第二语言习得 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)(R.埃利斯)Rod Ellis著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7810467948
- 页数:147 页
SECTION 1 Survey 1
1 Introduction:describing and explaining L2 acquisition 3
What is ‘second language acquisition’? 3
What are the goals of SLA? 4
Two case studies 6
Methodological issues 11
Issues in the description of learner language 12
Issues in the explanation of L2 acquisition 13
2 The nature of learner language 15
Errors and error analysis 15
Developmental patterns 20
Variability in learner language 25
Summary 30
3 Interlanguage 31
Behaviourist learning theory 31
A mentalist theory of language learning 32
What is ‘interlanguage’? 33
A computational model of L2 acquisition 35
4 Social aspects of interlanguage 37
Interlanguage as a stylistic continuum 37
The acculturation model of L2 acquisition 39
Social identity and investment in L2 learning 41
5 Discourse aspects of interlanguage 43
Acquiring discourse rules 43
The role of input and interaction in L2 acquisition 44
The role of output in L2 acquisition 49
Summary 50
6 Psycholinguistic aspects of interlanguage 51
L1 transfer 51
The role of consciousness in L2 acquisition 54
Processing operations 57
Communication strategies 60
Two types of computational model 61
7 Linguistic aspects of interlanguage 63
Typological universals:relative clauses 63
Universal Grammar 65
Learnability 66
The critical period hypothesis 67
Access to UG 69
Markedness 70
Cognitive versus linguistic explanations 71
8 Individual differences in L2 acquisition 73
Language aptitude 73
Motivation 75
Learning strategies 76
9 Instruction and L2 acquisition 79
Form-focused instruction 79
Learner-instruction matching 86
Strategy training 87
Summary 87
10 Conclusion:multiple perspectives in SLA 89
SECTION 2 Readings 91
SECTION 3 References 123
SECTION 4 Glossary 137
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