中国教育政策与法规 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:徐小洲等著
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9781931907579
- 页数:269 页
1 Theoretic Basis of Educational Policies in China 1
1.1 Education Position 1
1.1.1 Historical Context of Education Position 1
1.1.2 Education Position in Modern China 3
1.2 Education Quality 9
1.2.1 Education Quality in Ancient China 10
1.2.2 Education Quality in Modern China 11
1.3 Education Equity 14
1.3.1 Policies and Laws about Education Equity 15
1.3.2 College Entrance Examination 16
1.3.3 To Develop Education in the Western Areas 17
1.3.4 To Help the Poor Students 18
1.4 Conclusion 21
2 System of Educational Legislation 23
2.1 Major Course of the Construction of China's Educational Legislation 23
2.1.1 Foundation Period of Socialistic Educational Legislation System(1949~1956) 23
2.1.2 Error-making and Misleading Period of the Educational Legislation System(1957~1976) 25
2.1.3 Recovering,Reconstructing,Rapid Developing Period of the Educational Legislation System(1977~Present) 26
2.2 Framework of the Education Laws and Regulations System 31
2.2.1 The Status of the Education Laws and Regulations in the National Law System 31
2.2.2 The Structure of Education Laws and Regulations System 33
2.3 Education Legislation and Execution of Education Laws and Regulations 37
2.3.1 Legislature and Jurisdiction Compartmentalization 38
2.3.2 Education Legislation Procedure 40
2.3.3 Implementation and Inspection of Education Laws and Regulations 43
2.4 Analysis of Important Educational Laws and Regulations 46
2.4.1 Decision on the Reform of the Education System 46
2.4.2 The Education Law of PRC 51
2.4.3 Decision on Deepening Educational Reform and Promoting Quality Education on an All-round Way 57
3 The Outline and Planning of Educational Development in China 61
3.1 The Outline of Educational Reform and Development in China 61
3.1.1 Situation and Tasks Faced by Chinese Education 62
3.1.2 Goal,Strategy and Leading Policy of the Educational Development 63
3.1.3 Reform of the Education System 67
3.1.4 Comprehensive Implementation of the Education Policy and Comprehensive Raising of the Quality of Education 72
3.1.5 Setting Up the Teacher Corps 75
3.1.6 Education Outlay 78
3.2 Two Action Plans of Rejuvenating Education 81
3.2.1 Action Plan of Rejuvenation Education for the 21st Century 81
3.2.2 Action Plan for Invigorating Education 2003~2007 92
3.3 Analysis of the Outline of Educational Development Plan in China 106
3.3.1 The Outline of the 9th Five-Year Plan for China's Educational Development and the Development Plan for 2010 108
3.3.2 The Outline of the 10th Five-Year Plan for China's Educational Development 112
3.3.3 The Outline of the 11th Five-Year Plan for China's Educational Development 115
4 Policies of Educational Internationalization in China 121
4.1 Policy on Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools 121
4.1.1 Evolution of the Policy on Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools 122
4.1.2 Government's Commitment to Educational Trade in Service 123
4.1.3 Basic Condition of Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools 126
4.1.4 Contents and Characteristics of the Policy on CFCRS 129
4.1.5 Problems and Policy Issues on CFCRS 136
4.2 The Policy on Studying Abroad 143
4.2.1 The Evolution of the Policy on Studying Abroad 144
4.2.2 The Basic Condition of Studying Abroad 145
4.2.3 The Content and Charaeteristic of the Policy on Studying Abroad 147
4.2.4 Conclusion 154
4 3 Policies on Internationalization of Higher Education in China 155
4.3.1 Evolution of the Policies on Internationalization of Higher Education 155
4.3.2 The Basic Condition of International Students in China 156
4.3.3 Approaches and Characteristics of the Policies on Internationalization of Higher Education 159
4.4 Conclusion 163
4.4.1 Unbalance of the Internationalization of Higher Education 163
4.4.2 Need for a Substantial Expansion of Foreign Students Studying in China 163
4.4.3 Constructing the International Curriculum System 164
5 Historic Policies of Private Education 165
5.1 History of Private Education in China 165
5.1.1 From the Beginning 165
5.1.2 In Modern China 166
5.2 Current Development of Private Education in China 167
5.2.1 Three Stages of Private Education in the New Era(1978~Present) 167
5.2.2 Types of Private Schools in China 170
5.2.3 Importance of Private Education in Modern China 173
5.2.4 New Challenges and Prospect of Private Education 175
5.3 Legislation and Policies of Private Education in China 178
5.3.1 Central Legislation 179
5.3.2 Local Policies 191
5.4 Private Education Models with Local Characteristics 192
5.5 Summary 193
6 Policies of Lifelong Learning 195
6.1 Lifelong Learning Policy in China 195
6.1.1 Background of the Rise of Lifelong Learning 195
6.1.2 What Is Lifelong Learning? 197
6.1.3 Policies and Laws about Lifelong Education in China 200
6.2 Continuing Education Policy in China 205
6.2.1 The Meaning of Continuing Education in China 205
6.2.2 Historical Development of Continuing Education in China 207
6.2.3 Current Situation of Continuing Education in China 210
6.2.4 Policies of Continuing Education 212
6.2.5 The Characteristics of Continuing Education in China 215
7 Teacher Policy 217
7.1 Teacher Education System 217
7.1.1 History Review of Teacher Education System in China 217
7.1.2 Present Situation of Teacher Education System in China 224
7.1.3 Problems Existing in the Current Policies and Regulations 228
7.1.4 Conclusion 231
7.2 Teachers Law 232
7.2.1 General Provisions of Teachers Law of China 232
7.2.2 Contents of Teachers Law 232
7.2.3 Current Problems in Teachers Law 246
7.2.4 Conclusion 248
8 Characteristics and Trends of Educational Policy and Legislation in China 249
8.1 Characteristics of Educational Policy and Legislation in China 249
8.1.1 Transformation of Educational Policy and Legislation Corresponds to the Social and Economic Development:A Content Perspective 249
8.1.2 Formation and Implementation of Educational Policy and Legislation Becomes More Open:A Process Perspective 251
8.1.3 From Country-oriented Value to People-oriented Value:A Value Perspective 253
8.2 Trends of Educational Policy and Legislation in China 253
8.2.1 Strategy of"Giving a Priority to the Development of Education" 254
8.2.2 Compulsory Education:Narrowing the Education Gap and Promoting Education Equity 255
8.2.3 Higher Education:Constructing Several World Level Universities 257
8.2.4 Diversification,Lifelong Learning and Internationalization of Education 258
References 261
Index 265
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