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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:韩仲谦,韩楚齐著
  • 出 版 社:北京:光明日报出版社
  • 出版年份:2016
  • ISBN:9787511256584
  • 页数:327 页
标签:转义 省略

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Chapter 2 Figures of Speech in English 6

2.1 Figures of speech as techniques of figurative language in communication 6

2.2 Definition of figure of speech 7

2.3 History and etymology of the term"figure" 8

2.4 Functions of figures of speech 9

2.5 Classification of figures of speech 9

Chapter 3 Figures of Humor 13

3.1 Acutezza 14

3.2 Irony 17

3.3 Malapropism 46

3.4 Paraprosdokian 67

3.5 Paronomasia 76

3.6 Pun 84

3.7 Spoonerism 97

3.8 Tom Swifty 107

3.9 Wellerism 117

Chapter 4 Figures of Meaning 123

4.1 Accumulatio 124

4.2 Acyron 128

4.3 Adianoeta 130

4.4 Adynaton 138

4.5 Allegory 146

4.6 Amphibology/Amphiboly 154

4.7 Anacoluthon 166

4.8 Anacrusis 178

4.9 Antiphrasis 179

4.10 Aphorismus 185

4.11 Apposition 186

4.12 Archaism 194

4.13 Asterismos 207

4.14 Aureation 211

4.15 Correctio 215

4.16 Distinctio 218

4.17 Fictio 226

4.18 Glossolalia 231

4.19 Hypocatastasis 238

4.20 Merism 244

4.21 Merismos 248

Chapter 5 Figures of Omission 252

5.1 Anapodoton 254

5.2 Apocope 256

5.3 Aphaeresis 259

5.4 Aposiopesis/Praecisio 261

5.5 Cataphora 267

5.6 Paralipsis 272

5.7 Parisology 280

5.8 Polysyndeton 285

5.9 Praeteritio 301

5.10 Synaloepha 306

5.11 Syncope 307

Chapter 6 Conclusion 310

Appendix 313

References 315
