- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈淑华等编著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京邮电大学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7563506152
- 页数:272 页
Text: Enlarge Your Vocabulary Smartly 1
Supplementary Texts 4
Passage One: Sorting the Vocabulary 4
Passage Two: Synonym 6
Passage Three: Lucidity, Simplicity, Euphony 9
Exercises 11
Text: Liberty, True or Classic 22
Passage One: English as a Language 25
Supplementary Texts 25
Passage Two: General Character of English 28
Passage Three: What does a Name Tell? 30
Exercises 31
Text: Nanophase Materials 43
Supplementary Texts 46
Passage One: Other Custom Properties of Nanophase Materials 46
Passage Two: Metals and Ores 48
Passage Three: Synthetic Products 49
Exercises 51
Text: What is Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics? 62
Supplementary Texts 64
Passage One: Progress in Biotech 64
Passage Two: Diseases and Treatments 66
Passage Three: The Pace of Molecular Discoveries 68
Exercises 69
Text: Labor Market Problem and Statistics 79
Passage One: Who s Stressed out at Work 83
Supplementary Texts 83
Passage Two: It Was the Best of Times 84
Passage Three: Does Money Beget Money? 86
Exercises 88
Text: The Pillars are Grumbling 99
Supplementary Texts 103
Passage One: Campaign Finance Reform? 103
Passage Two: Money, Interest and Policy 104
Passage Three: Financial Market 105
Exercises 107
Text: Knowledge Management Is a Person-to-Person Enterprise 117
Supplementary Texts 121
Passage One: Get Emotional About It 121
Passage Two: Successful Leaders Employ Strategic Intelligence 125
Passage Three: How 3M Innovates for Long-term Growth 130
Exercises 133
Text: Love Is the Primary Human Emotion 145
Supplementary Texts 150
Passage One: Love is an activity 150
Passage Two: On Self-Love and Indolence 152
Passage Three: Identify and Realize Yourself 153
Exercises 156
Text: Why Religion, and Why Interreligious Dialogue? 168
Supplementary Texts 172
Passage One: Top Five Misconceptions about Islam (1) 172
Passage Two: Top Five Misconceptions about Islam (2) 174
Passage Three: Understanding Palestinian Terror 177
Exercises 179
Text: The Great Minds of the 20th Century 189
Passage One: Star System like Earth s 192
Supplementary Texts 192
Passage Two: Thinkers vs. Tinkerers, and Other Debates 194
Passage Three: The Man-Made Myth 196
Exercises 198
Text: Accelerating the Technology Race 209
Supplementary Texts 213
Passage One: Thinking Machines 213
Passage Two: Data on Home Computers not Necessarily Your Own 215
Passage Three: GPS 217
Exercises 219
Text: The Invisible Poor 230
Supplementary Texts 233
Passage One: The Indispensable Opposition 233
Passage Two: The Schools of English Literature 237
Passage Three: Humor, Irony and Satire 239
Exercises 240
Index 1 英语常用词根,前缀和后缀一览表 250
Index 2 英语的动词和结构词 266
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