雅思预备教程 听力PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李亚宾编著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京语言文化大学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7561910827
- 页数:162 页
Unit 1 Names and Places 2
Part One The letters of the alphabet 6
Exercise 1 Identifying the letters of the alphabet 6
Exercise 2 Common abbreviations 6
Exercise 3 Names of the places 6
Part Two Getting to know each other 7
Exercise1 What is his name? 7
Exercise2 Where are they from? 8
Exercise3 What is your subject? 9
Exercise4 Introducing yourself 9
Exercise5 Are you from Australia? 11
Exercise6 What s your last name? 12
Exercise7 The maps of some countries 12
Exercise8 That sounds interesting 14
Unit 2 The Number Practice 15
Part One Cardinals 16
Exercise1 Reading the numbers(1) 16
Exercise2 Number dictation(1) 16
Exercise3 Ticking the numbers you hear 16
Exercise4 Which number is it?(1) 17
Exercise5 Which number is it?(2) 17
Exercise6 Reading the numbers(2) 18
Exercise7 Number dictation(2) 18
Exercise8 Circulation of British newspapers 18
Exercise9 Airports in the Southeast of Britain 19
Part Two Decimal fraction 19
Exercise2 Household Expenditure 20
Exercise1 Traffic at Britain s main airports 20
Exercise3 Migration 21
Exercise4 Interview about the earthquake 21
Exercise5 British trade 22
Part Three Money 22
Exercise1 How much is this? 23
Exercise2 How much does this cost? 23
Exercise3 Living in London(1) 24
Exercise4 Living in London(2) 25
Exercise5 Living in London(3) 25
Part Four Time 26
Exercise1 Can you tell me the time? 26
Exercise3 Daily schedules 27
Exercise2 What time does the next train arrive? 27
Exercise4 Mike s and Ellen s Day 28
Part Five Telephone 28
Exercise1 Inquiry 28
Exercise2 Making and appointment 29
Exercise3 Telephone message(1) 30
Exercise4 Telephone message(2) 30
Exercise5 Telephone message(3) 31
Part Six Dates 31
Exercise1 Days and months 31
Exercise2 Accommodation 32
Exercise3 When does the school start? 32
Exercise5 Find the difference 34
Exercise4 Great names in British history 34
Unit 3 Survival English 37
Exercise1 Health problems 38
Exercise2 In a camera shop 38
Exercise3 In the restaurant 38
Exercise4 At the reception desk in a hotel 40
Exercise5 Christmas activities 40
Exercise6 Trip to Stonehenge 41
Exercise7 Marriage 42
Exercise8 Music in New Orleans 42
Exercise9 University campus 43
Exercise11 The news 44
Exercise10 Talking to a landlady 44
Exercise12 Some interesting places to go 45
Exercise13 Trip to Belfast 46
Exercise14 TV and radio 47
Exercise15 Sports 48
Unit 4 Popular Science 49
Exercise1 How to grow chives 50
Exercise2 Who invented popcorn? 50
Exercise3 Lobsters 51
Exercise4 Jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge 51
Exercise5 Where do ants go in winter? 52
Exercise6 How crossword puzzles are created 52
Exercise7 Koala 53
Exercise9 Get right food to stay slim 54
Exercise8 Stamp collecting 54
Exercise10 Our body systems 55
Exercise11 Inventor of the telephone(1) 56
Exercise12 Inventor of the telephone(2) 56
Exercise13 Inventor of the airplane(1) 56
Exercise14 Inventor of the airplane(2) 58
Exercise15 Inventor of the telegraph(1) 58
Exercise16 Inventor of the telegraph(2) 59
Unit 5 Academic English 60
Exercise1 University s calendar 61
Exercise2 About the course work 61
Exercise3 Being involved in campus life 62
Exercise4 The first year undergraduates 63
Exercise6 Homestay program 64
Exercise5 Be a successful student 64
Exercise7 Oxford 65
Exercise8 Controlling the concentration 66
Exercise9 Computing service 66
Exercise10 English letter writing 67
Exercise11 How to become a confident student 68
Exercise12 About language learning 68
Exercise13 How to take notes 69
Exercise14 The dean s speech 71
Exercise15 How to write a summary 72
录音文本 73
答案 133
词汇表 157
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