妙趣横生英语坊 百变词汇 1PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:方永德等编著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海科技教育出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:754283200X
- 页数:277 页
人体篇 1
arm 1
give one s right arm 1
have a long arm 2
an arm and a leg 2
back 4
stab in the back 4
the back of one s hand 5
with one s back to the wall 5
laugh in one s beard 8
beards wag 8
beard 8
singe sb. s beard 9
speak in one s beard 9
to sb. s beard 10
blood 12
bad blood 12
blood and thunder 13
sweat blood 13
bone 16
a bag of bones 16
a bone of contention 16
bare bones 17
bred in the bone 18
bone up on 18
cast a bone between 19
close to the bone 19
feel in one s bones 20
get into sb. s bones 20
have a bone to pick with 21
in sb. s bones 21
make no bones about 22
no bones about it 22
to the bone 23
beat one s breast 25
breast 25
at the breast 25
breast up to 26
keep sb.breasted of 27
past breast 27
chest 29
off one s chest 29
on one s chest 30
play sth.close to one s chest 30
throw a chest 31
be all ears 33
ear 33
about one s ears 33
lend an ear 34
play it by ear 35
wet behind the ears 35
with half an ear 36
elbow 38
bend one s elbow 38
elbow grease 39
give sb.the elbow 39
an eye for an eye 41
eye 41
eye-sore 42
hit sb.in the eye 42
see eye to eye 43
up to one s eye-brows in sth. 43
face 46
face the music 46
have egg on one s face 47
put a good face on sth. 47
finger 49
a finger on the wall 49
keep one s fingers crossed 50
burn one s fingers 50
sticky fingers 51
flesh 53
after the flesh 53
flesh and blood 54
flesh-and-blood 54
flesh and fell 55
flesh out 55
in the flesh 56
one flesh 56
one s flesh and blood 57
put flesh on 58
foot 60
catch sb. on the wrong foot 60
cold feet 61
have two left feet 61
itchy feet 62
put one s foot in one s mouth 62
hair 64
comb sb. s hair for sb. 64
comb sb. s hair the wrong way 65
get sb.by the short hairs 65
make sb. s hair stand on end 66
hair s breadth 66
hand 69
an open hand 69
grease sb. s hand 70
hand and glove 70
heavy hand 71
high hand 71
head 74
bear s sore head 74
head and ears 74
head and shoulders 75
keep one s head above water 76
heads or tails 76
off the top of one s head 77
sheep s head 77
heart 80
have one s heart in one s boots 80
have one s heart in one s mouth 81
heart and hand 81
jaw 83
be all jaws 83
one s jaw drops 83
wag one s jaw 84
in the lap of fortune 86
lap 86
drop sth.in sb. s lap 86
in the lap of luxury 87
in the lap of the gods 88
live in each other s lap 88
leg 90
hollow legs 90
pull sb. s leg 91
shake a leg 91
lip 93
a stiff upper lip 93
hang on sb. s lips 94
mouth 96
down in the mouth 96
give it mouth 97
straight from the horse s mouth 97
muscle 99
flex one s muscles 99
move a muscle 100
muscle in 100
muscle out 101
on the muscle 101
nail in sb. s coffin 103
nail 103
neck 105
a pain in the neck 105
neck and crop 106
ncek and neck 106
ncek or nothing 107
nerve 109
get on sb. s nerves 109
get the nerve 109
had the nerve 110
hit a nerve 111
have iron nerves 111
keep sb. s nerves on edge 112
live on one s nerves 112
lose one s nerve 113
regain one s nerves 114
steady one s nerves 114
strain every nerve 115
nose 117
keep one s nose clean 117
poke one s nose in sth. 118
be in a bad skin 120
have a skin like a rhinoceros 120
skin 120
throat 122
at each other s throat 122
cut each other s throat 123
cut one s own throat 123
fly at sb. s throat 124
a lump in one s throat 124
jump down sb. s throat 125
ram down sb. s throat 126
stick in sb. s throat 126
a thumb in sb. s eye 128
thumb 128
a rule of thumb 129
sore thumb 129
tooth 131
sweet tooth 131
tooth and nail 131
tongue 133
tongue in cheek 133
an evil tongue 134
silver tongue 134
bite one s tongue 135
black and white 137
black 137
颜色篇 137
blackball 138
black eye 138
black mark 139
in sb. s black book 140
in the black 140
into the black 141
blue 144
blue chip 144
blue murder 145
blue moon 145
blue pencil 146
bule-sky 147
blue streak 147
into the blue 148
out of the blue 149
bright 151
a bright spark 151
bright-eyed 152
look at the bright side 152
the bright lights 153
brown-bag 155
brown 155
brown off 156
brown study 156
dark 158
a leap in the dark 158
in the dark 159
keep dark 159
golden 161
golden age 161
golden rule 162
green-eyed 164
green 164
green field 165
green-fingered 165
green fingers 166
green light 166
green power 167
in the green 168
grey 170
grey cells 170
grey-headed 171
grey matter 171
in the pink 173
pink 173
the pink of 174
purple 176
purple patch 176
the purple 177
to the purple 177
red 179
red blooded 179
red-handed 180
red herring 180
see red 181
red tape 181
the red carpet 182
white 184
white feather 184
white goods 185
white hope 186
white lie 186
yellow 189
yellow-belly 189
double 191
at the double 191
数字篇 191
double back 192
double over 192
double up 193
eight 196
behind the eightball 196
eighty-six 197
have one over the eight 197
first 199
at first hand 199
first and last 200
at the first blush 200
first-ever 201
first off 201
first or last 202
first string 202
get to first base 203
not have the first idea 203
not know the first thing 204
the first water 205
four 207
four-handed 207
four hundred 207
fourpenny one 208
on all fours 209
four-square 209
half 211
and a half 211
by half 212
by halves 212
go halves 213
go off at half cock 213
not half 214
not half as 214
the half of it 215
a cool hundred 217
hundred 217
a hundred to one 218
like a hundred of bricks 218
not a hundred miles 219
million 221
a million and one 221
feel like a million 221
gone a million 222
in a million 223
nine 224
be dressed to the nines 224
nine times out of ten 225
nine days wonder 225
talk nineteen to the dozen 226
to the nines 226
one 228
a fast one 228
a right one 229
be a new one 229
be all one 230
for one thing 230
go one better 231
number one 232
look out for number one 232
one for the book 233
one of those things 233
one-off 234
one-shot 234
one too many for 235
one up on 235
taken one with another 236
pair 238
another pair of shoes 238
pair off 239
pair up 239
show a clean pair of heels 240
quarter 242
a bad quarter of an hour 242
at close quarters 243
cry quarter 243
give quarter 244
receive quarter 244
take up quarters 245
second 247
second banana 247
second-guess 248
second best 248
second only to 249
second sight 250
second thoughts 250
second to none 251
second wind 251
seven 254
seven-league 254
seventy times seven 255
the seventh heaven 255
six 257
at sixes and sevens 257
like sixty 258
hit for six 258
six and two threes 259
six of the best 260
ten 262
take ten 262
ten a penny 262
ten times 263
ten to one 264
the upper ten 264
third 266
third degree 266
thirdhand 267
third dimension 267
thousand 269
a thousand to one 269
one in a thousand 270
thousand and one 270
three 272
three-cornered 272
three-way 273
twice 275
at twice 275
think twice 275
twice the man 276
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