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外科学  第2卷
外科学  第2卷

外科学 第2卷PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:36 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:刘新民等主编
  • 出 版 社:沈阳出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:1525 页
《外科学 第2卷》目录

妇产科学 1

简介 1

外阴瘙痒症的治疗(treatment of pruritus of vulva) 3

外阴湿疹(eczema of vulva) 3

外阴瘙痒症(pruritus of vulva) 3

白癜风的治疗(treatment of vitiligo) 4

股癣(tinea cruris) 4

白癜风(vitiligo) 4

外阴脂溢性皮炎(dermatitis seborrheica of vulva) 4

外阴脂溢性皮炎的治疗(treatment of dermatitis seborrheica of vulva) 4

增殖型天疱疮的诊断和治疗(diagnosis and treatment of pemphigus vegetans) 5

白塞综合征(Behcet syndrome) 5

增殖型天疱疮(pemphigus vegetans) 5

股癣的治疗(treatment of tinea cruris) 5

外阴硬萎的临床表现(clinical features of lichen sclerosus et atrophicus of vulva) 6

外阴硬萎的组织病理(histopathology of lichen sclerosus et atrophicus of vulva) 6

外阴硬化萎缩性苔藓(lichen sclerosus et atrophicus of vulva) 6

白塞综合征的诊断和治疗(diagnosis and treatment of Behcet syndrome) 6

外阴白斑(leukoplakia of vulva) 7

外阴白斑的临床表现(clinical features of leukoplakia of vulva) 7

外阴硬化萎缩性苔藓的治疗(treatment of lichen sclerosuset atrophicus of vulva) 7

外阴硬萎的诊断和鉴别诊断(diagnosis and differential diagnosis of lichen sclerosus et atrophicus of vulva) 7

