新千年减贫战略 问题、经验与与教训 汉英文对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张磊,樊胜根主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国财政经济出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7509501989
- 页数:734 页
PART Ⅰ:Poverty Reduction Strategy in the New Millennium 3
1.The Experiences and Challenges of Chinese Poverty Reduction&Liu Jian 3
2.The Experiences and Challenges of Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries&Joachim von Braun 6
3.International Organizations and Chinese Poverty Reduction&Hou Xin'an 12
PART Ⅱ:The Role of Government and Civil Society 17
4.Government Roles in Poverty Reduction:Evidence from Practice in China&Zhang Lei 17
5.Participation in Growth and Poverty Reduction:The Case of Uganda,1992 to 2003&John Alphonse Okidi 33
6.Fiscal Decentralization and Political Centralization in China:Implications for Growth and Inequality&Xiaobo Zhang 51
7.Race the Top and Race to the Bottom:Tax Competition in Rural China&Yi Yao and Xiaobo Zhang 67
PART Ⅲ:Local Governance and Public Provision 91
8.Public Services and Poverty Reduction:The Role and Responsibilities of Different Levels of Government&Chu Liming 91
9.Local Governance and Public Provision in Rural Tamil Nadu&C.Ramasamy,S.D.Sivakumar and K.Uma 98
10.Public Administration Reform and Rural Service Provision:A Comparison of India and China&Regina Birner and Nethra Palaniswamy 111
11.Social Entitlement Exchange and Balanced Growth&Xiaopeng Luo and Xiaobo Zhang 134
PART Ⅳ:Rural/Urban Dynamics,Factor and Output Markets 147
12.Balancing Urban and Rural Development to Reduce Poverty:Strategic Measures Taken by Chongqing Municipality to Promote the Balanced Growth of Urban and Rural Areas&Zhao Qiya 147
13.Land and Labor Market Imperfections and Allocative Efficiency in Chinese Agriculture&Shuyi Feng,Nico Heerink and Ruerd Ruben 159
14.Making Markets Work and Work for the Poor&Eleni Gabre-Madhin and Nithya Nagarajan 180
PART Ⅴ:Poverty Reduction Policy in Lagging(Less—Developed)Regions 211
15.Development Patterns and Poverty Reduction in Undeveloped Areas:The Case of Gansu Province&Ren Yanshun 211
16.Reducing Regional Disparities in Growth and Poverty Reduction in Ghana:Policy Options and Public Investment Implications&Ramatu M.Al-Hassan and Xinshen Diao 221
17.Village Inequality in Western China:Implications for Development Strategy in Lagging Regions&Li Xing,Shenggen Fan,Xiaopeng Luo and Xiaobo Zhang 250
18.Poverty Targeting with Heterogeneous Endowments:Micro-simulation of a Less Favored Ethiopian Village&Ruerd Ruben and Marijke Kuiper 266
19.Ups and Downs in Income and Fiscal Disparities in Rural China:Implications for Future Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy&Yi Yao and Shenggen Fan 278
PART Ⅵ:Targeted Approaches and Safety Nets 299
20.Targeted Policies and Propositions On Reduction Poverty in China's Rural Areas&Huang Chengwei 299
21.Changes in Rural Poverty and Policy Options for Rural Poverty Reduction in China&Qi Miao and Funing Zhong 311
22.Tackling Poverty of Disadvantage Groups:Indian Policy and Experience&Sukhadeo Thorat 322
PART Ⅶ:NGOs,International Experiences and Collaboration 367
23.Poverty Reduction in a New Era:Government-NGO Partnerships in the People's Republic of China and Global Experience&Chris A.Spohr 367
24.Fully Exert the Function of the Special Poverty Reduction Platform and Further Strengthen the International Cooperation and Exchanges&Wu Zhong 385
25.DFID's Country Assistance Plan in China 2006—2011&Adrian Davis 390
26.Poverty Reduction in China:Some Observations from a Recent Visit to Beijing and Gansu Province,Western China&Dessalegn Rahmato 407
第一部分 新千年扶贫经验和挑战 417
1.中国的扶贫经验和挑战&刘坚 417
2.发展中国家扶贫的经验和面临的挑战&Joachim von Braun 419
3.国际机构和中国的扶贫工作&侯新岸 424
第二部分 政府主导、社会参与与减贫 429
4.从中国农村扶贫开发实践谈政府在减贫中的作用&张磊 429
5.参与增长与减轻贫困——以乌干达为例(1992—2003)&John Alphonse Okidi 440
6.从财权和治权看增长和不平等&张晓波 455
7.从中央到地方的角逐:中国农村的税收竞争&姚毅 张晓波 468
第三部分 分级负责、优化治理模式与减贫 487
8.推进公共服务均等化与优化农村扶贫开发责权体制——中国政府扶贫责任实现机制若干问题分析&褚利明 487
9.公共管理改革和农村服务供给:印度与中国的比较&Regina Birner Nethra Palaniswamy 491
10.赋权交换与和谐发展&罗小朋 张晓波 509
第四部分 城乡协调发展与减贫 521
11.统筹城乡发展,努力减少贫困——重庆市促进城乡协调发展的战略举措&赵綦雅 521
12.中国农村土地与非农就业市场缺陷及配置效率&Shuyi Feng Nico Heerink Ruerd Ruben 528
13.让市场运作起来为穷人服务&Eleni Gabre-Madhin Nithya Nagarajan 545
第五部分 欠发达地区的开发模式与减贫 571
14.欠发达地区的开发模式与减贫——甘肃省案例分析&任燕顺 571
15.加纳缩小地区经济增长与减贫差别对政策选择和公共投资的启示&Ramatu M.Al-Hassan 刁新申 578
16.中国西部地区农村不平等现象:对落后地区发展战略的启示&邢鹂 樊胜根 罗小朋 张晓波 603
17.针对资源禀赋不同造成的贫困:埃塞俄比亚欠发达村庄的微观模拟&Ruerd Ruben Marijke Kuiper 616
18.中国农村国民收入和财政不平等的演变:对未来经济增长和减贫战略的启示&姚毅 樊胜根 626
第六部分 针对贫困与减贫 645
19.中国:农村贫困针对策略与完善建议&黄承伟 645
20.我国农村贫困的变化与扶贫政策取向&苗齐 钟甫宁 653
21.解决弱势群体的贫困问题:印度的政策与经验&Sukhadeo Thorat 661
第七部分 NGO参与、减贫国际合作和扶贫经验 701
22.新时期下的扶贫工作:中国的政府和非政府组织伙伴关系及全球性经验&宋思年 701
23.充分发挥减贫特殊平台作用,进一步加强国际合作与交流&吴忠 716
24.英国国际发展部2006—2011年中国国家援助计划&Adrian Davis 720
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