大前门外 中英文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨信著
- 出 版 社:北京:新华出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7501160805
- 页数:256 页
序:好日子容易怀旧 张延平 1
序:画自己的画 马承祥 3
序:要的就是味儿 刘一达 7
前言 Foreword 9
一、正阳门外老铺 The Old Stroes Outeside The ZhengYang Gate 18
同仁堂 (1-7) The Tongrentang Medicine Store 20
内联升 (1-3) The Neiliansheng Shoe Store 34
瑞蚨祥 (1-6) The Ruifuxiang Cloth store 40
大宅门过年 (一) The Celebrations for the Spring Festival in the Big Fantilies (1) 52
全聚德 (1-3) The Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant 54
张一元 (1-6) The Zhang Yiyuan Teashop 60
撷英番菜馆 The Jieying Western Food Restaurant 72
上海宏仁堂 The Hongrentang (ShangHai)Medicine Store 74
小孩过年 Chindren s Festival 76
二、天桥 Tianqiao 78
北京老天桥 Tianqiao in Old Bejing 80
1.天桥的杂耍 The Tianqiao Variety Shows 82
耍中幡 The Pennant Player 84
耍耗子 The mouse trick 86
数来宝 The Rhythmie Storyteller 88
拣板凳头的 The Bench Picker Performers 90
杂技棚 (杠子棚) The Bar Tent 92
天桥的皮影儿 (二友轩) The Shadow Play 94
天桥的相声 The performance of Comie Dialog 96
云里飞 (八大怪之一) Bird in the Clouds (one of the Eight Top Tianqiao performers) 98
赛活驴 (八大怪之一) Better Than Real Donkey (one of the Eight Top Tianqiao Performers) 100
沈三 (八大怪之一) Shen San (one of the Eight Top Tianqiao Performers) 102
大狗熊双簧 (八大怪之一) The Big Bear (one of the Eight Top Tianqiao Performers) 104
爬竿儿 The Pole Climbing 106
穷不怕 (老八大怪之一) Fear No Poverty (one of the Eight Top Tianqiao Performers) 108
天桥的戏法儿 Tricks at Tianqiao 110
吞宝剑 The Sword Swallower 112
大刀张宝忠 Zhang Baozhong the Great Broadsword 114
硬气功 The Hard Qigong 116
拉大片 The Huge Slide Show 118
耍猴的 The Monkey Show 120
2.梨园春秋 Performing Arts at Tianqiao 122
天桥影院 Cinemas at Tianqiao 124
木偶戏 (傀儡戏) The Puppet Show 126
城南游艺园 The Southern-city Amusement Park 128
京剧坤班 The Women Troupe of Beijing Opera 130
书茶馆和坤书馆 The Tea House for Story-telling and the Women Story-tellers 132
群益社科班 The Qunyishe Play School 134
富连成科班 Fu Liancheng Play School 136
天桥的评书 Talk Show of Critical Biography in Tianqiao 138
北京琴书 Story-telling to Musical Accompaniment 140
会馆士文化 The Scholar Culture in the Guild Buildings 142
天桥的评戏 The Ping Play at Tianqiao 144
北京快板儿 The Patter Show 146
鼓书 The Rhythmic Storytelling 148
3.民以食为天 The Foods at TianQiao 150
吹糖人的 The Sugar-Figurine Blower 152
卖螺蛳的 The Spiral Shell Sellers 154
饽饽铺 The Bobo Shop 156
天桥的茶馆儿 The Teahouses 158
卖大碗儿茶的 The Big-Bowl Tea Vendor 160
豆汁儿挑子 The Fermented Bean Juice Stall 162
吊炉烧饼 The Sesame Seed Cake and the Fried Dough Twist 164
卖羊头肉的 The Sheep Head Meat Peddler 166
糖炒栗子 Sweet Roast Chestnuts 168
天桥的酒缸 The Big Wine Vats 170
冰糖葫芦 The Sweet Haw Strings 172
馄饨挑儿 The Dumpling Soup Vendor 174
茶汤 The Tea Soup 176
小肠儿陈 Intestine by Chen 178
荷叶粥 The Lotus Leaf Porridge 180
4.天桥风物 The Sights at Tianqiao 182
钱摊儿 The exchange stall 184
修脚的 The Pedicurist 186
办红事儿 The Wedding Ceremony 188
天桥的棋茶馆 The Chess Tea House at Tianqiao 190
掐蛐蛐 The cricket fight 192
梳头的 The Combers 194
天桥的地痞 The Local Ruffians at Tianqiao 196
天桥的“御皇上” The Local Tyrant 198
旧书摊儿 The Bookstall 200
过去的“桌儿张” The Cakes on Alter in the Past 202
估衣摊儿 The Second-hand Clothes Stalls 204
蝈蝈挑儿 The Chirping Katydids 206
玩儿鸽子 Pigeon Raisers 208
金鱼儿挑子 The Goldfish Vendor 210
抖空竹 Playing Diabolo 212
卖绒花儿 The Velvet Flowers 214
小巷里 In The Alleys 216
剃头挑子 The Head Shaver 218
天桥的卦摊儿 Fortune-tellers at Tianqiao 220
天桥的旧鞋摊儿 The Old Shoe Stall at Tianqiao 222
驴驮拔牙摊儿 The Dentist Clinic on the Donkey Back 224
天桥的布摊儿 The Cloth Leftover Sellers at Tianqiao 226
天桥的人市 The Labor Market at Tianqiao 228
捡破烂的 The Rubbish Collectors 230
乐器铺 The Musical Instrument Store 232
报童 The Newspaper Boys 234
灯局子 The Lantern Workshops 236
过年儿 (一) Celebrating the Spring Festival(I) 238
过年儿 (二) Celebrating the Spring Festival(II) 240
大宅门过年 (二) The Celebrations for the Spring Festival in the Big Families (II) 242
胡同游览 Tours Along the Alleys 244
包饺子 Wrapping Dumplings 246
天桥的街景 Street of Tianqiao 248
后记 Postscript 250
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