商务英语书信 英文版·第2版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)查尔斯·洛夫(CharlesLove),(美)约瑟夫·蒂纳维亚(JosephTinervia)著
- 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7111064119
- 页数:198 页
UNIT 1 1
The Parts of the Business Letter and their Placement 1
Business Usage: Capitalization 6
Grammar Review: Nouns and their Plurals 8
Punctuation Review: The Period 9
Exercises 10
UNIT 2 12
The Heading: the Letterhead and the Dateline 12
Business Usage: Abbreviations 15
Punctuation Review: The Comma 17
Grammar Review: Possessive of Nouns 17
Exercises 19
UNIT 3 22
The Inside Address 22
Business Usage: Numbers 25
Grammar Review: Verb Forms 27
Punctuation Review: The Colon 29
Exercises 30
UNIT 4 32
The Salutation, The Attention Line, and the Subject Line 32
Business Usage: Titles for Addresses 36
Grammar Review: More About Verb Forms 39
Punctuation Review: The Semicolon 41
Exercises 42
UNIT 5 45
The Body of the Letter 45
Grammar Review: Auxiliary Verbs 50
Punctuation Review: Quotation Marks 52
Exercises 53
UNIT 6 55
The Complimentary Closing and the Signature 55
Business Usage: Word Division and Syllabication 59
Grammar Review: Agreement of Subject and Verb 60
Punctuation Review: The Hyphen and the Dash 62
Exercises 64
UNIT 7 66
Special Notations 66
Business Usage: Contractions 71
Grammar Review: Pronouns 72
Punctuation Review: The Apostrophe 75
Exercises 76
UNIT 8 78
Styles for Business Letters 78
Grammar Review: Adjectives 84
Punctuation Review: The Question Mark and the Exclamation Point 87
Exercises 88
UNIT 9 90
The Envelope 90
Business Usage: Folding the Letter for the Envelope 93
Grammar Review: Adverbs 95
Punctuation Review: Parentheses 97
Exercises 98
UNIT 10 101
Sales Letters 101
Grammar Review: Prepositions 105
Punctation Review: Ellipses 108
Exercises 109
UNIT 11 111
Request Letters and Replies to Requests 111
Grammar Review: Conjunctions 116
Vocabulary Review: Common Errors 117
Exercises 119
UNIT 12 122
Orders and Acknowledgments 122
Grammar Review: Verbs and Parallel Structure 128
Vocabulary Review: More Common Errors 131
Exercises 132
UNIT 13 136
Claim and Adjustment Letters 136
Grammar Review: Irregular Verbs 140
Exercises 144
UNIT 14 146
Credit and Collection Letters 146
Grammar Review: Negatives and Double Negatives 153
Vocabulary Review: Words that Require Specific Prepositions 154
Exercises 155
Application Letters and Resumes 158
UNIT 15 158
Grammar Review: Troublesome Verbs 163
Vocabulary Review: More Words that Require Specific Prepositions 166
Exercises 167
UNIT 16 171
Interoffice Memorandums 171
Grammar Review: Troublesome Pronouns 179
Exercises 180
UNIT 17 183
The Dictionary 183
Reference Section 189
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