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Visual Basic 6.0中文版实用参考手册——语句、函数对象与方法篇
Visual Basic 6.0中文版实用参考手册——语句、函数对象与方法篇

Visual Basic 6.0中文版实用参考手册——语句、函数对象与方法篇PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:晶辰工作室
  • 出 版 社:电子工业出版社
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:572 页
《Visual Basic 6.0中文版实用参考手册——语句、函数对象与方法篇》目录

第一章 操作符 1

AddressOf 5

And 5

Comparison 6

Eqv 8

Imp 9

Is 10

Like 10

Mod 11

Not 12

Or 12

Xor 13

第二章 函数 15

Array 15

Asc 16

Atn 16

CallByName 16

Choose 17

Chr 17

Command 17

Cos 19

CreateObject 19

CurDir 21

CVErr 21

DateAdd 22

Date 22

DateDiff 23

DatePart 25

DateSerial 26

DateValue 27

Day 27

DDB 28

Dir 29

DoEvents 30

Environ 31

EOF 32

Error 32

Exp 32

FileLen 33

Filter 33

FileAttr 33

FileDateTime 33

Format 34

FormatCurrency 35

FormatDateTime 36

FormatNumber 36

FormatPercent 37

FreeFile 38

FV 38

GetAllSettings 39

GetAttr 39

GetAutoServerSettings 40

GetObject 41

GetSetting 44

Hex 45

Hour 45

Iif 45

IMEStatus 46

Input 47

InputBox 47

InStr 48

InStrRev 49

Int,Fix 50

Ipmt 50

IRR 51

IsArray 52

IsDate 53

IsEmpty 53

IsError 53

IsMissing 53

IsNull 54

IsNumeric 55

IsObject 55

Join 55

Lbound 56

Lcase 56

Left 57

Len 57

LoadPicture 58

LoadResData 60

LoadResPicture 61

LoadResString 62

Loc 62

LOF 63

Log 63

LTrim,RTrim,和Trim 63

Mid 63

Minute 64


Month 65

MsgBox 66

MonthName 66

Now 68

NPer 68

NPV 69

Oct 70

Partition 70

Pmt 71

PPmt 72

PV 74

QBColor 75

Rate 75

Replace 76

RGB 77

Rnd 78

Right 78

Second 79

Seek 79

Round 79

Sgn 80

Shell 80

Sin 81

SLN 81

Space 82

Spc 82

Sqr 83

Str 83

Split 83

StrComp 84

StrConv 84

String 85

StrReverse 86

Switch 86

SYD 86

Tab 87

Tan 88

Time 88

Timer 88

TimeSerial 89

TimeValue 89

UBound 90

TypeName 90

UCase 91

Val 91

VarType 92

Weekday 93

WeekdayName 93

Year 94

第三章 语句 97

Beep 97

Call 97

ChDir 97

Const 98

Close 98

ChDrive 98

Date 99

Declare 99

Deftype 101

DeleteSetting 104

Dim 104

Dooop 105

End 106

Enum 107

Erase 109

Error 109

Event 110

Exit 110

FileCopy 111

For Eachext 112

Function 113

Get 116

GoSubeturn 117

GoTo 118

Ifhenlse 118

Implements 119

Input # 122

Kill 123

Let 123

Line Input # 123

Lock,Unlock 124

Load 124

LSet 125

Mid 125

MkDir 126

Name 126

On Error 126

OnoSub,OnoTo 128

Ope 129

Option Base 130

Option Compare 130

Option Explicit 131

Option Private 131

Print # 131

Private 132

Property Get 133

Property Let 135

Property Set 137

Public 138

Put 140

RaiseEvent 141

Randomize 142

ReDim 142

Rem 144

Reset 144

Resume 144

SavePicture 145

RSet 145

RmDir 145

SaveSetting 146

Seek 146

Select Case 146

SendKeys 147

Set 149

SetAttr 150

Static 150

Stop 152

Sub 152

Time 154

Type 154

