1、The morning of the eighth,the sky was clear.A red ball of a sun,rising in the east,shone on the happy village 1
2、I have a German and an English dictionary.I have a German and English dictionary.They also arranged for a doctor and nurse to give these commune members a medical check-up and all the care they needed 9
3、He is a better carpenter than bench worker.A girl will make a better linguist than a boy 15
4、Every year on October lst Tien An Men Square in Peking looks all loveliness and sublimity 18
5、He is not a carpenter.He is no carpenter 26
6、The capitalist system is charac-terized by the swallowing up of the small by the big.Norman Bethune travelled thou-sands of miles from Canada to China to help us heal the wounded and save the dying 30
7、The forces of the new are bound to defeat the forces of decay 37
8、Before the liberation the work-ers were more often than not forced to do odd jobs to keep the wolf from the door 42
9、It is as plain as plain can be 48
10、 We are the same age.We are of the same age 53
11、Who are you speaking of?Whom are you speaking of?Of whom are you speaking? 58
12、Do not trust such men as praise you to your face.The book is written in such easy English that I can read it.They've got a friend as will help'em 62
13、He has done it for himself.The fact speaks for itself 69
14、I did not call him;he wokeup of himself.The imperialists will never give up their policy of war and aggression of their own accord. 72
15、Diamond is hard in itself 75
16、I sat by myself.I cannot finish it by myself 77
17、Content thee,gentle coz,let him alone;He bears him like a portly gentleman; 79
18、This is the tree of my own planting 82
19、The basic question of revolu-tion is that of political power 85
20、The poor and lower middle peasants said,"Our great leader Chairman Mao has made what we are. "What counts is perseverance.Where there is a will there is a way 87
21、Have you eaten the cake?How does the cake eat? 93
22、Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,the Chinese people live a happy life 97
23、 When I felt of his heart,there was no beat 105
24、Yang:Luan ping,you ought to understand our policy.Luan:I do.I do.Leniency to those who confess:severity to those who resist.Li:Those gansters!Tieh-mei:Do be careful,dad.I did write to him.Only by repeated persuasions by his comrades did he agree to go to hospital 109
25、 Coming to a bend in the road,a magnificent building struck my eyes 117
26、He told me this morning that the men are still at work on the bridge.He (Chen Yi)pointed out that China's science and techno-logy have made great strides in recent years 125
27、Li:The knife grinder has his eye on my lantern And he raised his hand to accost me.I shall casually give him the password.Tieh-mei:(giving him the scarf)Take this,dad.Come back early.Li:I will 132
28、Once we slacken our efforts to do this,we will be unable to resist corruption by bourgeois and revisionist ideas and will lose our bearings and commit serious mistakes 141
29、Comrade yang said,"I will make revolution so long as I live 143
30、 you shall have my answer tomorrow 150
31、Yang:To their congratulatory toast I drink my fill, I shall not rest untilmy mission is fulfilled.The day is yet to come for me to show my skill,To write history I'll willingly shed my blood 165
32、He will often sit up till late at night,studying English.When my sister and I were children,we'd ask Dad to tell us,again and again,of the time he was chased by hungry wolves on his way home from the village 164
33、It is s? long since we met;per-haps he will have forgotten me 169
34、"you seem to be quite positive that evil and insanity have been vanquished.""No,not yet,but vanquished they shall be-of that I am certain…"When doctors disagree,who shall decide?To our son there are two courses open,both connected with great difficulties.What shall he take? 173
35、Call on him when it shall be most convenient for you in the course of the day.Call on him when it is most convenient for you in the course of the day 178
36、Any person who shall make any statement in an attempt to defraud this retirement system shall be subject to prosecution under the law 183
37、He is very careful that nothing shall interfere with his plans.He was very careful that nothing should interfere with his plans.He is very careful that nothinginterfere with his plans.He is very careful that nothinginterferes with his plans 188
38、For twenty years he has been working faithfully like a willing"ox"for the masses.He is always doing good things for the people 190
39、 "You mustn't blame me for thay; it wasn't my fault.""I am not blaming you,mind." 195
40、He is being patient 198
41、It will be snowing on the mountains now 204
42、I am going to write to my brother this evening.He is going to regret the day he ever wrote that letter.Shao:old yang,you're going to disguise as a bandit and make your way into the enemy strong-hold.Are you sure you can do it?I learned that there was going to be a New year's party with a variety of entertalnment.I was tremendously excited 212
43、It is my ardent wish that he come at once.May the people's Republic of China live in centuries 229
44、It was necessary that another unitsimilar to the small detachment,beassembled to reinforce thedetachment when needed 239
45、I have no time,so I cannot go.IfI had time,I would go with you 244
46、The crossing of the Tatu River was the most critical single incident of the Long March.Had the Red Army failed there.quitepossibly it would have been exterminated 251
47、As I was leaving he added that if I should want to discuss the offer with my wife,I could do so 266
48、They would insist on watching with their own eyes as the yellow wine was ladled from the keg,looking to see if there were any water at the bottom of the wine pot,and inspecting for themselves the immersion of the pot in hot water.He wants to know is the newspaper man here 271
49、He looks as if he were going through a great crisis.It does look as if the verycrisis is here 276
50、Persevere,and you will succeed.Persevere,or you will fail 283
51、It is easier to read Chinese than to speak it.Reading Chinese is easier than speaking it 287
52、There is no denying the fact.It is no use trying to excuse yourself 291
53、We were to meet at 6 at Tien An Men Square.We promised each other to be punctual 298
54、Since this was during theRusso-Japanese war,there were many war slides,and I had to join in the clapping and cheering in the lecture hall along with the other students 311
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