

- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:翟中和著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7301088108
- 页数:586 页
第一部分 细胞核骨架 3
细胞核骨架 3
Alterations in Nuclear Matrix Structure after Adenovirus Infection 20
The Association of Vaccinia Virus with Intermediate Filament 42
Association of Adenovirus DNA Transcribed Activity with Nuclear Matrix of Host Cells 52
用扫描隧道显微镜观察DNA碱基对水平的内部结构 66
应用STM观察tRNA三维倒L形结构 76
Nuclear Matrix-intermediate Filament System and its Alteration in Adenovirus Infected HeLa Cell 79
The Keratin Intermediate Filament-like System in Maize Protoplasts 89
新合成的腺病毒DNA是结合在宿主细胞核骨架上 96
Intermediate Filaments in Higher Plant Cells and their Assembly in a Cell-free System 106
Localization of Adenovirus DNA by in situ Hybridization Electron Microscopy 122
HeLa细胞端粒DNA与核骨架的特异性结合 140
HeLa细胞染色体端粒的定位与核骨架-Lamina的关系 151
核基质和染色体骨架与端粒DNA和c-Ras基因关系的研究 157
The Assembly of Keratins from Higher Plant Cells 162
The Nuclear Lamina in Male Generative Cells of Ginkgo Biloba 170
植物细胞50 ku类角蛋白与β微管蛋白共存 181
In situ Visualization of rDNA Arrangement and its Relationship with Subnucleolar Structural Regions in Allium Sativum Cell Nucleolus 187
第二部分 细胞核重建 211
利用非洲爪蟾卵的提取物与Lambda DNA进行核重构试验 211
非细胞体系重建核染色质组装、结构和DNA复制 216
非细胞体系重建核生物学活性研究——重建核植入未受精卵能够诱导卵裂并进行细胞周期性变化 230
Observation of Nuclei Reassembled from Demembranated Xenopus Sperm Nuclei and Analysis of their Lamina Components 240
非细胞体系核重建过程中两类膜泡在环形片层及核被膜形成中的作用 253
植物细胞DNA片段能诱导爪蟾卵提取物实现体外核重建 263
Association of DNA with Nuclear Matrix in in vitro Assembled Nuclei Induced by rDNA from Tetrahymena Shanghaiensis in Xenopus Egg Extracts 275
应用大肠杆菌染色体DNA在非洲爪蟾卵提取物实现诱导非细胞体系核装配 285
The Role of Keratin Filaments during Nuclear Envelope Reassembly in Xenopus Egg Extracts 295
非细胞体系核重建并非必需核小体与染色质的装配 310
In vitro Nuclear Reconstitution could be Induced in a Plant Cell-free System 321
Nuclear Reconstitution of Demembranated Orychophragmus Violaceus Sperm in Xenopus Laevis Egg Extracts 335
第三部分 细胞凋亡 349
诱导凋亡的非洲爪蟾卵提取物中激活的DNase特性及其鉴定 349
Menadione-induced Apoptosis and the Degradation of Lamin-like Proteins in Tobacco Protoplasts 357
Cytochrome c Release and Caspase Activation during Menadione-induced Apoptosis in Plants 371
p53的过量表达能迅速诱导NIH3T3细胞衰老 384
Analysis of Nuclear Apoptotic Process in a Cell-free System 392
A New Method for Protein Coexpression in Escherichia coli Using Two Incompatible Plasmids 412
Effects of Phosphocreatine on Apoptosis in a Cell-free System 429
A Novel Zinc Finger Protein Interacts with Receptor-interacting Protein(RIP)and Inhibits Tumor Necrosis Factor(TNF)-and IL1-induced NF-kB Activation 450
Senescence-like Changes Induced by Expression of p21Waf1/Cip1 in NIH3T3 Cell Line 471
AMID,an Apoptosis-inducing Factor-homologous Mitochondrion-associated Protein,Induces Caspase-independent Apoptosis 481
NIK is a Component of the EGF/Heregulin Receptor Signaling Complexes 500
SINK is a p65-interacting Negative Regulator of NF-kB-dependent Transcription 519
附录 543
一切生命现象的奥秘都要从细胞中寻求解答——兼谈细胞生命活动的某些重大问题 543
面向21世纪的生命科学 548
勤能补拙 扬长补短 557
1960—2005年期间发表论文目录 563
出版著作一览表 584
主要获奖目录 585
后记 586
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