妙趣横生英语坊 百变词汇 3PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:方永德等编著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海科技教育出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7542831976
- 页数:293 页
人物篇 1
angel 1
be an angel 1
on the side of the angels 2
rush in where angels fear to tread 2
baby 5
baby blues 5
baby-sit 6
be sb. s baby 6
carry the baby 7
boy 9
a mummy s boy 9
boy s play 10
one of the boys 10
child 12
childmind 12
child s play 13
from a child 13
with child 14
devil 16
a devil of a 16
catch the devil 17
devil-may-care 17
like the devil 18
play the devil with 18
raise the devil 19
the devil and all 20
the devil s own 20
the devil to pay 21
doctor 23
go for the doctor 23
put the doctor on sb. 23
under the doctor 24
what the doctor ordered 24
fool 26
fool about 26
fool around 26
fool s errand 27
make a fool of 28
play the fool 28
play the fool with 29
king 31
king it 31
king-size 32
live like a king 32
lord 34
drunk as a lord 34
lord it over 35
lord knows 35
man 37
a man of one s word 37
act the man 38
as one man 38
be one s own man 39
man and boy 39
man to man 40
to a man 41
master 43
be master in one s own house 43
be master of 44
make oneself master of 44
master hand 45
master key 46
masterpiece 46
master plan 47
masterstroke 48
mother 50
like mother makes 50
the mother and father of 51
mother figure 51
mothers meeting 52
nurse 54
at nurse 54
nurse along 55
nurse through 55
nursing one s pride 56
play nurse to 56
put out to nurse 57
person 59
in one s proper person 59
in the person of 60
person-to-person 60
pilot 62
drop the pilot 62
pilot throuth 63
queen 65
a queen of hearts 65
the queen of sth. 65
to the queen s taste 66
son 68
be one s father s son 68
every mother s son 68
son of a sea cook 69
动物篇 71
bee 71
bee s knees 71
have a bee in one s bonnet 72
bird 74
birdbrained 74
bird s-eye 75
get the bird 75
old bird 76
camel 78
swallow a camel 78
swallow a camel and strain at a gnat 79
cat 81
cat-call 81
cat s paw 81
the cat s whickers 82
chicken 84
chicken-hearted 84
no chicken 85
play chicken 85
dog 87
a dog s age 87
a dog s life 88
dog days 88
dog-eared 89
donkey 91
donkey s years 91
donkey work 92
ride the black donkey 92
duck 94
break one s duck 94
chance the ducks 95
duck soup 95
elephant 97
see the elephant 97
white elephant 98
fish 100
anoher kettle of fish 100
a pretty kettle of fish 101
fish or cut bait 101
fish out 102
have other fish to fry 102
like a fish out of water 103
fox 106
foxmark 106
foxfire 107
goose 109
a wild goose chase 109
cook sb. s goose 110
get the goose 110
give sb.the goose 111
give sth.the goose 111
gooseflesh 112
horse 114
a horse of the different color 114
high horse 115
talk horse 115
lamb 117
in two shakes of a lamb s tail 117
lamb down 118
lark 120
for a lark 120
have a lark 120
lark about 121
lion 123
lion heart 123
see the lions 124
the lions share 124
monkey 126
get sb. s monkey up 126
have a monkey on sb. s back 127
monkey business 127
make a monkey out of sb. 128
mouse 130
mouse and man 130
mouse potato 131
owl 133
owl-light 133
take the owl 134
pig 136
a pig in a poke 136
in a pig s eye 137
in a pig s whisper 137
make a pig s ear of 138
rat 140
be in the rats 140
do a rat 141
get rats 141
have rats in the attic 142
see rats 142
smell a rat 143
sheep 145
black sheep 145
like sheep 146
snake 148
a snake in the bosom 148
a snake in the grass 149
raise snakes 149
wolf 151
hold a wolf by the ears 151
keep the wolf from the door 152
worm 154
worm one s way into 154
worm s-eye view 155
worm sth.out of sb. 155
自然篇 157
air 157
clear the air 157
get the air 158
give the air 158
in the air 159
into thin air 159
on the air 160
out of thin air 161
put on airs 161
cloud 164
in the clouds 164
on cloud seven 165
under a cloud 165
day 167
a cold day in hell 167
call it a day 168
carry the day 168
have had one s day 169
if a day 169
make sb. s day 170
of the day 170
one of those days 171
sb.s day 172
earth 174
bring sb. back to earth 174
come back to earth 175
go to earth 175
like nothing on earth 176
promise the earth 176
run to earth 177
fire 179
between two fires 179
catch fire 180
draw fire 180
hang fire 181
hold fire 181
on the fire 182
pull sth. out of the fire 183
take fire 183
ground 186
break fresh ground 186
cut the ground from under sb. s feet 187
down to the ground 187
gain ground 188
get sth.off the ground 189
go to ground 189
hold one s ground 190
into the ground 190
run to ground 191
shift the ground 192
thin on the ground 192
ice 194
break the ice 194
cut much ice 195
cut no ice 195
on ice 196
on thin ice 196
put on ice 197
land 199
how the land lies 199
land of the living 200
make land 200
moon 203
for the moon 203
moon over 204
once in a blue moon 204
over the moon 205
shoot the moon 206
mountain 208
make a mountain of a molehill 208
move mountains 209
a mountain in labor 209
night 211
a night off 211
all right on the night 212
call it a night 212
make a night of it 213
on nights 213
rain 216
rain down 216
rain off 217
rain or shine 217
right as rain 218
rock 220
between the rock and the hard place 220
have rocks in one s head 221
off the rocks 221
on the rocks 222
rock bottom 223
see rocks ahead 223
sand 225
go into the sand 225
number the sand 226
put sand in the wheels 226
raise sand 227
sea 229
at sea 229
between the devil and the deep sea 230
follow the sea 230
sea change 231
season 233
for all seasons 233
in good season 233
in season 234
in season and out of season 235
sky 237
out of a clear sky 237
pie in the sky 238
reach for the sky 238
the sky is the limit 239
snow 241
snow in 241
snow off 242
snow under 242
star 244
reach for the star 244
see stars 245
stars in one s eyes 245
thank one s stars 246
stone 248
break stones 248
cast stones 248
leave no stone unturned 249
stone by stone 250
storm 252
a storm in a teacup 252
bring a storm about sb. s ears 253
go down a storm 253
ride out a storm 254
take by storm 254
up a storm 255
sun 257
a place in the sun 257
against the sun 258
catch the sun 258
from sun to sun 259
under the sun 259
with the sun 260
thunder 262
black as thunder 262
steal sb. s thunder 263
thunder against 263
thunder and lightning 264
water 266
above water 266
blow sth.out of the water 267
carry water for sb. 267
draw a lot of water with sb. 268
hold water 268
in deep water 269
like water 269
test the water 270
tread water 271
water down 271
water off a duck s back 272
water over the dam 273
wind 275
get the wind up 275
get wind of 276
have the wind 276
in the wind 277
put the wind up 278
raise the wind 278
sail close to the wind 279
take te wind out of sb. s sails 279
throw to the wind 280
which way the wind is blowing 281
world 283
as the world goes 283
be all the world to sb. 284
be dead to the world 284
be in a world of one s own 285
be worlds apart 285
for the world 286
out of this world 287
the world is sb. s oyster 287
think the world of 288
to the world 288
would give the world 289
year 291
bear one s years well 291
in the year one 292
put years on sb. 292
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