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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(澳)詹姆斯·R·马丁,(瑞典)克里斯琴·MIM·马西森,(澳)克莱尔·佩因特著
  • 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆国际有限公司
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787100068512
  • 页数:307 页

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1.What is functional grammar? 1

2.Why this functional grammar? 2

3.Using the workbook 3

4.Getting started with text analysis 5

5.Constituency:functional and class units 7

6.Reasoning in a functional grammar 10

7.Paradigms as system networks 13

8.Choice and constituency 16

9.Learning to use IFG 19

Chapter 2 Theme—clause as message 21

1.Orientation 21

1.1 Reading guide to IFG 21

1.2 Characterisation of Theme 21

1.3 Thematic development within a text 22

2.Survey of options 22

2.1 Ideational(topical)Theme 24

2.2 Interpersonal Theme 25

2.3 Textual Theme 25

2.4 Summary of types of Theme 26

2.5 Extending the thematic principle beyond the clause 27

3.Troubleshooting 28

3.1 Picking out the unit of analysis 28

3.2 Identifying the Theme 28

3.3 Identifying the metafunction 29

3.4 Subject it as unmarked topical Theme 32

3.5 There's a...:'Existental'clauses 35

3.6 Recognising longer Theme units 35

3.7 'Hypotactic'clause as Theme 37

4.Analysis practice 38

4.1 Phase Ⅰ 38

4.2 Phase Ⅱ 40

4.3 Phase Ⅲ 47

5.Review and contextualisation 52

5.1 Defining Theme 52

5.2 The location of THEME within the grammatical resources of English 52

5.3 Theme and Metafunction 53

5.4 Theme and Mood 54

Further reading 54

Chapter 3 Mood—clause as exchange 56

1.Orientation 56

1.1 Reading guide to IFG 56

1.2 Characterisation of Mood 56

2.Survey of options 59

2.1 Basic MOOD types 60

2.2 Overall interpersonal organisation of the clause 60

2.3 Interpersonal grammatical metaphor 67

3.Troubleshooting 69

3.1 The unit of analysis 69

3.2 Identifying structural elements 70

3.3 Ambiguous mood type 75

3.4 Ambiguous polarity 76

4.Analysis practice 77

4.1 Phase Ⅰ 77

4.2 Phase Ⅱ 82

4.3 Phase Ⅲ 89

5.Review and contextualisation 93

5.1 Locating MOOD 93

5.2 Interpersonal structure 95

5.3 Interpersonal structure and textual structure 95

Further reading 96

Chapter 4 Transitivity—clause as representation 98

1.Orientation 98

1.1 Reading guide to IFG 98

1.2 Characterisation of TRANSITIVITY 98

2.Survey of options 100

2.1 Material clauses 102

2.2 Mental clauses 103

2.3 Relational clauses 104

2.4 Verbal clauses 106

2.5 Behavioural clauses:between material and mental/verbal 107

2.6 Existential clauses 108

2.7 Additional Agents 108

2.8 Ergative interpretation 109

3.Troubleshooting 112

3.1 A topology of processes 112

3.2 General probes helpful in analysing for TRANSITIVITY 113

3.3 One process or two? 114

3.4 Material clauses 115

3.5 Mentml clauses 118

3.6 Relational clauses 120

3.7 Verbal clauses 124

3.8 Behavioural clauses 125

3.9 Discriminating circumstance type 126

3.10 Distinguishing between circumstances and other elements 126

4.Analysis practice 130

4.1 Phase Ⅰ 130

4.2 PhaseⅡ 137

4.3 Phase Ⅲ 146

5.Review and contextualisation 153

5.1 The clause as experiential construct 153

5.2 Ergative perspective 155

5.3 Relation to other metafunctions 155

Further reading 159

Chapter 5 Group and phrase—below the clause 161

1.Orientation 161

1.1 Reading guide to IFG 161

1.2 Characterisation of groups/phrases 161

2.Survey of options 165

2.1 Nominal group 165

2.2 Verbal group 171

2.3 Other groups 182

2.4 Prepositional phrase 183

3.Troubleshooting 185

3.1 Identifying groups/phrases 185

3.2 Assigning a function to a word in a group 186

3.3 Different meanings for prepositions 196

3.4 Assigning a function to a phrase or a clause:ranking or embedded? 198

4.Analysis practice 200

4.1 Nominal group 201

4.2 Verbal group 212

4.3 Adverbial group & Prepositional phrase 224

5.Review and contextualisation 224

5.1 Locating groups & phrases:rank and metafunction 224

5.2 Nominal group 225

5.3 Verbal group 226

5.4 Prepositional phrase 226

Further reading 227

Chapter 6 The clause complex—above the clause 229

1.Orientation 229

1.1 Reading guide to IFG 229

1.2 Characterisation of clause complex 229

2.Survey of options 231

2.1 TAXIS 231

2.2 Logico-semantic type 234

2.3 Summary of clause complex relations 237

3.Troubleshooting 238

3.1 Procedure for analysis 238

3.2 Picking out the unit of analysis 238

3.3 Complexing vs.embedding 242

3.4 Parataxis or hypotaxis? 247

3.5 Identifying the logico-semantic relation 248

3.6 How many'layers'to the clause complex? 250

3.7 Implicit clause complex relations 251

3.8 Projection 251

3.9 'Surfacing'from an embedding 252

4.Analysis practice 253

4.1 Phase Ⅰ 253

4.2 Phase Ⅱ 259

4.3 Phase Ⅲ 265

5.Review and contextualisation 268

5.1 Review 268

5.2 Relations between clauses 270

Further reading 271

Chapter 7 Text analysis 272

1.Orientation 272

1.1 Reading guide to IFG 272

1.2 Characterisation of text analysis 272

2.Grammar and beyond 274

2.1 Theme and information flow 276

2.2 Clause complexing and conjunction 278

2.3 Transitivity and ideation 283

2.4 Nominal groups,ideation and identification 284

2.5 Periodicity and appraisal 288

2.6 Deixis and multimodality 291

3.Text analysis cartography 293

References 299

Index 303
