大学英语四、六级考试直通车 作文应试技巧PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王蕾,徐江主编
- 出 版 社:天津:天津科技翻译出版公司
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7543315289
- 页数:204 页
第1章 四、六级考试作文部分简介 1
第1节 四、六级教学及考试对写作的基本要求 3
第2节 评分原则及标准 4
第3节 评分实例 6
第4节 作文命题形式及常考题型分析 10
Ⅰ、提纲作文 11
Ⅱ、段首句作文 15
Ⅲ、图表与图画作文 21
Ⅳ、情景作文 31
Ⅴ、关键词作文 36
Ⅵ、摘要作文 41
Ⅶ、书信作文 47
第2章 四、六级英语写作技巧 57
第1节 遣词 59
Ⅰ、准确性 59
Ⅱ、简洁性 63
Ⅲ、生动性 64
第2节 炼句 66
Ⅰ、统一性 66
Ⅱ、连贯性 67
Ⅲ、简洁性 68
Ⅳ、病句分析 69
第3节 组段 75
Ⅰ、段落结构 75
1. 主题句 75
2. 扩展句 80
3. 结论句 80
Ⅱ、展开段落的方法 84
1. 列举法 84
2. 举例法 85
3. 比较法 86
4. 对比法 87
5. 程序法 88
6. 因果法 88
7. 分类法 89
8. 定义法 90
9. 时空法 91
Ⅲ、如何写好段落 94
1. 中心明确 94
2. 内容充实 95
3. 转合自然 96
Ⅰ、文章与段落的共性 98
第4节 成文 98
Ⅱ、文章的基本要求与结构 99
Ⅲ、四、六级写作的常用文体 101
1. 描写文 101
2. 记叙文 105
3. 说明文 108
4. 议论文 109
第5节 应试对策 111
Ⅰ、审题和构思 111
1. 三审 111
Ⅱ、列提纲 112
2. 三确定 112
Ⅲ、动笔 114
Ⅳ、修改 114
第3章 四、六级写作惯用表达及实践 115
Ⅰ、文化教育 117
1. The Importance of Education 121
2. Education: Examination-Oriented of Quality-Oriented 122
3. Relationship between Teacher and Students 122
4. Teachers' Social Status 123
6. Private School in China 124
5. College Education 124
7. Boarding School or Day School? 125
8. My View on Artistic Classes for Children 126
9. About Studying Abroad 127
10. My College Life 128
11. Grades and Students 128
12. On Elimination System at College 129
13. On the English Examination System in China 129
14. Cheating in Examinations 130
15. Importance of English Writing Ability 131
16. Customs and Habits have Changed 132
Ⅱ、工作与家庭 133
1. My First Job 135
2. College Student's Job-Hunting 135
3. On Success 136
4. Why People Work 137
5. Work Pressure 137
6. The Younger Generation Knows Best 138
7. Part-time Jobs 139
8. Laid-off Workers Have to Face Reality 139
9. My View on Job Hopping 140
Ⅲ、兴趣爱好 141
10. Divorce 141
1. Travelling 142
2. Video Games 143
3. Reading Good Books 143
4. Reading 144
5. Listening to Music 145
6. My Hobbies 145
7. Recreation 146
9. Should Raising Pets Be Banned? 147
8. Work and Recreation 147
10. Chinese Tea 148
Ⅳ、人生观与价值观 149
1. Honesty 151
2. On Friendship 152
3. Love 153
4. Punctuality 153
5. No Pains, No Gains 154
6. Failure Is the Mother of Success 154
7. Where There is a Will, There is a Way 155
9. Diligence Is the Key to Success 156
8. Silence is not Always Gold 156
10. Is Lei Feng Spirit Out of Date? 157
11. Good Manners 158
12. Being Polite 158
13. The 21st Century 159
14. The Entry of WTO Challenges Talents 159
15. Cooperation and Competition 160
16. The Importance of Self-confidence 161
Ⅴ、科学与技术 161
1. Information in the Modem World 162
3. Science: Good of Evil 163
2. Science and Human Life 163
4. Internet and People 164
5. E_mail in China 165
6. Computer 165
7. Telephone Device 166
8. Effect of TV on People 167
9. The Radio 168
10. The Greatest Invention in the Past Century 168
11. On Clone 169
12. Surfing on the Internet 170
Ⅵ、社会问题 170
1. Juvenile Delinquency 171
2. Old People's Problem 172
3. Being an Only Child 173
4. Fighting against Corruption 174
5. Problem of Piracy 175
6. The Hope Project 175
7. High Crime Rate in a Big City 176
8. Advertising 177
9. Smoking 178
10. Should Euthanasia Be Legalized? 178
Ⅶ、人类环境 179
2. The Water Shortage Problem Facing Chinese Cities 180
1. Environmental Pollution 180
3. Water 181
4. Limited Source of Forest 182
5. Protecting Forests 182
6. Trees 183
7. Energy Crisis 184
8. Save the Wild Animals 184
9. Air Pollution 185
10. Making Our Cities Greener 185
11. Plastic Gags 186
Ⅷ、运动与健康 187
12. Deserts Are Spreading 187
1. Sports and Health 188
2. Sports 189
3. A Walk in the Morning 189
4. Could Smoking Be Banned? 190
5. Natural Food 191
6. Good Health 192
7. Which is More Important, Wealth or Health? 192
8. Exercise in Our Daily Life 193
10.Breakfast 194
9. Ways of Relaxation 194
Ⅸ、城乡生活 195
1. Where to live-in the City or the country? 195
2. City Life 196
3. A Village is My Ideal Place 197
4. How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities? 197
5. My View on How to Solve the Rubbish Problem in Cities 198
6. Owning a House 199
7. Owning Private Cars in China 199
8. The Demolition of Old Houses 200
附录 1987年-2002年四、六级考试作文题目 202
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