Whileend 155

Unload 155

Width # 156

With 156

Write # 157

第四章 对象、集合和控件 159

AddIn 159

AddIns 159

AmbientProperties 159

Animation 161

App 162

AsyncProperty 162

Axis 162

AxisTitle 163

Backdrop 163

AxisGrid 163

AxisScale 163

Band 164

Bands 164

Binding 164

BindingCollection 165

Brush 165

Button 165

ButtonMenu 166

ButtonMenus 166

Buttons 167

CategoryScale 167

CheckBox 168

CheckBox(轻量) 169

Clipboard 169

CodeModule 170

CodePane 170

CodePanes 171

Collection 171

Column 171

ColumnHeader对象、ColumnHeaders集合 172

Columns 173

ComboBox 173

ComboBox(轻量) 174

ComboItems 175

ComboItem 175

CommandBar 176

CommandBarEvents 176

CommandBars 176

CommandButton 176

CommandButton(轻量) 177

CommonDialog 178

CommonDialog(“颜色”对话框) 179

CommonDialog(“字体”对话框) 180

CommonDialog(“打开”、“另存为”对话框) 181

CommonDialog(“打印”对话框) 181

CommonDialog(帮助) 182

Controls 183

Control 183

ContainedVBControls 183

ContainedControls 183

Coor 184

Data 184

DataBinding 188

DataBindings 188

DataCombo 188

DataEnvironment 189

DataGrid 189

DataGrid(模式1) 190

DataList 191

DataMembers 191

DataObjectFiles 192

DataObject 192

DataObject(ActiveX控件) 192

DataObjectFiles(ActiveX控件) 193

DataPoint 193

DataPointLabel 193

DataRepeater 194

DataReport 195

DateTimePicker 195

DBCombo 196

DBList 198

Debug 199

DHTMLPageDesigner 200

Dictionary 200

DHTMLPage 200

DirListBox 201

Drive 201

DriveListBox 202

Drives 203

Err 204

Error 204

Error(Data Report Designer) 205

Errors 205

EventInfo 206

Events 206

Extender 207

ExportFormats 207

ExportFormat 207

File 209

FileControlEvents 210

FileListBox 210

Files 211

FileSystemObject 212

Fill 212

FlatScrollBar 212

Folder 213

Folders 214

Font 214

Footnote 215

Form对象、Forms集合 215

Frame 217

Frame(轻量) 218

Frame(模式1) 219

Function(数据报表设计器) 219

Global 219

HScrollBar、VScrollBar 220

HScrollBar、VScrollBar(轻量) 221

Hyperlink 221

IDTExtensibility 222

Image 223

Image(数据报表设计器) 223

ImageCombo 224

ImageList 225

Intersection 226

Label 226

Label(数据报表设计器) 228

Label(模式1) 228

Labels 228

LCoor 228

Legend 229

Licenses 229

Light 229

LightSource 230

LightSources 230

Line 230

ListBox 231

LinkedWindows 231

ListBox(轻量) 232

ListImage对象、ListImages集合 233

ListItem对象、ListItems集合 234

ListSubItem 236

ListSubltems 237

ListView 238

Location 239

MAPIMessages 240

MAPISession 241

Marker 242

Masked Edit 242

MDIForm 244

Member 245

Members 246

Menu 246

Microsoft Internet Transfer 246

MonthView 247

MSChart 248

MSComm 250

MSFlexGrid 252

MSHFlexGrid 253

Multimedia MCI 256

Node对象和Nodes集合 258

OLE容器 258

OLEObject 260

OptionButton 261

OLEObjects 261

OptionButton(轻量) 262

Panel 263

Panels 263

Parameter(Visual Basic) 264

Parameters(Visual Basic) 265

ParentControls 265

Pen 265

