

心理语言学 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Michael Garman著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7301053525
- 页数:512 页
PART Ⅰ Elementsofpsycholinguistics 3
1 Characteristics of the language signal 3
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 The speech signal 9
1.3 Writing systems 23
1.4 Conclusions 45
2 The biological foundations of language 48
2.1 Introduction 48
2.2 The auditory system 52
2.3 The visual system 64
2.4 The organisation of language in the brain 73
2.5 The articulatory and manual systems 85
2.6 Conclusions 104
3 Sources of evidence for the language system 109
3.1 Introduction 109
3.2 Non-fluencies 119
3.3 Grammaticalcharacterisation 133
3.4 Errors 151
3.5 Conclusions 171
PART Ⅱ Processes and models 181
Processing the language signal 181
4.1 Introduction 181
4.2 Perceiving the speech signal 183
4.3 Perceiving the graphic signal 208
4.4 Articulatory processes 217
4.5 Written language production 229
4.6 Conclusions 236
5 Accessing the mentallexicon 239
5.1 Introduction 239
5.2 Interpreting the findings 246
5.3 A search model oflexical access 266
5.4 Word-detector systems:the logogen model 276
5.5 Word-detector systems:the cohort model 286
5.6 Further issues 290
5.7 Conclusions 298
6 Understanding utterances 301
6.1 Introduction 301
6.2 Serial models 320
6.3 Parallel models 332
6.4 Interpretative processes 355
7 Producing utterances 370
7.1 Introduction 370
7.2 The internal structure of the message level 377
7.3 Lexical access:the nature of stored word-meanings 388
7.4 The internal structure of the sentence level 391
7.5 Serial versus parallel interpretations 403
7.6 Conclusions 413
8 Impairment of processing 416
8.1 Introduction 416
8.2 The main aphasic syndromes 426
8.3 The validation of aphasic syndromes 445
8.4 The interpretation of aphasic syndromes 453
8.5 Conclusion 467
References 472
Index of names 500
Subject index 506
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