![津律英语核心术语 实务高阶](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/40/s6fea962.jpg)
![津律英语核心术语 实务高阶](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/40/s6fea962.jpg)
津律英语核心术语 实务高阶PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:屈文生,张丽,李静霞编著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:7302164509
- 页数:743 页
A 1
ab initio 1
abandonment 3
abatement 6
abduction 8
ability 11
abortion 14
abuse 16
acceptance 18
accessory 19
accomplice 22
accord and satisfaction 24
acknowledgment 26
actus reus 28
ad hoc 30
adjudicator 33
adversary 34
affirmative defense 37
aggravate 39
alien 42
annulment 43
anti-dumping 45
arraignment 47
assault 49
assignment 52
authority 54
autopsy 57
B 60
ballot 60
bankruptcy 61
battered woman syndrome 62
beneficiary 65
Berne Convention 67
bicameral 69
board of directors 71
board of supervisors 73
bulk 74
bylaws 75
C 78
cabinet 78
Canon law 80
capacity 83
cell 85
certification mark 87
certiorari 88
chattel 90
chief justice 92
circuit court 95
civil death 97
civil liberties 99
civil wrong 100
class action 101
coercion 103
commission 105
community property 106
comparative negligence 108
conclusion 109
concurrent estates 111
concurrent jurisdiction 112
confinement 114
confirmation 116
conflict of laws 118
confrontation 119
consensus 122
consent 123
consequential damages 125
consign 127
conspiracy 128
Constitutional Convention 131
constitutionality 134
contempt of court 136
contingency fee 138
contract of sale 140
contravene 141
contributory negligence 144
conversion 147
conveyance 148
corporal punishment 150
corporate veil 152
Corpus Juris Civilis 154
counteroffer 156
court-martial 157
court of admiralty 159
Court of Chancery 163
covenant 166
coverage 167
creditor 169
criminal complaint 170
criminal conversation 172
criminal sanction 174
criminal trial 175
Crown Court 178
Curia Regis 180
cybersquatting 183
D 186
de novo 186
deadly force 188
decease 191
deceit 192
decision 194
deed 197
defamation 198
delegation of power 200
deliberation 201
demur 204
deportation 205
derivative 207
detain 209
deterrent 210
devisee 211
dictum 212
disband 215
discharge 217
discretion 219
disparagement of goods 220
docket 222
donor 224
double jeopardy 225
driving under the influence 227
dual federalism 229
duty of care 231
E 234
eavesdropping 234
ecclesiastical law 236
effluxion of time 237
electorate 239
emancipation 241
embargo 243
embezzlement 244
eminent domain 247
emotional harm 249
en banc 251
enactment 253
encroachment 254
endorsement 256
entrapment 259
equitable remedy 262
equity 264
escheat 266
euthanasia 267
ex post facto 270
examination-in-chief 272
exclusive license 274
exculpatory clause 275
excuse 277
executor 278
executory contract 279
exemplary damages 281
exemption 282
expert witness 284
exp ress contract 286
express warranty 287
expropriation 289
expunge 290
extension 292
extradition 294
F 297
fact finder 297
fair use doctrine 299
false imprisonment 301
federalism 302
felonious homicide 304
feudalism 306
fictitious 308
fiduciary 309
finder's fee 311
foreclosure 312
foreperson 314
foreseeability 315
fostering 316
fruit of poisonous tree 318
fugitive 320
future interest 322
G 324
GATT 324
gavel 326
general assembly 328
genocide 330
gift tax 332
government procurement 334
grant 335
grievance 337
gross negligence 338
guardian 340
H 343
habeas corpus 343
habitual offender 346
Hammurabi Code 348
harsh code 350
heir 352
hereby 354
herein 357
hereinafter 359
hereto 361
holding corporation 363
hung jury 365
I 368
immunity 368
implied contract 370
inalienable 371
incarceration 374
inchoate crime 377
independent contractor 378
indigent defendant 379
infamous crime 383
infliction 384
inherent right 386
initial appearance 387
Inns of Court 389
inquisition 392
inquisitorial 394
insanity 396
insolvent liquidation 398
insurance agent 399
insurer 401
intentional tort 402
international law 404
intoxication 406
invasion of privacy 408
ipso facto 410
irrevocable 411
Islamic law 413
J 416
J.D.(Juris Doctor) 416
joint custody 418
joint venture 420
judgment notwithstanding the verdict 421
judicial independence 424
judiciary 426
jurisdictional amount 428
jury summons 429
jus 432
juvenile offense 434
K 437
King's peace 437
L 440
laches 440
larceny 442
law enforcement 444
law faculty 446
Laws of Moses 447
leading questions 449
lease 452
legal person 453
legislator 455
legitimate 458
lex loci 460
liberal construction 461
liberty 464
license 466
lien 468
lineal descendants 470
liquidated damages 472
list 473
litigant 475
living will 476
LL.B.,LL.M.,LL.D 478
long arm statutes 480
Lord Chancellor 482
loss of reputation 485
M 487
Magna Carta 487
maintenance 489
malicious prosecution 491
mandamus 492
marital 497
marital property 498
marital status 500
maritime law 501
marriage license 502
maximum sentence 504
mayhem 505
medicaid 507
medical malpractice 509
Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) 511
mens rea 512
Miranda rights 514
mistake of fact 517
mistake of law 518
mistrial 520
mitigating circumstances 521
monetary damages 523
money laundering 525
motive 527
MP 529
N 532
natural rights 532
next of kin 534
no true bill 535
nominal damages 536
Norman Conquest 538
notary public 540
null and void 541
O 543
oath of office 543
onus 545
ordeal 546
ordinance 549
organized crime 550
original jurisdiction 552
outlaw 553
overturn 555
P 557
paralegal 557
pardon 559
parliament 561
paternity 563
penitentiary 564
per se 566
peremptory challenge 568
perjury 570
perpetrator 571
pe rsuasive authority 573
piracy 574
plea bargaining 576
polygamy 578
positivist school 579
possession 581
practitioner 583
preferred share 584
premises 586
presentment 587
presumption of innocence 589
pretrial detention 591
privy council 593
probable cause 594
probate 596
procedural law 597
procuratorate 599
promissory estoppel 600
promissory note 603
provide 605
proximate cause 607
public domain 608
public trial 610
Q 612
quasi contract 612
quasi-judicial 614
R 616
ransom 616
ratio decidendi 617
real evidence 619
real property 620
recognizance 622
recourse 623
redemption 624
redress 626
reporter 628
reverse 630
rules of evidence 631
S 633
search warrant 633
seizure 634
self-defense 635
self-incrimination 638
separation 640
sexual harassment 641
smuggling 642
social security 645
sovereignty 647
spouse 648
standing committee 650
stare decisis 651
statutory rape 655
subject matter 657
T 659
testator 659
thereof 660
transferee 661
treaty 663
U 665
ultra vires 665
Uniform Commercial Code 666
utility 668
V 671
venire 671
victim 673
W 675
wager of law 675
warden 677
warrant 678
weapon of mass destruction 679
附录 682
参考文献 742
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