Picture 266

PictureBox 266

PictureClip 268

Printer对象,Printers集合 269

PlotBase 269

Plot 269

ProgressBar 271

Properties 272

Property 272

PropertyBag 273

PropertyPage 273

rdoColumn 274

rdoColumns 276

rdoConnection 278

rdoConnections 283

rdoEngine 284

rdoEnvironment 286

rdoEnvironments 289

rdoError 290

rdoErrors 293

rdoParameter 294

rdoParameters 299

rdoPreparedStatement 302

rdoPreparedStatements 302

rdoQueries 303

rdoQuery 304

rdoResultset 309

rdoResultsets 315

rdoTable 318

rdoTables 319

References 320

Reference 320

Rect 320

ReferencesEvents 321

RemoteData 321

RepeaterBinding 325

RepeaterBindings 326

RichTextBox 326

Screen 328

Section(数据报表设计器) 328

Sections(数据报表设计器) 329

SelBookmarks 329

SelectedControls 329

SelectedVBControls 329

Series 330

Series 330

SelectedVBControlsEvents 330

SeriesCollection 331

SeriesMarker 331

SeriesPosition 331

Shadow 331

Shape 331

Shape(数据报表设计器) 332

Slider 332

Split 333

Splits 334

SSTab 335

StatLine 336

StatusBar 337

StdDataFormat 338

StdDataFormats 338

DataValue 338

Sysinfo 339

Tab 339

Tabs 340

TabStrip 341

TextBox 343

TextBox(轻量) 344

TextLayout 345

TextStream 345

TextBox(数据报表设计器) 345

Tick 346

Timer 346

Title 346

Toolbar 347

TreeView 348

UpDown 350

UserControl 352

UserDocument 353

ValaeScale 354

VBComponents 355

VBComponentsEvents 355

VBComponent 355

VBControl 356

VBControls 356

VBControlsEvents 357

VBE 357

VBForm 357

VBNewProjects 358

VBProject 358

VBProjects 358

VBProjectsEvents 359

View3D 359

VtColor 359

VtFont 359

WebClass 360

WebClassError 360

Wall 360

WebItem 361

WebItemProperties 361

Weighting 361

Window 362

Windows 362

Winsock 363

第五章 方法 365

AboutBox 365

Accept 365

Add 366

Add(模式1) 366

Activate 366

Add(BindingCollection) 367

Add(ButtonMenus集合) 367

Add(Buttons集合) 368

Add(ColumnHeaders集合) 368

Add(Columns,SelBookmarkw、Splits集合) 369

Add(ComboItems集合) 370

Add(Controls集合) 370

Add(DataMembers集合) 371

Add(DataObjectFiles集合) 372

Add(模式2) 372

Add(ExportFormats集合) 372

Add(Files集合) 373

Add(Format对象) 373

Add(Licenses集合) 374

Add(ListImages集合) 375

Add(LightSources集合) 375

Add(ListItems集合) 376

Add(ListSubItems集合) 377

Add(Nodew集合) 377

Add(OLEObjects集合) 378

Add(Panels集合) 379

Add(远程数据) 380

Add(RepeaterBindings集合) 381

Add(Tabs集合) 381

AddCustom 382

AddFile 382

Add(模式3) 382

AddFolders 383

AddFromFile 383

AddFromFile(模式1) 383

AddFromGuid 384

AddFromString 384

AddFromTemplate 384

AddItem 385

AddItem(MSHFlexGrid) 386

AddNew(远程数据) 386

AddToAddInToolbar 387

AddToolboxProgID 387

AppendChunk(远程数据) 388

Assert 389

AsyncRead 389

Arrange 389

BatchUpdate(远程数据) 390

BeginTrans、CoinmitTrans、RollbackTrans(远程数据) 391

Bind 393

BuildPath 393

Cancel 393

Cancel(远程数据) 393

CancelAsyncRead 394

