- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张颖编著
- 出 版 社:厦门:鹭江出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7806711724
- 页数:236 页
Day 93 rather than,rely on/upon,refer to,remember to do/doing sth.,result from 22 1
Day 1 a bit,a collection of,a couple of,a few,a g reat deal(of) 1
Day 2 a good many,a group of,a number of,a lot of,alarge quantity of 3
Day 3 a piece of,a variety of,above all,according to,act as 5
Day 4 admire sb.for sth.,advise sb.todosth.,again and again,after a time/while,after all 7
Day 5 as many as,all kinds of,agree to,agree on,all the time 9
Day 6 as soon as,ahead of,all the same,ask for,atlast 13
Day 7 attract attention,at the time of,at the same time,at the beginning of,at the table 15
Day 8 all day/night long,all of a sudden,all one's life,all over,all the best 17
Day 9 all(the)year round,an expert on/in,and so on,answer for,argue about 19
Day 10 as a matter of fact,as a result,as...as,as...as possible,as early as 21
Day 11 as follows,as if,as to,ashamed of,as usual 25
Day 12 as well,as well as,at once,at a time,at all 27
Day 13 at breakfast,at first,at one's best,at one's(own)expense,at present 29
Day 14 at the age of,at the back of,at the bottom(of),at the crossing at the edge of 31
Day 15 at the end of,at(the)latest,at(the)least,at(the)most,at the risk of 33
Day 16 up,be able to,be active in,be afraid,be against 37
Day 17 be angry at/with,be born,be busy doing/with sth.,be ca reful,be contentto do sth 39
Day 18 be determined,be different from,be eager,be familiarr with,be famous for 41
Day 19 be fond of,be full of,be good at,be interested in,be late for 43
Day 20 be made of/from,be made up of,be on,be pleased at/about sth.,be popular with 45
Day 21 be/get ready for,be related to,be used to,be worth(doing)sth.,because of 49
Day 22 become/be experienced in/at,before long,begin with,believe in,belong to 51
Day 23 blow away,break away(from),break down,break into,break out 53
Day 24 break the law,break up,bring about,bring back,bring in 55
Day 25 bring out,bring with,build up,burn down,burst into laughter/laughing 57
Day 26 by accident/chance,by air/etc.,by all means,by mistake,by the way 61
Day 27 call at,call back,call for,call in,care about 63
Day 28 care for,carry forward,carry on(with),carry out,carve into 65
Day 29 catch fire,catch sb,doing sth.,catch up with,change for,change into 67
Day 30 change one's mind,change...with,check out,clear away,clear up 69
Day 31 close down,close with,come about,come across,come along 73
Day 32 come into being,come off,come on,come out,come out of 75
Day 33 come over,come round/a round,come to,come to light,come true 77
Day 34 come up,come up to,compare...to...,connect to,consider...to be 79
Day 35 cross out/off,cry out for,cut down,cut...into,cut up 81
Day 36 date back to,date from,day after day,day and night,deal in 85
Day 37 deal with,deceive sb.'s hopes,depend on/upon,decide on,descend on 87
Day 38 devote...to,die away,diefrom,die of,die out 89
Day 39 differ from,dip into,disappointed about,dispose of,distinguish...from 91
Day 40 divide...into,do a good deed,do a good job,do a resea rchin/into/to do away with 93
Day 41 do harm to sb./sth,do one's best,do sb.a favour,do some+v.-ing,dothe deed 97
Day 42 do...to,do up,dowell,dowith,dowithout 99
Day 43 do wrong,down the street,down to,draw a conclusion,draw attention to 101
Day 44 draw up,draw in,dozens of,dream of,dress down 103
Day 45 dress oneself as,drink to,drop in,due(to),dwell on 105
Day 46 each other,earn one's living,ease off,eat up,either...or 109
Day 47 emerge from,end in,end up,end(up)with,engage for 111
Day 48 engage in,enjoy oneself,enquire into,enough to,enter into 113
