A Brush with the Law 1
prefixes: un-, counter-; suffixes: -able, -ible 12
the order of adverbials in end-position 13
It turns out that …;given 14
How to Use a Dictionary 18
Justice Gets Its Shot at Policeman 19
rearrange sentences in logical order to form a coherent piece;write a story 23
Fruitful Questions 25
Poem by Rudyard Kipling 32
compound adjectives: n. + v.-ed, n. + v.-ing (heartbroken,breathtaking) 35
the +adjective 35
be about to...when;be meant to do sth 36
Scanning (1) 40
rearrange sentences in logical obder to form a coherent piece;write a letter 45
Why I Teach 45
suffiixes: -ship, -dom 55
point 55
not...because ...;adj./pp used as adverbial;find + oneself + v.-ed/v.-ing/ prepositional phrase 56
Scanning (2) 60
find topic sentences;composition writing: Why I Chose to Attend College 66
A Fan's Notes 67
Beatitudes for Disabled People 76
suffix: -ian; compound nouns: n. +n. (homework,newspaper) 79
little 81
as...as;what clause;every time .. 82
Scanning (3) 86
learn to use connective words;write a brief report 94
The DayMother Cried 96
suffix: -ist;blending (motor +hotel motel) 105
noun +preposition 105
It was not long before ...;Just that .. 106
Understanding Figurative Language (2) 110
The Day I Met My Mother 111
reorder pictures and write a one-paragraph story based on them 115
Test Yourself 1 (Units 1—5) 117
A Day's Wait 132
Our Heroes 139
combining forms:thern(o)-, kilo-, milli-(thermometer,kilogram, millimeter) 143
would rather 144
before used as conjunction;be of (no) + n 145
Increasing Word Power 148
To Make Papa Proud 150
rearrange scrambled sentences into two stories;study pictures and write a story based on them 154
The Shelter 156
suffixes: -th, -age;prefixes: semi-, mono-,bi- 173
adjectives having different meanings in different positionsp 174
for the reason that ...;the minute .. 175
Recognizing Signal Words (1) 179
The Big Chance 182
learn to use connective words, etc.;write an invitation, etc 186
Daydream a Little 188
Paradise 195
compound verbs: n. + v. (daydream);compound adjectives:n. / ad. + v.-ed, etc.(manmade, newly-invented) 199
affect/ effect 200
imperative sentence + and ...in much the same way that .. 201
Recognizing Signal Words (2) 204
Dreams — What Do They Mean? 207
find topic sentences;composition writing: How to Attain Our Goals in Life 210
Song of Defiance 212
suffixes: -er, -or, -ar,-ist, -an, -ian, -eer, etc.;prefix: mid(-) 224
unless 225
despite ...;since ...;be said / heard to .. 226
The 5 Ws 231
The Death of Hitler 232
rearrange scrambled sentences in logical order;composition writing: Never Forget the Atroci- ties Committed by the Japanese Aggressors 236
The Fantastic Spurt in Technology 239
The Airplane 245
suffix: -ize (-ise);combining form:-logy (biology) 250
technique/technology 251
emphatic “so”; sentences with numerals or multipliers;whether...or.. 252
Recognizing Word Chains 256
Knowledge as Fuel 257
learn to use connective words;write a brief sketch 260
Test Yourself 2 (Units 6—10) 263
Appendix 1 Tape Scripts and Key to Test Papers 277
2 Glossary 293
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