当代英语词汇速记手册 开启英语词库的钥匙PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:薛琛,王申英编著
- 出 版 社:天津:天津人民出版社
- 出版年份:1994
- ISBN:7201015052
- 页数:392 页
PartⅠ Roots 词根 1
1. A,AN(not;without 不;无) 1
2. ACU,ACR(sharp 极度的…) 2
3. AG,ACT(to do;to drive 做…;推动) 3
4. AM(love;liking 喜爱) 6
5. AMBI,AMPHI(around,both 周围;两者) 7
6. ANIM(amind;will;life;spirit 现智;意志;生命;精神) 8
7. ANN(U),ENN (year 年) 10
8. ANTE,ANTI(before;in front of 在…之前) 12
9. ANTHROP,ANTHROPO(human 人的) 13
10. ASTER,ASTR,ASTRO(star;space 星球;之前) 14
11. AUD,AUDIT(to hear 听) 15
12. AUT,AUTO(self 自我) 17
13. BENE(well;good 好;善) 19
14. BIO(life 生活;生命) 20
15. CAD,CID,CAS(to fall;to befall;to happen by chance 发生) 21
16. CAP,CAPT,CIP,CEPT,CEIV(to take;to seize 获得) 24
17. CED,CEDE,CEED,CESS(to go ;to yield 让步;前行) 26
18. CENT(one hundred 一百) 29
19. CERN,CRET(to separate;to distinguish;to see differently 分开;认出) 30
20. CHRON(tome 时间) 31
21. CID,CIS (to cut ;to kill 切割;杀) 32
22. CLAM,CLAIM(to cry;to shout 呼喊) 35
23. CLAR(clear 清楚) 36
24. CLUD,CLUS,CLOS(to close;to shut 关闭) 37
25. COGN(to know 认知) 38
26. COM,CON,COL,COR,CO(together;with 在一起) 40
27. CORD,CARD(heart 心) 44
28. CORPOR,CORP(body;flesh 身体) 46
29. COSM,COSMO(universe;order 宇宙) 47
30. CRE,CRET(grown together 结合在一起) 48
31. CRED(to believe;to trust 信任;相信) 49
32. CUR (care 关怀;注意) 52
33. CUR,CURS,COURS(to run 进行) 53
34. DEM(people 人民) 55
35. DICT(to speak;to say 讲;说) 57
36. DIT (to give 给予) 59
37. DOC,DOCT(to teach 教) 60
38. DUC,DUCT(to lead 带领;引导) 61
39. DEA,EDI(to eat 吃) 64
40. EPU(equal;even 相等的) 65
41. EV(age 年龄) 66
42. FAC,FIC,FACT,FECT(to do; to make 作;制造) 67
43. FER(to bring;to earry 给;带来) 70
44. FID(faith 忠诚) 71
45. FIRM(firm;strong 坚定) 72
46. FLECT,FLEX(to bend 流动) 73
47. FLU,FLUX(to folw 流动) 75
48. FRANG,FRING(to break 破裂) 76
49. FUS,FUND,FOUND(to melt;to pour 融化;倾倒) 77
50. GEN,GENIT(race;birth 种族;出生) 79
51. GEO(earth 土地) 81
52. GER,GEST(to carry;to produce 带着;产生) 82
53. GNO(to know 知道) 83
54. GRAD,GRESS(to step;to go 行走;去) 84
55.GRAPH,GRAM(to write;womething written 写;书面材料) 86
56. GRAT(pteasing 使人愉快) 88
57. GRAV(heavy 重) 89
58. GREG(flock;herd 群) 90
59. HAP(chance;luck;accident 机会;幸运) 92
60. HER,HES(to stick 粘附) 93
61. HIBIT(to hold 放在手中) 94
62. HOSPIT(guest;host 主人;客人) 94
63. IT(to go 走去) 95
64. JAC,JECT(to throw;to shrow down 抛) 97
65. JUNCT,JOIN;JOINT(to join 连接) 98
66. LEG,LIG;LECT(to chocse;to read 选择;读) 100
67. LIBER(free 自由的) 102
68. LITER (letter 文字) 103
69. LOG (speech;reason 语言;理由) 104
70. LOQU,LOCUT(to speak 讲话) 106
71. METER,METR(to measure 测量) 107
72. MIT,MIS,MISS(to send;to let go 送) 110
73. mon,monit(to warm;to advise 警告;劝告) 112
74. MONO(one 一) 113
75. MOV,MOT(to move 移动) 116
76. NASC,NAT(to be born 出生) 117
77. NUMER(number 数目) 118
78. PATH(feeling;suffering 感觉) 119
79. PED(foot 足) 122
80. PEL,PELL,PULS(to push;to drive 推进) 123
81. PEND,PENS(to hang;to weigh;to pay 挂;掂;付) 126
82. PET,PETIT(to seek,to go;to strive 寻求;达到;努力) 128
83. PHON(sound 声音) 130
84. PLE,PLET(to fill 装满) 132
85. PLIC,PLICIT,PLEX,PLY(to fold;to twist;to bend;to connect 折;拧;弯;联) 133
86. PON,PSIT POUND,POSE(to put;to place 放;置) 135
