环境保护 环境工程专业英语PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:马志毅,苏玉民编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国环境科学出版社
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:7800938344
- 页数:214 页
Lesson(课文) 1
1. The Environment and Environmental Engineering 1
2. Ecology 5
3. Environmental Problems 9
4. The Impact of Humans upon the Environment 11
5. The Role of the Environmental Engineer 17
6. Composition and Structure of the Atmosphere 21
7. Sources of Air Pollutants 29
8. Atomospheric Cleansing Processes 35
9. Types of Water Supply and Classification of Water Contaminants 39
10. Degrees of Wastewater Treatment and Water Quality Standards 44
11. The Role of the Engineer in Water Pollution Abatement 48
12. Automatic Water Quality Monitoring A Modern Tool in Water Pollution Control 51
13. Foul Sewerage 54
14. What Is Physical-Chemical Treatment 57
15. Principles of Biological Reactions 61
16. Factors Influencing the Bactericidal Efficiency of Chlorine 64
17. The Concept of Regional Waste Treament 69
18. Solid Waste 75
19. Solid Waste Generation 79
20. Solid Waste Management——An Overview 83
21. Magnitude of the Hazardous Waste Problem 86
22. Hazardous Waste Processig and Handling 89
23. Hazardous Waste Mannagement Facilities 93
24. Interrelationships Between Various Forms of Pollution 97
25. Noise 103
26. Effects of Noise on People 106
27. Biological Effects of Radiation 109
28. The Disposal of Radioactive Wastes 114
29. Thermal Pollution 119
30. Effects of Temperature on Aquatic Organisms 122
31. Water Qualily Effect of Cooling Towers 124
32. Biological Monitoring in Terrestrial Systems 126
33. Environmental Impact Assessment 130
34. Direct and Indirect Reuse of Wastewater 139
35. Engineered Systems for Resource and Energy Recovery 143
36. Recovery of Thermal Conversion Products 146
37. Pollution Abatement Expenses and Savings 151
Supplementary Reading Materials (补充阅读材料) 156
1. Environmental Engineering as a Profession 156
2. Approaches to Contaminant Control 157
3. Effect of Water Pollution on Environment and Biota 160
4. Nonionizing Radiation Protection 162
5. Design and Operation of Landfills 167
6. Instrumentation for Measurement and Analysis of Noise 170
7. Definition of "Sanitary Engineer" and "Public Health Engineer" 172
8. General Concepts of Water Quality Management 174
9. Wastewater Treatment Processes (1) 176
10. Wastewater Treatment Processes (2) 185
11. Rotating Biological Cotactors 189
12. Measurement of Water Quality 191
13. Beijing Ministerial Declaration on Environment and Development 197
14. Photochemical Smog 200
15. Guidelines To Air Pollution Prevention And Control 203
Appendixes(附录) 206
附录1 数学符号及数学公式 206
附录2 单位换算系数 209
附录3 化学元素表 213
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