- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:狄辰华,倪若男编著
- 出 版 社:北京:人民音乐出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7103024200
- 页数:217 页
1.Rhythm and Meter 1
2.Dynamics and Tone Color 2
3.Tempo 4
4.Expression Marks 6
5.Musical Notation(1):Staff,Clef 8
6.Musical Notation(2):Accidentals,Bars and Time Signatures 11
7.Musical Notation(3):Value of Notes 13
8.Musical Notation(4):Ornaments and Syncopation 16
9.Musical Notation(5):Scores 18
10.Scales 22
11.Intervals 24
12.Modes 26
13.Major and Minor Scales 29
14.Melody and Tune 32
15.Cadences 35
16.Chords 37
17.Harmony;Modulation and Counterpoint 38
18.Non-harmonic Tones 41
19.Texture:Polyphony and Homophony 44
20.Musical Theory and Musical Aesthetics 47
1.Form 50
2.Binary and Ternary Form 52
3.Minuet and Trio 55
4.Dance Form 56
5.Fugue 59
6.Canon and Ritornello Form 61
7.Sonata Form(1) 63
8.Sonata Form(2) 65
9.Rondo and The Variation Form 66
10.Rounds and Catches 69
11.Passacaglia Form 70
12.Madrigal and Glee 73
13.The Opera and The Oratorio 75
14.The Cantata and The Mass 77
15.The Overture 79
16.The Sonata 81
17.The Symphony and The Symphonic Poem 83
18.The Concerto 86
19.The Suite 89
20.The Chamber Music 91
1.The History of Instruments(1) 94
2.The History of Instruments(2) 96
3.The History of Instruments(3) 98
4.Keyboard and Percussion Instruments 100
5.Brass and Wood-wind Instruments 102
6.String Instruments 105
7.The Ancient Music 108
8.The Middle Ages Music(1) 110
9.The Middle Ages Music(2) 112
10.The Renaissance Music 114
11.The Baroque Music(1) 116
12.The Baroque Music(2) 118
13.The Classical Music 120
14.The Romantic Music(1) 122
15.The Romantic Music(2) 124
16.The 20th-century Music(1) 126
17.The 20th-century Music(2) 130
18.The 20th-century Music(3) 133
19.The Electronic Music 136
20.The Musical ISMS’ 138
UNIT Ⅳ 142
1.Bach,Johann Sebastian(1685-1750) 142
2.Handel,George Frideric(1685-1759) 144
3.Haydn,Joseph(1732-1809) 146
4.Mozart,Wolfgang Amadeus(1756-1791) 148
5.Beethoven,Ludwing van(1770-1827) 150
6.Schubert,Franz(1797-1828) 152
7.Berlioz,Hector(1803-1869) 154
8.Chopin,Frèdèrie Francois(1810-1849) 156
9.Schumann,Robert(1810-1856) 157
10.Liszt,Franz(1811-1886) 160
11.Wagner,Richard(1813-1883) 162
12.Verdi,Giuseppe(1813-1901) 164
13.Brahms,Johannes(1833-1897) 166
14.Tchaikovsky,Peter Ilyich(1840-1893) 168
15.Debussy,Claude(1862-1918) 171
16.Strauss,Richard(1864-1949) 173
17.Skryabin,Alexander Nikolaievich(1872-1915) 175
18.Schoenberg,Arnold(1874-1951) 177
19.Bartòk,Bèla(1881-1945) 179
20.Stravinsky,Igor(1882-1971) 181
21.Webern,Anton Von(1883-1945) 183
22.Alban,Berg(1885-1935) 184
23.Prokofiev,Sergey Sergeyevich(1891-1953) 186
24.Copland,Aaron(1900-1990) 188
25.Shostakovich,Dmitri(1906-1975) 190
26.Stockhausen,Karlheinz(1928- ) 192
Vocabulary 195
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