87. POPUL(people 人民) 140
88. PORT(to cary 运送) 140
89. QUIR QUISIT,QUEST (to seek,to ask 寻求s求) 143
90. RUPT(to break;to burst 破裂;爆发) 144
91. SCI(to know 知道) 145
92. SCRIB,SCRIPT(to write 写) 146
93. SED,SID(to sit;to settle 坐下;安顿) 150
94. SENT,SENS(to feet 感觉) 152
95. SIST(to stand 站) 154
96. SPEC,SPIC,SPECT(to look;to look at 看;注视) 157
97. SPIR(to breathe 呼吸) 159
98. TANG,TING,TACT(to touch 触摸) 160
99. TEN,TIN,TENT,TAIN(to hold 具有) 162
100. TRACT(to draw;to drag;to pull 牵引;吸引;拉) 164
101. VEN,VENT(to come 来) 167
102. VER(true 真实的) 169
103. VERT,VERS(to turn 转动) 171
104. VID,VIS(to see 看见) 174
105. VOC,VOK(to roll 滚动) 175
Part Ⅱ Prefixes 前缀 177
1. AB~,ABS~(off;away from 离开) 180
2. AD-(toward;to 向着…;对…) 181
3. ANTI-(against;opposed to 对抗;相反) 183
4. BI-(tow 二) 183
5. CIRCUM-(around;on all sides 周围;四周) 184
6. CONTRA-,COUNTER-(against;contrary 反对;相反) 185
7. DE-(away;down;reversal of an action;removal 离开;下;相反…;去除) 186
8. DIF-(away from;undoing of an action;not 离开;消除…;后) 190
9. DIS-(not;negative 不;否定) 190
10. EN-(put into;cause to be 放入;使发生) 194
11. EX-(former;out of; not any more;from 前…,从…出来;不再;从…) 197
12. EXTRA-(beyond;outside of 在…之前) 199
14. HEMI-(half 一半) 200
15. HOMO-(same 同样) 200
13. FORE-(before;in front of 在…之前) 200
16. HYPER-(over;excessive 超越) 201
17. HYPO-(under;beneath 在…之下) 201
18. IL-,IM-,IN-IR-(not;negative 否定) 202
19. INFRA-(between;among 在…之间) 205
21. INTRA-,INTRO-(inside;within 在…之内) 207
22. MACRO-(large;long 大的;长的) 208
23. MAL-(bad;ill 坏;恶) 209
24. MICRO-(smll 小的) 209
25. MINI-(of small size 小型的) 209
26. MIS-(indicate an error or mistake;badly 错误的;不好地) 210
27. MULTI-(many 许多) 210
28. NEO-(new 新的) 211
29. NON-(not 不;非) 211
30. OB-,OC-,OF-,OP-,(toward;to;against;completely 向…;相反;完全地) 213
31. OMNI-(general;public 总的;公众的) 214
32. OUT-(be superior;do more than 优异的;超…) 214
33. OVER-(in excess;too much 大量;太多) 215
34. PAN-(all 所有的) 217
35. PAPA-(beside 在…旁边) 217
36. PER-(throughout;wrongly;completely 彻底的;错误地;完全地) 217
37. POST-(after…之后) 219
38. PRE-(before …之前) 222
39. PRO-(favor;support;before 偏爱;赞成;在…之前) 223
40. PSYCH-(mind 心灵) 225
41. QUADR-,QUART-(four 四) 225
42. RE-(back;again 后;再一次) 226
43. WE-(aside;away;without 一旁;远处;没有) 233
44. SEMI-(half 一半) 234
45. SUB-(under …之下) 234
46. SUPER-(beyond ;greater;excessively…那边;更重要的;大量地) 237
48. TELE-(far 远) 238
47. SYL-,KSYM-,SYN-,(together;with 一起) 238
49. TRANS-(across 横越) 239
50. TRI-(three 三) 240
51. TWI-(two 二) 240
52. UNLTRA-(beyond;excessively…那边;大量地)) 240
53. UN-(not;negative 不;否定) 241
54. UNDER-(less than ;nornal;not enough 少于…;不足) 244
55. VICE-VIC-(substitute 代替) 245
Part Ⅲ Suffixes 后缀 248
Suffixes That Form Nours 形成名词的后缀 248
1.-ACY(the state of 性质;状态) 248
2.-ADE(the act or state of 行为;状态) 248
3.-AGE(the state of condition of 状态;情况) 249
5.-ALITY(the quality or state of 性质;状态) 250
4.-AL(the act or state of 行为;状态) 250
6.-ANCE(the act or condition of 行为;情况) 251
7.-ANCY(the quality of condition of 情况;状态) 251
8.-BILITY(the quality of …性) 252
9.-CY*(the state or condition of 性质;状态) 252
10.-DOM(the quality or condition of 性质;情况) 253
11.-ENCE(the quality or condition of 性质;情况) 253
