交际通 3PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)(P.K.沃纳)Patricia K.Werner编;赵忠德,刘晓渠编译
- 出 版 社:沈阳:辽宁教育出版社;美国麦克希尔出版公司
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7538254714
- 页数:478 页
CHAPTER one 第一章 New Challenges 新的挑战 1
TOPIC ONE Review of Basic Sentence Structure 3
A.Parts of Speech 4
B.Kinds of Sentences 4
C.Subjects 5
D.Verbs,Objects,and Complements 6
E.Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives 7
F.Sentence Types 8
TOPIC TWO Word Order of Modifiers 11
A.Adjectives 12
B.Adverbs 12
C.Adverbials 13
TOPIC THREE The Principal Parts of Verbs and Verb Tense Formation 18
A.The Principal Parts of Verbs 19
B.Verb Tense Formation:Regular Verbs 20
C.Verb Tense Formation:Irregular Verbs 23
TOPIC FOUR An Overview of the Tense System 26
CHAPTER two 第二章 Looking at Learning 学习观 31
TOPIC ONE Auxiliary Verbs 33
A.Statements,Yes/No Questions,and Short Responses 34
B.Information Questions 36
C.Information Questions with who,whose,which,and what 38
D.Negative Yes/No Questions 41
TOPIC TWO The Simple Present and Present Continuous Tenses 45
A.The Simple Present Tense 46
B.Adverbs of Frequency and Other Time Expressions 48
C.The Present Continuous Tense 51
D.Verbs Not Normally Used in the Continuous Tenses 52
TOPIC THREE The Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect Tenses 55
A.The Present Perfect Continuous Tense 56
B.The Present Perfect Tense 58
focus on testing Types of Standardized Tests 62
CHAPTER three 第三章 Relationships 家庭关系 65
TOPIC ONE Past Verb Forms(1) 67
A.The Simple Past Tense 67
B.The Past Continuous Tense 71
C.when and while 72
TOPIC TWO The Present Perfect Tense with Unspecified Past Time 76
A.The Present Perfect Tense 77
B.already,(not)ever,just,never,recently,still,and (not)yet 78
TOPIC THREE Future Verb Forms 81
A.The Simple Future Tense 82
B.Other Forms Used for the Future:be going to,Present Tenses with Future Meaning 83
C.The Future Continuous Tense 85
D.The Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous Tenses 86
TOPIC FOUR Past Verb Forms (2) 87
A.The Habitual Past:would and used to 88
B.The Future in the Past:was/were going to 90
TOPIC FIVE Past Verb Forms(3) 93
A.The Past Perfect Tense 93
B.The Past Perfect Continuous Tense 96
focus on testing Use of Verbs 101
CHAPTER four 第四章 Health 健康 103
TOPIC ONE Modal Auxiliaries and Related Structures of Ability and Expectation 105
A.Introduction to Modal Auxiliaries 106
B.Expressing Present and Past Ability 106
C.Expressing Expectation 109
TOPIC TWO Modal Auxiliaries of Request,Permission,and Preference 112
A.Requesting Action 113
B.Requesting Permission 114
C.Expressing Preference 116
TOPIC THREE Modal Auxiliaries and Related Structures of Need and Advice 120
A.Expressing Present Need or Lack of Need 121
B.Expressing Past Need or Lack of Need 124
C.Expressing Advice about the Present 126
D.Expressing Advice about the Past(Not Taken) 128
TOPIC FOUR Modal Auxiliaries of Possibility and Probability 131
A.Expressing Present and Past Possibility 132
B.Expressing Present and Past Probability 135
focus on testing Use of Modal Auxiliaries 139
TOPIC FIVE Review:Chapters One to Four 140
focus on testing Review of Problem Areas:Chapters One to Four 144
CHAPTER five 第五章 High Tech,Low Tech 高科技,低科技 147
TOPIC ONE The Simple Tenses 149
A.Introduction to the Passive Voice 150
B.The Passive Voice with Simple Tenses 151
C.The Passive Voice in Sentences with Indirect Objects 153
D.by+Agent 155
E.Verbs Commonly Used in the Passive Voice 157
