- 电子书积分:7 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:常小娥,王守宁主编
- 出 版 社:太原:山西经济出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7806363033
- 页数:94 页
目录 1
?北武当山风景名胜区概况 1
?Scenic spots and historical sites in theMountain 1
Contents 1
?北武当山的历史沿革 7
?Historic evolution of the Mountain 7
?当代名人眼中的北武当山 11
?The Mountain in the view of the modemnotable 11
?北武当山的建筑 15
?The architecture in the Mountain 15
?北武当山的奇松异石 31
?The exotic pine trees and stone 31
?北武当山的传说 41
?Legend about Beiwudang Mountain 41
?Travel notes by the famous person 50
?北武当山的名人游记 50
?Steles and inscription in the Mounrtain 68
?北武当山的碑刻 68
? Poetry and the couple written in theMountain 77
?北武当山的诗词、楹联 77
?Writings-paintings by the famous about theMountain 81
?北武当山的名人墨迹 81
?The major events in the Mountain 84
?北武当山大事记 84
?Tourist guide map for Beiwudang Mountain 92
?北武当山导游图 92
?Communication guide map for the Mountain 93
?北武当山交通导游图 93
?Postscript 94
?后记 94
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