress,put on,wear,have on 73
71.drop,fall 75
72.drug,medicine 76
E 76
73.each,every 76
74.earn,gain,get,win 77
75.effect,result 79
76.elder,older 80
77.examination,test 80
78.excuse,pardon,forgive 81
79.exercise,drill,practice,training 82
80.expect,hope,wish 83
F 84
81.family,home,house 84
82.farther,further 85
83.fast,rapid,quick,swift 86
84.final,last 87
85.finally,at last,in the end 88
86.find,look for 89
87.fix,mend,repair 90
G 91
88.game,play,sport 91
89.gift,present 92
90.glare,stare 93
H 94
91.habit,custom 94
92.happen,take place,occur 94
93.have,hold,keep 95
94.have,own,possess 96
95.have to,must 97
96.healthy,well,fit 97
97.hear,listen 98
98.high,tall 99
99.hill,mountain 100
100.holiday,vacation 101
101.hot,warm 101
102.hotel,inn 102
I 102
103.ill,sick 102
J 103
104.join,take part in 103
105.journey,trip,tour,travel 104
K 105
106.kind,sort,type 105
L 106
107.learn,study 106
108.lift,raise,rise 107
109.like,love,enjoy,be fond of 108
110.likely,possible,probable 110
111.look,see,watch,notice,observe 112
112.loud,loudly,aloud 113
M 114
113.many,much,a good/great many,a great number of,a great deal of,a lot of,lots of,plenty of 114
114.maybe,perhaps,possibly,probably 117
115.method,way 118
N 119
116.need,require,want 119
117.noise,sound 120
O 121
118.offer,give 121
P 122
119.pay,salary,wage 122
120.problem,question 123
121.produce,product,production 124
122.provide,supply 125
Q 126
123.quiet,still,silent 126
R 127
124.real,true 127
125.refuse,reject 129
126.remain,stay 129
127.rescue,save 130
128.rob,steal 131
S 132
129.say,speak,talk,tell 132
130.seat,sit 134
131.story,tale 135
132.street,road,way,path,avenue 135
133.strike,hit,beat 137
W 138
134.wake,waken,awake,awaken 138
135.work,job,task 140
136.worth,worthy,worthwhile 141
137.wound,injure,hurt 142
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