话语与文学 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)(G.库克)(Guy Cook)著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7810465899
- 页数:285 页
Introduction 1
Acknowledgements 9
1 A basis for analysis : schema theory,its general principles, history and terminology 9
Introduction 9
Schema theory.genetal principles 11
Examples demonstrating schemata in discourse proeessing 11
Evidence for schemata 12
World schemata and text schemata 14
The ongins of schema theory 15
Bartlett's Remembermg 16
The echpse of schema theory 18
The revival of schema theory 18
The terminology of schema theory 19
Notes 20
2 Afirst bearing: discourse analysis and its hmitations 23
Introduction 23
"Text'","context",and 'discourse' 23
Acceptbihty above the sentence 25
Cohesion 29
The omission fallacy 34
Meaning as encoding/decoding versrs meaning as construction 36
Pragmatic approaches and their capacity to characterize'literariness' 36
Macro-functions 37
Functional theory and literature 40
Discourse structure 45
Discourse as process (and hterature as conversation) 46
Discourse as dhalogue 48
The 'post-scientific'approach 51
Conclusion 53
Notes 54
3 Asecond bearing:AI text theory and its hmitations 59
Introduction 59
The computational and brain paradigms of language 61
The constructivist principle 65
One system of conceptual construction:conceptual dependency theory (CD) 68
Prlblems for conceptual constructions 74
A complex AI schema theory 79
Conclusion 90
Notes 91
Introduction 95
4 Testing the AI approach.Two analyses:a 'hterary' and a 'non-hterary' text 95
Text One the opening of Crime and Pumishment (translation ) 99
Text Two 'Every Cloud has a Silver Lining '(advertisement ) 109
Concluslons from analyses 118
Notes 125
5 A rhird bearing :literary theories from formalism to styhstics 125
Introduction 126
The rise of 'modern literary theory' 129
Theories of pattern and deviation 130
The formalist theory of defamiharization 140
Patterns in discourse structures and structurahsm 152
Roman Jakobson's poetics 156
Conclusion 156
Notes 161
6 Incorporating the reader:two analyses combining stylistics and schema theory 161
Introduction 161
Text Three.'Elizabeth Taylor's Passion' (advertisement) 167
Text Four 'First World War Poets'(poem ) 173
Incorporating the reader 177
Introd uction the argument so far 181
7 Atheory of discourse deviation:schema refreshment and cognitive change 181
Notes 181
The need for schema change 182
Prelude to the theory earlier accounts of schema change 183
A theory of literary discourse schema refreshment and cognitive change 189
A theory of literary discourse discourse deviation 197
Defamiliarization revisited 206
Notes 209
8 Application of the thecry: discourse deviation in therr hterarytexts 213
Introduction 213
Text Seven ''The Windhover' 214
Text Five 'the Tyger' 214
Text Six The Turn of the Screw 214
Conclusion 247
Notes 249
9 What the theory means for hterature teaching 251
Appendix A: Grammatical notation: symbols and abbreviations 257
Appendix B:Conceptual dependency (CD)and semantics 259
Bibliography 261
Index 277
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