- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)丹尼斯·勒贝夫(DennisLeBoeuf),景黎明著
- 出 版 社:北京:海豚出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:780138301X
- 页数:436 页
目录 20
A/A’s复数形式 20
a/an不定冠词 21
a/an+缩写词和字母 23
a/an+数字 25
多余的“a/an” 26
缺a/an 28
according to 29
affect/effect 30
advice 30
after 31
请参看Present Tense/Future Tenseafter/in 31
age 32
ago和for的区别 32
ago/since 33
all/notall 33
all接单/复数动词 34
allow 35
请参看let/allow 36
all right 36
a lot 36
also/too/both 37
also/either 38
although/but 39
altogether/all together 39
请参看“Number(数字)后谓语动词的用法”another/more 41
anyway/any way 41
apart from/other than 42
请参看besides/exceptapartment/flat 43
apology 43
appraise/apprise 44
appreciate 44
make arrangements 45
asbad as...,orworse 45
amount/number 46
as if/like 46
ask for/ask 47
assist 49
assure 49
as well as 50
attend/join 51
avoid 51
a while/awhile 52
请参看luggage 56
ball/basketball 56
baggage 56
bathe/bath 57
bathroom/toilet 57
been/gone 58
behavior 59
belong to/belong in 59
beside/besides 60
besides/except 61
请参看apart from/other thanbest/most 61
between...and 62
bid 63
between you and me/between you and I 63
biscuit/cookie 64
blood pressure 64
borrow/lend 64
borrow/use 65
both...and 65
请参看either...or...bowling 66
breakfast 67
bring/take 67
busily/busy 69
called/named 72
Capitalization(大写)的用法 72
can 74
can/will 75
cannot 75
cart/trolley 76
check/cheque 76
cinema/movies 77
cinema/theater(theatre) 77
class/classroom 78
classic/classical 78
climate/weather 79
close/turn off 80
clothes/cloth/clothing 81
请参看open/turn on 81
color/colour 82
compare with/compare to 82
complement/compliment 83
condition 84
consider 84
consideration 85
continuous/continual 85
cooker/cook 86
costly/expensive 86
cost/price 87
couple 87
请参看“Number(数定)后谓语动词的用法cure/treat 89
Dangling Constructions垂悬结构 92
dead/die 94
deadly/dead 95
decision 96
degree 96
despite 97
请参看in spite of 97
dessert/desert 97
diagnose 98
differ 98
detail 98
different 99
difficulty 99
discourage 100
discuss 101
disinterested/uninterested 102
divorce 102
请参看marry 103
Doublets(成对词)的用法 103
doubt 104
downtown 105
due to/owing to 106
during/for 107
during/since 108
each other/one another 112
economic/economical 112
efficient/effective 113
effort 114
either 114
either...or 116
请参看both...and... 118
elevator/lift 118
else 118
emigrate/immigrate 119
enjoy 120
enough 120
enroll/enrol 122
ensure/insure 122
skip school 123
especially/specially 123
essential(important,etc.) 124
everyday/every day 125
everyone/every one 126
everything 127
every time 127
except 128
evidence 128
请参看besides/exceptexcited/exciting 129
请参看interested/interestingexpect 130
请参看will/would 130
expect/wait for 130
face/intheface of 134
family 134
fee 135
fewer/less 135
fit/suit/match 136
forget 137
forbid 137
请参看remember 138
forget/leave 138
friendly 138
fun 139
garbage/rubbish 141
请参看rubbish/trash 141
garden/yard 141
gas/petrol 141
get 142
gonna 142
good 143
grateful/thankful 144
graduate 144
grow/grow up 145
hair 146
handicap 147
hardly 147
have 148
have to 148
heat/heating 149
hers/her 149
high/tall 150
hire/rent 150
his/her 151
请参看“one的用法” 153
historical/historic 153
HIV 154
请参看PIN 154
holiday/vacation 154
home/house 155
hope 156
请参看will/would 157
hospital 157
how/what 157
if 164
ideal 164
请参看Present Tense/Future Tenseif/in case 166
ill/sick 167
in/since 167
in a meeting/at a meeting 169
