新概念英语 英汉对照 流利英语 附练习答案PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)L.G.亚历山大编著;陆英士,韩益译
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:1988
- ISBN:7810092405
- 页数:248 页
Introductory Test leading to Part 1
UNIT ONE:Instructions to the Student 4
1 Finding Fossil Man by ROBIN PLACE 5
2 Spare that Spider by T.H.GILLESPIE 8
Towards Fluency 9
Assumed Knowledge 10
Basic Aims 10
For Whom the Course is Intended 10
How Much Knowledge has been Assumed ? 10
3 Matterhorn Man by WALTER UNSWORTH 11
A Description of the Course 12
4 Seeing Hands by ERIC DE MAUNY 14
Lesson 1:Guided and Free Conversation 14
Suggested Allocation of Time 14
Additional Written Practice 16
Additional Reading Material 16
Dictations 16
Lesson 2:Composition and Language Study 16
Additional Oral Practice 16
5 No Room in the Ark by ALAN MOOREHEAD 17
6 From‘Out of the Air’by FIELDEN HUGHES 20
7 The Sporting Spirit by GEORGE ORWELL 23
8 Education by W. O. LESTER SMITH 26
9 Curiosities of Animal Life by MAURICE BURTON 29
10 Thoughts in the Wilderness by J.B.PRIESTLEY 32
UNIT TWO:Instructions to the Student 36
11 Spies in Britain by BERNARD NEWMAN 37
12 The Language of Hollywood by JAMES T.FARRELL 40
13 Thames Waters by ROGER PILKINGTON 43
14 How to Grow Old by BERTRAND RUSSELL 46
15 The Consumer Society and the Law by GORDON BARRIE AND AUBREY L.DIAMOND 49
16 The Search for the Earth's Minerals by T.F.GASKELL 52
17 Learning to Live by BEATRIX TUDOR-HART 55
18 The Social Function of Science by J.D.BERNAL 58
19 English Social Differences by T.H.PEAR 61
20 Man,the Unknown by ALEXIS CARREL 64
UNIT THREE:Instructions to the Student 68
21 Science Makes Sense by RITCHIE CALDER 69
22 Window in the Sea by RALPH NADING HILL 72
23 The Stuff of Dreams by CHRISTOPHER EVANS 75
24 Going Out for a Walk by MAX BEERBOHM 78
25 The Snake by JOHN CROMPTON 81
26 Virtue and a Fast Gun by CARL FOREMAN 84
27 The Personality of Man by G.N.M.TYRRELL 87
28 A Countryman's Creed by WILLIAM BEACH THOMAS 90
29 Pieces of Mind by C.E.M.JOAD 93
30 Adventures of Ideas by A.N.WHITEHEAD 96
Introductory Test leading to Part 2 99
PART 2 103
UNIT FOUR:Instructions to the Student 104
31 Non-auditory Effects of Noise by D.E.BROADBENT 105
32 The Past life of the Earth by ERROL WHITE 108
33 The Raising of the‘Vasa’byy ROY SAUNDERS 111
34 Patients and Doctors by KENNETH WALKER 114
35 The Pegasus Book of Inventors by EGON LARSEN 117
36 Exploring the Sea-floor by T.F.GASKELL 120
37 On Telling the Truth by HAROLD NICOLSON 123
38 The Sculptor Speaks by HENRY MOORE 126
39 Galileo Reborn by MICHAEL HOSKIN 129
40 Themes and Variations by ALDOUS HUXLEY 132
UNIT FIVE:Instructions to the Student 136
41 The Origin of Things by JULIUS E.LIPS 137
42 Journey Through Adolescence by DORIS ODLUM 140
43 Our Developing World by L.DUDLEY STAMP 143
44 The Backward Society by RAYMOND FROST 146
45 The Process of Ageing by ALEX COMFORT 149
46 The Menace of Urban Explosion by BARBARA WARD 152
47 Plato Today by R.H.S.CROSSMAN 155
48 What Every Writer Wants by JOHN LE CARR? 158
49 Balloon Astronomy by PATRICK MOORE 161
50 British Canals by ChARLES hADFIELD 164
UNIT SIX:Instructions to the Student 168
51 Elephants by RICHARD CARRINGTON 169
52 The Earth Beneath Us by H.H.SWInNERTON 172
53 The Story of the French Foreign Legion by EDGAR O'BALlANCE 175
54 Are There Strangers in Space?by ANTHONY MICHAELIS 178
55 Patterns of Culture by RUTH BENEDICT 181
56 The Age of Automation by LEON BAGRIT 184
57 Of Men and Galaxies by FRED HOYLE 187
58 Painting as a Pastime by WINSTON CHURCHILL 190
59 The Great Escape by NIGEL BUXTON 193
60 On Moral Courage by COMPTON MACKENZIE 196
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