Day 49 escape from,even so,even though/if,ever since,every day 115
Day 50 every now and then/again,every other,every(any,etc.)time,every two years,excel at 117
Day 51 except for,exert effect on,exist in,express one's satisfaction with,express oneself 121
Day 52 face sth.out,face to face,face up to,be faced with,fade away 123
Day 53 fail in,fall asleep,fall behind,fall ill/sick,fall into/to ruin(s) 125
Day 54 all into,fall off,fall short of,fall over,fall to pieces 127
Day 55 far away(from),far more,fear for,feed back,feed on 129
Day 56 feel up to,fend for,fight against,fight with,figure on 133
Day 57 figure out,fill in,find one'sway,find out,finish up 135
Day 58 finish with,first and last,first of all,fix a/the date/time for fix up 137
Day 59 for ever,for example/instance,for free,for one thing,for oneself 139
Day 60 for sale,force open,forget to do/doing sth.,free from,from across/etc 141
Day 61 get away,get back,get down to,get into the habit of,get off 145
Day 62 get on,getout,get over,give advice,give back 147
Day 63 give in(to),give off,give out,give up,give way 149
Day 64 go against,go ahead,go along with,go away,go back to 151
Day 65 go by,go doing sth.,go into,go on doing sth.,go over 153
Day 66 had better,hand down,hand out,hand over,happen to 157
Day 67 have a seat,have a word with,have been to,have difficulty in/with,have(got)to 159
Day 68 have no idea,have one's(own)way,have sth.done,have trouble with,head for 161
Day 69 help one(self)to,help(sb.)out,help with,here and there,hold a meetingwith sb 163
Day 70 hold back,held on,held out,held up,how about...? 165
Day 71 if so,in(actual)fact,in a hurry,in a rush,in aword 169
Day 72 in a year's/two year's time,in bed,in common,in danger,in debt 171
Day 73 in front of,in many(different)ways,in need of,in one's place,in order to/that 173
Day 74 in peace,in regard to,in silence,in spite of,in that/this case 175
Day 75 in the past,in turn,instead of,invite sb.to,it take...to do sth 177
Day 76 join in,join up,judge by/from,just now,just then 181
Day 77 keep/make a record/records of,keep away,keep back,keep fit keep from 183
Day 78 keep on(dong sth.),keep one's promise,keep out,keep out of,keep up 185
Day 79 kind/sort of,knock down,knock into,knock out,know about/of 187
Day 80 later on,laugh at,lead a(n)...life,lead up to, leam...by heart 189
Day 81 lend sb.sth.,less and less,less than,listen to,live by/on 193
Day 82 look after,look around/round,look at,look back,look for 195
Day 83 look into,look like,look out of,look over,look through 197
Day 84 look up,lose heart,lose one's life,lose one's sight,lose weight 199
Day 85 make a decision,make up one's mind,move on,manage to do sth.,masses of 201
Day 86 mean to do sth.,millions of,more or less,more than,make use of 205
Day 87 neither...nor,next door,nextto,no longer,no matter what/how 207
Day 88 none of...,not...any more,not all/both also,not only...but also,now and again/then 209
Day 89 object to,offer to do,on earth,on fire,on holiday 211
Day 90 on one's/the way to,on time,one another,out of breath,out of work 213
Day 91 pass away,pay attention to,pick out,pick up,play a role in 217
Day 92 point at,prefer...to...,prepare for,provide...with,put back 219
Day 94 run across,run away,run into,run out(of),rush through 223
Day 95 save one's life,see off,seek for,send for,set off 225
Day 96 set out,shout at,so as to,so that,stand against 227
Day 97 stand by,stand in the/one's way,start doing sth.,stick to,stop doing sth 229
Day 98 take along,take care of,take out,take sth.with sb.,teach oneself 231
Day 99 think about,too...to,try to do/doing sth.,turn into turn off 233
Day 100 use up,wake up,work at,work out worry about 235
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