F.Anticipatory it and the Passive Voice 158
TOPIC TWO The Perfect Tenses 161
TOPIC THREE The Continuous Tenses 166
TOPIC FOUR Modal Auxiliaries 170
focus on testing Use of the Passive Voice 177
CHAPTER six 第六章 Money Matters 金融 179
TOPIC ONE Count Versus Noncount Nouns 181
A.Introduction to Count and Noncount Nouns 182
B.Groups of Count and Noncount Nouns 183
C.Singular and Plural Forms:Subject/Verb Agreement 186
D.Indefinite Articles:a and an 188
E.Unspecified or Unidentified Count and Noncount Nouns 188
TOPIC TWO Indefinite Adjectives and Pronouns 192
A.Indefinite Adjectives and Pronouns with Both Count and Noncount Nouns 193
B.(a)few and(not)many with Count Nouns 194
C.(a)little and(not)much with Noncount Nouns 195
D.Modifiers with a lot of,a little,a few,little,and few 196
E.More Indefinite Pronouns 198
F.one,another,the other,others,the others 199
focus on testing Use of Singular and Plural Forms 203
TOPIC THREE The Definite Article 204
A.Introduction to the Definite Article 205
B.the with Count Nouns 205
C.the with Noncount Nouns 207
D.the with Proper Nouns 208
TOPIC FOUR Units of Measurement 211
CHAPTER seven 第七章 Leisure Time 休闲时光 217
TOPIC ONE Introduction to Gerunds and Infinitives 218
A.Forms and Functions of Gerunds 219
B.Gerunds Following Prepositions 221
C.Forms and Functions of Infinitives 224
D.Infinitives Following Adjectives,Adverbs,and Nouns 227
TOPIC TWO Verbs Followed by Gerunds or Infinitives 230
TOPIC THREE More Verbs Followed by Gerunds or Infinitives 236
A.More Verbs Followed by Gerunds 237
B.More Verbs Followed by Infinitives 238
C.Verbs That May Be Followed by a(Pro)Noun Object Before an Infinitive 239
D.Verbs That Must Be Followed by a Noun or Pronoun Object Before an Infinitive 239
TOPIC FOUR Verbs Followed by Either Gerunds or Infinitives 244
A.Verbs Followed by Either Gerunds or Infinitives 245
B.Verbs Followed by Gerunds or Infinitives,Depending on the Use of a Noun or Pronoun Object 245
C.Verbs That Change Meaning Depending on the Use of Infinitives or Gerunds 248
TOPIC FIVE Special Uses of Other Verb Forms 252
A.Causative Verbs and Related Structures 253
B.Verbs of Perception 256
C.Present and Past Participles Used as Adjectives 256
focus on testing Use of Verb Forms 261
CHAPTER eight 第八章 Creativity 创造力 263
TOPIC ONE Compound Sentences 265
A.Review of Sentence Types 266
B.Coordinating Conjunctions 269
C.Transitions 270
TOPIC TWO Adverb Clauses of Time and Condition:Unspecified or Present Time 275
A.Clauses of Time:Unspecified or Present Time 276
B.Clauses of Condition:Unspecified or Present Time 278
TOPIC THREE Adverb Clauses of Time and Condition:Past Time with the Simple Past and Past Perfect Tenses 281
B.Adverbs of Frequency with Time Clauses 282
A.Clauses of Time:Past Time with the Simple Past and Past Perfect Tenses 282
C.after,before,by,and until as Prepositions 283
TOPIC FOUR Adverb Clauses of Time and Condition:Past Time with the Simple Past and Past Continuous Tenses 287
TOPIC FIVE Adverb Clauses of Time and Condition:Future Time 294
A.Clauses of Time:Future Time 295
B.Clauses of Condition:Future Time 296
C.Sentence Problems:Fragments,Comma Splices,and Run-Ons 299
TOPIC SIX Review:Chapters Five to Eight 302
focus on testing Review of Problem Areas:Chapters Five to Eight 307
CHAPTER nine 第九章 Human Behavior 人类行为 309
TOPIC ONE Review of Modifiers and Introduction to Adjective Clauses 312
A.Review of Modifiers 312
B.Introduction to Adjective Clauses 314