CancelBatch(远程数据) 395

CancelUpdate(远程数据) 395

CaptureImage 396

CanPropertyChange 396

CellText 397

CellValue 397

Circle 398

Clear 399

Clear(ActiveX控件) 399

Clear(Clipboard、ComboBox、ListBox) 399

Clear(DataObject对象) 401

Clear(Format对象) 401

Chear(MSHFlexGrid) 401

Clear(远程数据) 401

ClearWelCols 402

ClearStructure(MSHFlexGrid) 402

ClearSel 402

ClearFields 402

Close 403

Close(动画控件) 403

Close(OLE容器) 403

Close(远程数据) 403

Close(模式1) 404

Close(Winsock控件) 404

Cls 405

ColContaining 405

CollapseAll(MSHFlexGrid) 406

ColumnSize(远程数据) 406

Compose 409

ComputeControISize 410

Connect 411

Copy 411

Copy(模式1) 411

Copy(模式2) 411

Copy(MAPIMessages控件) 412

CopyFile 412

CopyFolder 413

Count 413

CveateDragImage 414

CreateEmbed 414

CreateEventProc 414

CreateFolder 415

CreateLink 415

CreateQuery(远程数据) 416

CreatePreparedStatement(远程数据) 416

CreateTextFile 417

CreateToolWindow 418

Customize 418

Cut 419

Delete 419

Delete(MAPIMessages控件) 419

Delete(OLE容器) 420

Delete(远程数据) 420

DeleteColumnLabels 421

DeleteFile 422

DeleteFolder 422

DeleteColumns 422

DeleteLines 423

DeleteRowLabels 423

DeleteRows 423

DeselectAll 424

DesignerWindow 424

DoVerb 424

DoVerb(OLEObject对象) 425

Drag 426

Draw 427

DriveExists 428

Edit(远程数据) 428

EditCopy 429

EditPaste 429

EndDoc 430

EnsureVisible 431

EstablishConnection(远程数据) 432

Execute 433

Execute(远程数据) 436

Exists 439

ExpandAll(MSHFlexGrid) 440

Export 440

ExportReport 440

ExtractIcon 441

Fetch 441

FileExists 442

Files 442

FetchVerbs(ActiveX控件) 442

FetchVerbs 442

Files (ActiveX控件) 443

Find 443

Find(模式1) 445

FindItem (ListView控件) 445

FolderExists 446

Forward 447

GetAbsoIutePathName 447

GetBaseName 448

GetBookmark 448

GetChunk(Internet Transfer控件) 449

GetChunk(远程数据) 450

GetClipString 451

GetData (DataObject对象) 453

GetData (ActiveX控件) 453

GetData 453

GetData (MSChart) 454

GetData (Winsock控件) 455

GetDrive 456

GetDriveName 456

GetExtensionName 456

GetFile 457

GetFileName 457

GetFfirstVisible 457

GetFolder 458

GetFormat 458

GetFormat(Dataobject对象) 459

GetFormat(ActiveX控件) 459

GetHeader 460

GetLineFromChar 460

GetNumTicks 461

GetParentFolderName 461

GetRows(远程数据)* 462

GetSelectedPart 464

GetSelection 465

GetSpecialFolder 465

GetTempName 465

GetText 466

GetVisibleCount 467

Hide 468

GoForward 468

Goback 468

HitTest (ListView和TreeView控件) 469

HitTest (MonthView控件) 471

HoldFields 473

Import 473

InititalizeLabels 473

Insert 473

InsertColumnLabels 473

InsertColumns 474

InsertFile 474

InsertLines 474

InsertRows 475

Item 475

InsertRowLabels 475

InsertobjDlg 475

Item(模式1) 476

Item(模式2) 477

Items 477

Keys 478

KillDoc 478

Layout 478

Line 479

Lines 479

LinkExecute 480

LinkPoke 481

LinkRequest 482

LinkSend 483

Listen 484

