遗迹组构和遗迹群落研究新进展 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:龚一鸣,胡斌,齐永安等编著
- 出 版 社:煤炭工业出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- 页数:175 页
The Outline of the Intra-and Post-conference Field Trips 4
The Intra-conference Field Trips 4
Outline of the Yuntaishan World Geopark,Jiaozuo city,Henan.-Yongan Qi,Yuyang Yuan,Zhifeng Xing,Wei Zheng 4
Stop 1-Red Stone Gorge:Microbially induced sedimentary structures(MISS)in sandstones from the Neoproterozoic Yunmengshan Formation,Red Stone Gorge,Jiaozuo city,Henan.-Zhifeng Xing,Yongan Qi,Wei Zheng,Yuyang Yuan 11
Stop 2-Xizhangzhuang village:Zoophycos and others ichnofabrics in carbonates from the Lower Permian Taiyuan Formation,Xizhangzhuang village,Jiaozuo city,Henan-Bin Hu,Shunxi Liu,Huibo Song,Yuanyuan Wang,Lu Zhang 21
The Post-conference Field Trip1 34
Stop 3-Sanhuang village:Vagorichnus,Neonereites and other ichnofabrics in lacustrine turbidites from the Lower Jurassic Anyao Formation,Sanhuang village,Jiyuan city,Henan.-Huibo Song,Bin Hu,Mingyang Zhong,Lu Zhang 34
Stop 4-Nanshan Forest Park:Skolithos and Beaconites ichnofabrics in fluvial deposits from the Middle Triassic Youfangzhuang Formation,Nanshan Forest Park,Jiyuan city,Henan.-Min Wang,Yongan Qi,Wentao Yang,Fang Zhou 45
Stop 5-Longmen Grottoes:Palaeophycus and Thalassinoides ichnofabrics in marine carbonates from the Middle and Upper Cambrian Zhangxia and Gushan Formations,Longmen Grottoes,Luoyang city,Henan.-Yongan Qi,Da Li,Min Wang,Yuyang Yuan 57
Stop 6-Zhaoying village:Beaconites,Scoyenia and dinosaur eggs ichnofabrics in fluvial and extremely shallow lacustrine deposits from the Upper Cretaceous,Zhaoying village,Xixia town of Nanyang city,Henan.-Bin Hu,Mingyang Zhong,Huibo Song 67
The Post-conference Field Trip2 84
The field trip 2 to Mount Emeishan(stop 1-3) 84
Stop 2-Lizhuang village:Psilonichnus,Rhizocorallium and other ichnofabrics in terrigenous clastic rocks and carbonates from the Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation,Lizhuang village(the Longmendong section),Mount Emeishan,Sichuan.-Guocheng Zhang,Kun Wang,Yongan Qi,Yiming Gong 89
Thalassinoides ichnofabric from Oligocene sediments in the Ali Abad section,Qom area,Central Iran&Nasrollah Abbassi,Abdolhossein Amini 113
Ichnocoenosis and Depositional Environment Analysis of Es3 in Dongxin Area&Xiuyan Chen,Zaixing Jiang,Jie Xu 113
Ichnologically-related macroporosity in the karstic carbonate Biscayne aquifer,southeastern Florida:stratiform"super-K"zones&Kevin J.Cunningham,Michael C.Sukop,H.Allen Curran,Robert A.Renken,Joann F.Dixon 114
Ophiomorpha ichnofabric in Pleistocene shallow-marine carbonates:examples from the Bahamas and Florida&H.Allen Curran,Kevin J.Cunningham 115
Bioturbation of a Early Miocene Wave-Dominated Shallow Marine Siliciclastic Succession(Alacska,Hungary)&?rpád Dávid,Rita Kerekes,Zoltán Püsp?ki,Rozália Fodor 119
Spongeliomorpha Ichnofabric:Scratching Beneath the Surface for Paleoethologic and Paleoecologic Understanding&A.A.Ekdale,Jordi M.de Gibert 120
Green Ichnology:Characteristic Ichnofabrics and Ichnofacies in Glaucony Greensand Deposits&A.A.Ekdale,Sherie C.Harding 121
The temporal distribution of Skolithos piperocks in the Cambrian and Early Ordovician in North and South China&Liang Fang,Jianbo Liu 122
Zoophycos composite ichnofabrics from the Permian neritic facies in South China and southeastern Australia&Yiming Gong,G.R.Shi,Lijun Zhang,Elizabeth A.Weldon 123
Carboniferous coprolites from Qinhuangdao,North China&Yiming Gong,Lijun Zhang,Yibu Wu 124
Guilielmites Geinitz 1858:pseudo(trace)fossil at best-dubio(trace fossil)at worst&Murray R.Gregory,J.Ian Raine 128
Ichnofabric Characteristics in the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Alluvial and Lacustrine Deposits of China&Bin Hu,Huibo Song 129
