Electric Vehicles Clean driving that presaes the 21st centuryPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Xiao Fang,Zhang Jiqiang,Tu Hailing
- 出 版 社:北京:冶金工业出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7502431268
- 页数:183 页
Chapter1 Introduction to Electric Vehicle 1
1.1 What is an Electric Vehicle? 1
1.2 History of Electric Vehicle 4
1.2.1 First electric vehicle 4
1.2.2 First commercial use of electric vehicles 6
1.3 EV Information 6
1.3.1 EV numbers 6
1.3.2 Ev energy demand 7
1.3.3 Energy consumption 8
1.3.4 Driving range per single charge 8
1.4 Some Issues about EV 9
1.4.1 Performance 10
1.4.2 Batteries 10
1.4.3 Price 11
1.4.6 Options 12
1.4.5 Safety 12
1.4.4 Warranty/Maintenance 12
1.4.7 Insurance 13
1.4.8 Resale 13
1.4.9 Resources 13
1.4.10 Personal fit 13
References 14
Chapter2 Battery Electric Vehicle,Hybrid Electric Vehicle,and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle 15
2.1 Technical Overview of Electric Vehicles 15
2.2 Battery-Powered Electric Vehicle(BEV) 16
2.2.1 GENⅡ—General Motors EV1 16
2.2.2 Ford Ranger 22
2.2.3 Honda EV Plus 24
2.2.4 Electric bicycles and scooters 28
2.3 Hybrid Electric Vehicle(HEV) 35
2.3.1 Toyota Prius 35
2.3.2 Ford Prodigy 40
2.4 Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle(FCEV) 42
2.5 China EV Development 47
2.5.1 Some milestones 48
2.5.2 Objectives of China's EV program 49
2.5.3 Retrofit existing vehicles 50
2.5.4 China EV development progress(1999) 51
2.5.5 Fuel cell electric vehicle research and test 54
2.5.6 GRINM involvement in EV development 55
References 56
Chapter3 Batteries,Fuel Cell Ultracapacitor 58
3.1 The Importance of Battery 58
3.2 Cells and Batteries 59
3.3 Electrical Parameters 61
3.3.1 Capacity 61
3.3.2 Specific energy 62
3.3.4 Energy efficiency 63
3.3.3 Specific power 63
3.3.5 Cycle life 64
3.3.6 Cost 64
3.3.7 Meeting battery performance criteria 66
3.4 Battery Design 68
3.5 Battery Types 70
3.5.1 Lead-acid battery 70
3.5.2 Ni-Cd battery 70
3.5.4 Ni-Zn battery 72
3.5.3 Ni-MH battery 72
3.5.5 Zn-Air battery 73
3.5.6 Li-based battery 73
3.6 Battery Management and Testing 76
3.6.1 Battery management system(BMS) 77
3.6.2 Battery testing 79
3.7 Fuel Cells 85
3.7.1 Theory and examples of fuel cell 86
3.7.2 Fuel cell development in China 88
3.8 Ultracapacitors 90
3.9 Ni-MH Battery Development in GRINM 92
3.10 Conclusion 94
References 95
Chapter4 Electric Motors 97
4.1 Types of Motors 99
4.1.1 DC motors 99
4.1.2 AC motors 100
4.2 Standards 103
4.3 Testing of Synchronous Motors 104
4.4 Performances 105
4.5 Motors Used in EVs 108
4.5.1 Motors in BEVs 108
4.5.2 Motors in HEVs 111
4.6 Choice of Motor for EVs 112
References 114
Chapter5 Charging System Infrastructure 116
5.1 Charging Technologies 116
5.1.1 Conductive charging 117
5.1.2 Inductive Charging 118
5.2 EV Charging Equipment Today 120
5.3 Comparison between Conductive and Inductive Charging Equipment 121
5.4 Electric Vehicle Infrastructure 123
References 125
Chapter6 Standardization 126
6.1 Reasons to Perform Standardization 126
6.1.1 Benefits for the manufacturers and individuals 126
6.1.2 Benefits for the market 126
6.2 Characteristics of Standardization 127
6.2.1 Group work of multi-fields 127
6.2.2 Safety Standards as priority 127
6.2.4 International co-ordination 128
6.2.3 Momentariness 128
6.3 The Major Standardization Topics 129
6.4 Standardization in USA 130
6.4.1 Subsidiary groups 130
6.4.2 International cooperation 131
6.4.3 Committee standards or other publications 131
6.5 Standardization in Japan 134
6.5.1 Japan Electric Vehicle Association(JEVA) 134
6.5.2 Outline of current activities 135
6.6 Standardization in Europe 137
6.6.1 Standards for pure electric vehicles 138
6.6.2 Standards for thermal electric hybrid vehicles 139
6.7 Standardization in China 140
References 142
7.1 Incentives for EV Promotion 143
7.1.1 Why incentive for electric vehicles 143
Chapter7 Policies,Incentives and Demonstration 143
7.1.2 Policies 144
7.1.3 EV incentive programs in USA 144
7.1.4 EV purchase incentives in Japan 150
7.1.5 EV purchase incentive in France 152
7.2 Demonstration 152
7.2.1 EV California 152
7.2.2 EV project of Mendrisio,Swizerland 152
7.2.3 Promotion of EV in La Rochelle,France 156
7.2.4 CITELEC 158
7.3 China EV Program 159
7.3.1 EV research,development and demonstration projects 159
7.3.2 Demonstration 160
7.4 Conclusion 162
References 163
Glossary 165
Acknowledgement 183
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