information 169
injure/wound 170
in spiteof 170
inside 171
interested 171
interested/interesting 172
请参看excited/excitinginto 173
it指代含糊 174
its/it’s 174
justnow/right now 175
kind of 175
knockmeup/wakeme up 177
know 177
lack 182
ladybug/ladybird 183
last 183
lay/lie 184
learn 186
learn/study 186
learn about/learn of 188
let/allow 189
请参看allow 189
let/rent 189
licence/license 190
likely 190
line/queue 191
live/stay 191
luggage 192
lookforwardto 192
请参看baggage 196
make 196
market 196
marry 197
请参看divorce 198
math/maths 198
matter 199
may be/maybe 199
means 200
media 201
请参看“多余的‘a/an’”mistake 202
minute 202
mom/pop/mum/dad 203
more 203
mothers-in-law/mother-in-laws 204
Mr. 205
much/alot of 206
myself/I/me 207
CHAPTER 10 N·O 210
name 210
nauseated/nauseous 211
need 212
nearly/nearby 212
neither 213
neither/none 215
neither...nor 215
never 216
news 217
night/evening 218
noisome/noisy 218
no one 219
none 219
not only...but also 220
the number of 222
请参看both...and...,either...or...,neither...nor...a number of 222
Number(数字)后谓语动词的用法 223
object 224
on one’s own/by oneself 224
one的用法 225
请参看his/her 227
only 227
on to/onto 228
opened/open 228
open/turn on 229
请参看close/turn offopposite 229
other/similar 231
Parallel Structure(平行结构)的用法 236
CHAPTER 11 P 236
pants/trousers 236
part 238
Participle Clauses(分词短语)的用法 238
particular 240
pass/past 241
pavement/sidewalk 242
pay/pay for 242
pay/buy 244
personal/personnel 244
piano 244
Pizza 245
请参看HIV 245
PIN 245
pleasant/pleased 246
police 246
politic/political 247
politics 248
Possessive(所有格)的用法 249
practice/practise 250
pray/prey 250
precede/proceed 251
present 252
Present Tense/Future Tense现在时/将来时 252
principal/principle 253
proof 254
proof/resistant 254
pull one’s leg 255
pupil/student 255
pussy 256
CHAPTER 12 Q·R 260
quiet/quite 260
raise 260
raise/rise 261
rather 262
reason 263
real/really 263
regardless 265
regret 265
remember 266
请参看forget 267
remind of/remind about 267
repeat 267
请参看other/similar 268
reply 268
request 268
responsible 270
respect 270
return 271
rob/steal 272
rubbish/trash 273
请参看garbage/rubbishRV旅行车 274
CHAPTER 13 S 278
-self 278
请参看myself/I/me 278
send/take 278
Sexist Language性别歧视语 279
shadow/shade 281
similar 281
since 282
请参看other/similar 282
since/for 283
since/from 283
slang俚语 284
sleep 284
society 285
sometime/sometime 285
specialize/specialized 286
spend 286
staff 287
step 288
stationary/stationery 288
stock 289
stop 289
stress 291
substitute for 292
suggest 292
superior 293
surroundings 293
CHAPTER 14 T 296
take up 296
taxi stand/rank 296
technique/technology 296
tendence/tendency 297
teen/teenager 297
term/terms 298
than 298
thank 299
泛指的事物或人物前不加the 300
特殊身份名称前是否加the 301
地理和地点名称前是否加the 302
节日名称前不加the 306
三餐前是否加the 306
交通方式前不加the 307
抽象名词前不加the 308
所有格形式的人名或专有名词前不加the 308
表示行星的名词前不加the 309
表示民族的名词前是否加the 310
工业、产业前是否加the 311
大学、学院名称前是否加the 312
一些固定词组、习语中不加the 312
学科、科目名称前是否加the 313
不可数名词前不加the 314
游戏、体育运动名称前不加the 315
语言名称前不加the 315
独一无二的事物前加the 316
表示人体部位的名词前是否加the 317
the+单数可数名词 318
the+形容词 319
- 《SQL与关系数据库理论》(美)戴特(C.J.Date) 2019
- 《魔法销售台词》(美)埃尔默·惠勒著 2019
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- 《社会学与人类生活 社会问题解析 第11版》(美)James M. Henslin(詹姆斯·M. 汉斯林) 2019
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- 《中国十大出版家》王震,贺越明著 1991
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