当代基础英语教程 上PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:徐斌主编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:730105789X
- 页数:225 页
Lesson One 1
The Alphabet 1
Dialogue 1
Unit 1 1
Lesson Two 3
Pattern Drills: This (That) is a 3
Dialogue 4
Phonetics: [i:], [i], [p], [b], [k], [g] 5
Pattern Drills: These (Those) are 9
Lesson One 9
Unit 2 9
Phonetics 11
Grammar: 词类 12
Lesson Two 15
Pattern Drills: That s this (That)? 15
What are these (Those)? 15
Dialogue 16
Grammar: 名词的数 17
Phonetics 17
Lesson One 20
Pattern Drills: Who are you? 20
Are you a...? 20
Unit 3 20
Text: Our Bedroom 22
Dialogue 23
Phonetics: 24
Grammar:人称代词主格;动词be 25
Where are you from? 28
Lesson Two 28
Pattern Drills: What s you name? 28
Text: My Friend 29
Dialogue 31
Phonetics 32
Grammar:物主代词 33
What are there...? 36
Pattern Drills: What s there...? 36
Lesson One 36
Unit 4 36
Test: A Supermarket 37
Dialogue 39
Phonetics 40
Grammar: There be结构;介词短语 40
Lesson Two 45
Pattern Drills: Is there...? 45
Are there...? 45
Text: The New Shopping Mall 47
Dialogue 48
Phonetics 49
Grammar: 名词所有格 50
Unit 5 55
Lesson One 55
Pattern Drills: Let s..., shall we? 55
Do me a favor, will you? 55
Test: George s Apartment Building 57
Dialogue 58
Phonetics 60
Grammar: 人称代词宾格;祈使句 61
Lesson Two 66
Pattern Drills: How many (much)...? 66
Text: College 68
Dialogue 70
Phonetics 71
Grammar: 动词have 72
Revision (1)语音小结 75
Unit 6 77
Lesson One 77
Test: The Days of the Week 77
Dialogue 79
Phonetics: 读音规则(一) 80
Grammar: 一般现在时;一般疑问句和特殊疑问句 80
Lesson Two 85
Text: The Black Family 85
Dialogue 87
Grammar: 基数词 88
Phonetics:读音规则(二) 88
Unit 7 93
Lesson One 93
Test: The Seasons 93
Dialogue 95
Phonetics:读音规则(三) 96
Grammar: 序数词 96
Text: New Year s Plan 100
Lesson Two 100
Dialogue 102
Phonetics: 读音规则(四) 103
Grammar: be going to结构 104
Unit 8 108
Lesson One 108
Test: In the Park 108
Dialogue 110
Grammar: 现在进行时 111
Phonetics:读音规则(五) 111
Lesson Two 115
Text: A Bad Day 115
Dialogue 117
Phonetics: 读音规则(六) 118
Grammar: 句子成分;反身代词 119
Unit 9 123
Lesson One 123
Test: Applying for a Job 123
Dialogue 125
Phonetics: 读音规则(七) 126
Grammar: 情态动词can, may, must 126
Lesson Two 130
Text: The Fortune-Teller 130
Dialogue 132
Phonetics: 读音规则(八) 133
Grammar: 一般将来时 133
Test: I Can t Wait for Spring to Come 137
Lesson One 137
Unit 10 137
Dialogue 138
Phonetics: 读音规则(九) 140
Grammar: 非人称代词“it” 140
Lesson Two 144
Text: Late for Work 144
Dialogue 146
Grammar: 一般过去时(一) 147
Phonetics: 读音规则(十) 147
Unit 11 152
Lesson One 152
Test: The Unlucky Professors 152
Dialogue 154
Phonetics: 读音规则(十一) 155
Grammar: 一般过去时(二) 155
Lesson Two 159
Text: The Car Doesn t Work 159
Dialogue 162
Grammar: 名词性物主代词 163
Phonetics: 读音规则(十二) 163
Unit 12 168
Lesson One 168
Test: The Moon s Light 168
Dialogue 170
Phonetics: 读音规则(十三) 171
Grammar: 现在完成时 171
Text: A Beautiful Seaside City 177
Lesson Two 177
Dialogue 179
Phonetics: 读音规则(十四) 180
Grammar: 现在完成时;一般过去时 180
Revision (2) 读音规则小结 186
General Revision 总复习 189
Supplementary Readings 补充阅读 198
Vocabulary List 词汇表 205
Irregular Verb List 不规则动词表 224
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