12.-ER(a person or thing that does a certain action 人;物) 253
13.-ESS(a female person who does a certain action 女性) 254
14.-FACTION(the act or condition of 行为;情况状态) 255
15.-FICATION(the process or result of …化) 255
16.-HOOD(the time or condition of 时期;情况) 255
17.-ICE(the quality or act of 性质;行为) 256
18.-ICIAN(a person who is an eapert in doing something 人) 256
21.-ILITY(the quality,condition,or state of 性质;情况;状态) 257
20.-ICS(the art, science, or study of …学) 257
19.-ECITY(the quality of 性质) 257
22.-ING(the act or profession of 行为;行业) 258
23.-IOR(a person 人) 259
24.-ISM(the condition or quality of 主义等 ) 259
25.-IST(a person who is trained or skilled in an area 人;…家) 260
26.-IVITY(the quality or condition of 性质;情况) 261
27.-IZATION(the process or result of …化) 261
28.-LOGIST(a specialist in the study of 学家) 261
29.-LOGY(the science or study of… 学;研究) 262
30.-MENT(the action or condition of …行为;机构) 262
31.-NESS(the state or condition of 情况;性质) 263
32.-OR(a person or thing that does a cortain action 人;物) 264
33.-ORV(a place or instrument for 场所;物) 264
36.-SHIP(the quality or condition of 情况;状态) 265
35.-SCOPE(an instrument for viewing or observing …镜 ) 265
34.-OSITY(the state or quality of 状况;性质) 265
37.-SION(the action or process or 行为;情况) 266
38.-TH(forming ordinal nurnbers ;the state of 第…;状态) 267
39.-TION(the action or process of 行为;情况) 267
40.-TUDE(the quality of 情况;性质) 268
41.-TY(a state or quality 情况;性质) 268
42.-URE(the act or state of 行为;状态) 269
43.-Y(the act or condition of 人;物) 269
Suffixes That Form Adijectives 形成形容词的后缀 270
44.-ABLE,-IBLE(capable of 可…的) 271
45.-AL(connected with ;relating to 与…有联系的) 271
46.-AN,-IAN (of or pertaining to 有关的) 272
47.-ANT(having the quality of 具有某种性质的) 272
48.-AR(having ,related to 与…相似的) 273
51.-ED(one who or that which has been or was 有…的) 274
49.-ARY(pertaining to 倾向于…的) 274
52.-ENT(having ;related to 与…有关系的) 275
53.-ER(more 较…的) 276
54.-ERN(the direction of 方向的) 276
55.-EST(the most 最高的) 276
56.-FIC (full of ;cafusing 充满的;使 ) 277
57.-FUL(having the characteristic of 具有的) 277
58.-IC(of the nature ;like 有某种性质的) 278
59.-ID(of or like 具有…性质的) 278
60.-ILE(pertaining to 有关的) 279
61.-ILE(doing the action indicated 正在…的) 279
62.-ISH(having the quality of ;nationality 表示性质的) 280
63.-IVE(to indicate that a type of action is very probable 表示某种可能性的) 280
64.-LENT(having 具有的) 281
65.-LESS(lack of ;not having 无…的) 281
67.-OUS(full of ;given to ;matrked by 有…的;属于…的) 282
66.-ORY(connected with ;related to 有联系的) 282
68.-SOME(of or like 象…的) 283
69.-Y(full of 充满的) 283
Suffixes That Form Verbs 形成动词的后缀 284
70.-ATE(to act in the manner of 使…的) 284
71.-EN(to make or cause to be 使…的) 284
72.-FY(to cause to be or become…化;做) 285
73.-ISH(to subject to 致使 的) 285
74.-ITE(to act or act upon 做;起作用于) 286
75.-IZE(to act ;to cause to be or become 使…;……化) 286
Suffixes That Form Adverbs 形成副词的后缀 286
76.-LY,-LLY(in the manner of 地;方式) 286
77.-WARDS(in the direction of 向;朝) 288
78.-WISE(the direction of ;the state of 方向;状态) 288
Part IV Basic Vocabulary 297
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