TOPIC TWO Clauses with that,when,and where:Replacement of Subjects,Objects,and Adverbials of Time or Place 315
A.Clauses with that:Replacement of Subjects 316
B.Clauses with that:Replacement of Objects of Verbs 318
C.Clauses with when or where:Replacement of Adverbials of Time or Place 318
TOPIC THREE Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Clauses;Clauses with who,which,and whose:Replacement of Subjects and Possessives 321
A.Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Clauses 322
B.Clauses with who or which:Replacement of Subjects 324
C.Clauses with whose:Replacement of Possessives 326
TOPIC FOUR Clauses with whom and which:Replacement of Objects 330
A.Clauses with whom and which:Replacement of Objects of Verbs 331
B.Clauses with whom and which:Replacement of Objects of Prepositions 333
TOPIC FIVE Clause to Phrase Reduction;Agreement with Adjective Phrases and Clauses 337
A.Appositives 338
C.Present Participial Phrases 339
B.Past Participial Phrases 339
D.Agreement with Adjective Phrases and Clauses 341
focus on testing Use of Adjective Clauses and Phrases 343
CHAPTER ten 第十章 Crime and Punishment 犯罪与惩罚 345
TOPIC ONE hope and wish 347
A.hope Versus wish 348
B.The Subjunctive with wish 348
TOPIC TWO Conditional Sentences:otherwise;Imaginary Conditionals:Present or Unspecified Time 352
A.otherwise 353
B.Imaginary Conditionals:Present or Unspecified Time 354
TOPIC THREE Perfect Modal Auxiliaries 357
A.Perfect Modal Auxiliaries 358
B.Perfect Modal Auxiliaries and Past Advice 360
TOPIC FOUR Conditional Sentences:Past and Past-to-Present Time 362
A.Imaginary Conditionals:Past Time 364
B.Imaginary Conditionals:Past-to-Present Time 365
focus on testing Use of Conditional and Subjunctive Forms 371
CHAPTER eleven 第十一章 The Physical World 自然界 373
TOPIC ONE Clauses and Related Structures of Cause,Purpose,and Effect or Result 375
A.Clauses and Phrases of Clause 376
B.Clauses and Phrases of Purpose 378
C.Transitions of Effect or Result 380
D.Sentence Focus in Compound and Complex Sentences 381
TOPIC TWO Clauses and Related Structures of Contrast:Concession and Opposition 385
A.Clauses,Phrases,and Transitions of Concession 386
B.Clauses,Phrases,and Transitions of Opposition 388
TOPIC THREE Comparative and Superlative Adjectives and Adverbs 394
TOPIC FOUR Comparisons with as and than 404
TOPIC FIVE Clauses of Result 410
focus on testing Use of Adverb Clauses and Phrases 418
CHAPTER twelve 第十二章 Together on a Small Planet 共同拥有的小星球 421
TOPIC ONE Clauses with that 423
A.Clauses with that 424
B.Quotations and Reported Speech 424
C.Sequence of Tenses in Reported Speech 425
D.say Versus tell 427
E.Pronoun and Adverb Changes in Reported Speech 428
F.Verbs and Modal Auxiliaries That Do Not Change in Reported Speech 429
TOPIC TWO Clauses with if,whether,and Question Words 433
A.Clauses with if and whether 434
B.Clauses with Question Words 434
A.Reduction of Commands 438
TOPIC THREE Clause to Phrase Reduction 438
B.Reduction of Requests for Action and for Permission 439
C.Reduction of Embedded Questions 440
focus on testing Use of Noun Clauses 444
TOPIC FOUR Review:Chapters Nine to Twelve 445
focus on testing Review of Problem Areas:Chapters Nine to Twelve 454
Appendixes 附录 457
APPENDIX ONE Spelling Rules 458
APPENDIX TWO Formation of Statements and Questions 464
APPENDIX THREE Summary of Modal Auxiliaries and Related Structures 466
APPENDIX FOUR the with Proper Nouns 468
APPENDIX FIVE Summary of Gerunds and Infinitives 470
Index 索引 475
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