Hemipelagic Deposition of the Silurian Kepingtage Formation in the Tarim Basin and Its Sedimentologic Significance&Zaixing Jiang,Yue Wang,Chuigao Wei 130
Manchuriophycus-Type Structures from the Mesoproterozoic of North China Block:Metazoan Traces or Sedimentary Structures?&Cui Luo 131
Ichnology of Holocene Arctic fjords from Baffin Island,Canada:Benthic response to environmental factors in high-latitude coasts&M.Gabriela Mángano,Megan Maguire,Luis A.Buatois,Alec Aitken 132
Variation of trace fossils from different sedimentary facies of the middle Cambrian Flathead and Wolsey formations,eastern Clarks Fork Canyon,Wyoming&Takafumi Mochizuk,Tatsuo Oj 133
Assemblage of Deep Sea Fan trace Fossils From the Callovo-Oxfordian Kimeridgian of Nador Mounts(Tiaret,North Algeria)&Bendella Mohamed,Benyoucef Madani,Benhamou Miloud,Fatima Zohra Malti,Zaagane Mansour 134
Discovery of trace fossil Chondrites in the Carboniferous in south margin of Qaidam Basin and its geological significance&Yongbin Niu,Jianhua Zhong,Fuping Zhong,Yufei Gao,Yuanjie Zhuo 135
Lower Cambrian trace fossils from the alluvial-marine transition of the Upper Silesian Block(southern Poland)&Jolanta Paczesna 136
Ichnofabris in the Fluvial Deposits of the Middle Trissic Youfangzhuang Formation,Western Henan Province,China&Yongan Qi,Min Wang,Wentao Yang,Fang Zhou 137
Sedimentology and Ichnology of Middle and Upper Cambrian Carbonate Sequence,Longmen Grotto Area,Western Henan,China&Yongan Qi,Min Wang,Yuyang Yuan,Da Li 138
Ichnofabric analysis of the Fuente de la Vidriera section(Betic Cordillera,Spain):no bottom anoxia in the lower Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event&Francisco Javier Rodríguez-Tovar,Alfred Uchman 140
Burrowing behavior of modem Macaronichnus producer in response to beach morphodynamics&Koji Seike 143
Influence of beach gradient on the distribution of modern Macaronuchnus-traces on a sandy beach&Koji Seike 144
Trace fossils and their environmental distributions in the Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous intracratonic basin of central Hunan,southern China&Longyi Shao 144
Ichnocoenosis of shore-shallow lacustrine upper Triassic in central and south Sichuan province&Zhensheng Shi,Wei Yang,hui Jin,Wuren Xie 145
The Ichnogenus Phycodes Richter,1850 from the Zanskar region and Precambrian-Cambrian boundary problem in Zanskar-Spiti Basin,Northwest Himalaya&Birendra P.Singh 146
Neoichnology of fluvial sediments in the Vistula river Poland&Alfred Uchman 153
Examples of ichnofabrics from Late Pleistocene-Holocene fluvial sediments of Lithuania&Alfred Uchman,Algirdas Gaigalas,Monika Mele?ytè,Vaidotas Kazakauskas 154
Trace fossils from late Weichselian(Nemunas)glaciolacustrine sediments of Lithuania&Alfred Uchman,Vaidotas Kazakauskas,Algirdas Gaigalas 155
"Glossifungites"-type ichnofabrics help to unravel the hidden record of sediment dynamics during transgression of a mud-dominated,supply-limited shelf&Andreas Wetzel 157
Ichnofabrics in modern sediments of the South China Sea:effects of regional upwelling,ash fall,and turbidite deposition&Andreas Wetzel 158
Gap record as dating tool-A new approach to Ichnostratigraphy&Xiantao Wu 159
MISS on the Neoproterozoic Siliciclastic Substrates:an Example from Yunmengshan Formation in Yuntaishan Geopark near Jiaozuo City,Central China&Zhifeng Xing,Yongan Qi,Wei Zheng,Yuyang Yuan 161
Ichnofauna in Lacustrine from the Lower Triassic Heshanggou Formation,Jiyuan city,Henan Province,Central China&Wentao Yang,Bin Hu,Min Wang,Yongan Qi 162
Ichnology from the Lower Triassic Clastic-Carbonate tidal deposits,Jialingjiang Formation,Mount Emeishan,Sichuan province,China&Guocheng Zhang,Kun Wang,Bin Hu,Yongan Qi,Yiming Gong 170
The Devonian trace fossils and ichnofacies from South China&Lijun Zhang,Yiming Gong 173
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