LoadFile 484

LogEvent 484

MakeCompiledFile 485

MoreResults (远程数据) 485

Move 487

Move(模式1) 488

Move(远程数据) 488

MoveData 489

MoveFile 490

MoveFirst、MoveLast、MoveNext、MovePrevious(远程数据) 490

NavigateTo 493

MoveFolder 493

New Page 494

OLEDrag 494

OLEDrag(ActiveX控件) 495

OnAddinsUpdate 495

OnConnection 496

OnDisconnection 497

OnStartupComplete 498

Open(动画控件)* 499

OpenAsTextStream 499

OpenConnection (远程数据) 500

OpenResultset (远程数据) 503

OpenTextFile 506

OpenURL 507

Overlay 508

PaintPicture 511

Paste 512

PasteSpecialDlg 512

PeekData 513

Paly 514

Point 514

PopupMenu 514

Print 515

PrintForm 516

ObjectChanged 517

PrintReport 517

PSet 518

QUit (外接程序) 518

Raise 518

RandomDataFill 519

RandomFillColumns 520

RandomFillRows 520

RdoCreateEnvironment (远程数据) 520

RdoRegisterDataSource (远程数据) 521

Read 523

ReadAll 524

EeadFromFile 524

ReadLine 524

ReadProperty 525

Rebind 525

ReadProperty 525

Refill 526

Refresh 526

Refresh (ActiveX控件) 527

Refresh (远程数据) 527

ReleaseInstance 528

Reload 528

Remove 528

Remove (ActiveX控件) 529

Remove (DataGrid) 529

Remove (模式2) 530

Remove (远程数据) 530

Remove (LightSources集合) 530

Remove (模式1) 530

Remove (Visual Basic扩展) 531

Remove AddInFromToolbar 531

RemoveAll 531

RemoveItem 532

RemoveItem (MSHFlexGrid) 532

Render 532

ReplaceLine 533

Reply 533

ReplyAll 534

Requery (远程数据) 534

RestoreToolbar 535

ResolveName 535

ResetCustomLabel 535

ResetCustom 535

Resync (远程数据) 536

RowBookmark 536

RowContaining 537

RowTop 537

Save 538

SaveAs 538

SaveFile 539

SaveToFile 539

SaveToolbar 540

SaveToOlelFile 540

Scale 541

ScaleX、ScaleY 542

Scroll 543

Select 544

SelectAll 544

SelectPart 544

SelPrint 544

Send 545

SendData 545

Set (Coor,LCoor) 546

Set (LightSource) 546

Set (View3D) 546

Set (VtColor) 547

Set (Weighting) 547

SetAutoServerSettings 547

SetData 548

SetData (ActiveX控件) 549

SetData (DataObject对象) 550

SetData (MSChart) 551

SetFirstVisible 551

SetFocus 551

SetFocus(模式1) 552

SetSelection 552

SetSize 552

SetText 553

SetViewport 554

Show 554

Show (MAPIMessages控件) 555

Show(模式1) 555

ShowHelp 556

ShowOpen 556

ShowColor 556

ShowFont 556

ShowPrinter 557

ShowSave 557

ShowWhatsThis 557

SignOff 558

SiggOn 558

Size 558

Skip 558

SkipLine 559

Span 559

StartLabelEdit 560

SplitContaining 560

Stop(动画控件) 561

StartLogging 561

TextHeight 562

TextWidth 563

ToDefaults 563

Trace 564

TwipsToChartPart 564

TypeByChartType 564

Update 565

Update (OLE容器) 565

Update (远程数据) 566

UpdateControls ( 远程数据) 567

UpdateRecord 567

UpdateControls (ADO Data控件) 567

UpdateControls 567

UpdateRow (远程数据) 568

Upto 569

URLFor 569

WhatsThisMode 570

Write 570

WriteBlankLines 570

WriteLine 571

WriteProperty 571

WriteTemplate 571

ZOrder 572