外阴尖锐湿疣(condyloma acuminata of vulva) 8

尖锐湿疣的临床特点(clinical features of condyloma acuminata) 8

外阴白斑的治疗(treatment of leukoplakia of vulva) 8

外阴白斑的组织病理(histopathology of leukoplakia of vulva) 8

尖锐湿疣的治疗(treatment of condyloma acuminata) 9

尖锐湿疣的预防(prevention of condyloma acuminata) 9

巨大型尖锐湿疣(giant condyloma acuminata of Buschke-Lowenstein) 9

尖锐湿疣的组织病理(histopathology of condyloma acuminata) 9

外阴汗腺瘤(hidradenoma of vulva) 10

外阴脂肪瘤(lipoma of vulva) 10

汗管瘤的诊断和治疗(diagnosis and treatment of syringoma) 10

外阴假性湿疣(pseudocondyloma of vulva) 10

汗管瘤(syringoma) 10

鲍温病(Bowen disease) 11

鲍温病的治疗(treatment of Bowen disease) 11

外阴血管角皮瘤(angiokeratoma of vulva) 11

外阴皮肤纤维瘤(dermatofibroma of vulva) 11

软纤维瘤(soft fibroma) 11

乳房外Paget病(extramammary Paget disease) 12

妊娠期维生素B12缺乏性贫血(vitamin B 12

疣状癌(verrucous carcinoma) 12

鲍温样丘疹病(Bowenoid papulosis) 12

鲍温样丘疹病的特点(clinical features of Bowenoid papulosis) 12

鲍温样丘疹病的治疗(treatment of Bowenoid papulosis) 12

外阴鳞癌的临床表现(clinical features of squamous cell carcinoma of vulva) 13

外阴鳞癌的发病因素(etiology of squamous cell carcinoma of vulva) 13

乳房外Paget病的组织病理(histopathlolgy of extramammary Paget disease) 13

乳房外Paget病的治疗(treatment of extramammary Paget disease) 13

女性生殖器官炎症(inflammatory diseases of female reproductive organs) 14

外阴黑素细胞痣(nevocellular nevus of vulva) 14

外阴鳞癌组织病理(histopathology of squamous 14

cell carcinoma of vulva) 14

外阴基底细胞上皮瘤(basal cell epithelioma of vulva) 14

外阴基底细胞上皮瘤的诊断和治疗(diagnosis and treatment of basal cell epithelioma of vulva) 14

前庭大腺炎(Bartholin gland inflammation) 15

前庭大腺(Bartholin gland) 15

外阴炎(vulvitis) 15

急性外阴炎(acute vulvitis) 15

外阴炎性粘连(inflammatory adhesion of vulva) 15

外阴细菌感染(bacteria infection of vulva) 15

外阴真菌感染(fungal infection of vulva) 15

外阴病毒感染(virus infection of vulva) 15

滴虫性阴道炎(trichomonas vaginitis) 16

阴道毛滴虫(vaginal trichomonas) 16

前庭大腺囊肿(Bartholin gland cyst) 16

前庭大腺脓肿(Bartholin gland abscess) 16

前庭大腺囊肿袋形切开术(marsupialization of Bartholin gland cyst) 16

阴道炎(vaginitis) 16

急性阴道炎(acute vaginitis) 16

幼女外阴阴道炎(pediatric vaginitis and vulvitis) 16

急性宫颈炎(acute cervicitis) 17

宫颈阴道溃疡(ulceration of cervix and vagina) 17

霉菌性阴道炎(mycosis vaginitis) 17

线索细胞(clue cell) 17

细菌性阴道病(bactera vaginosis) 17

老年性阴道炎(senile vaginitis) 17

宫颈人乳头状病毒感染(cervical infection by human papilloma virus,HPV) 18

病毒性宫颈炎(virus cervicitis) 18

慢性子宫颈炎(chronic cervicitis) 18

宫颈糜烂(erosion of cervix) 18

宫颈息肉(cervical polp) 18

宫颈那囊(cervical Nabothian cyst) 18

宫颈活检术(cervical biopsy) 19

宫颈冷冻治疗(cryosurgery of cervical lesion) 19

结核性宫颈炎(tuberculous cervicitis) 19

阿米巴性宫颈炎(amebic cervicitis) 19

宫颈电熨治疗(electrocoagulation of cervical lesion) 19

宫颈激光治疗(laser therapy of cervical lesion) 19

急性盆腔腹膜炎(acute pelvic peritonitis) 20

急性输卵管炎输卵管积脓、输卵管卵巢脓肿(acute salpingitis,pyosalpinx and tuboo-varian abscess) 20

宫颈锥形切除术(conization of cervix) 20

电脑扫描宫颈脱落细胞检查术(computer cervical cytologic examination,CCT) 20

急性盆腔炎(acute pelvic inflammatory disease) 20

p53和p21基因的治疗(therapy of p53 and p 21

输卵管结核(tuberculous salpingitis) 21

急性盆腔结缔组织炎(acute pelvic cellulitis) 21

盆腔脓肿破裂(rupture of pelvic abscess) 21

慢性盆腔炎(chronic or recurrent pelvic inflammatory disease) 21

慢性输卵管炎及输卵管积水(chronic salpingitis and hydrosalpinx) 21

输卵管卵巢囊肿(tubo-ovarian cyst) 21

女性生殖道结核(tuberculosis of female genital tract) 21

后穹隆穿刺术(culdocentesis) 22

子宫内膜结核(endometrial tuberculosis) 22

结核性腹膜炎(tuberculous peritonitis) 22

输卵管结核子宫输卵管碘油造影(hysterosalpin-gography for tuberculosis of fallopian tube) 22

盆腔血栓性静脉炎(pelvic thrombophlebitis) 22

冰冻骨盆(frozen pelvis) 22

外阴侵润性鳞状上皮癌(squamous cell carcinoma of vulva) 23

沙眼衣原体感染(chlamydia trachomitis infection) 23

梅毒(syphilis) 23

淋病(gonorrhea) 23

外阴癌的临床分期(clinical staging of vulva carcinoma) 24

外阴黑色素瘤(melanoma of vulva) 24

外阴肉瘤(sarcoma of vulva) 24

外阴腺癌(adenocarcinoma of vulva) 24

外阴上皮内瘤变(intraepithelial neoplasia of vulva VIN) 24

外阴皮肤Merkel细胞癌(Merkel cell carcinoma of vulva) 24

外阴癌的高危因素(high risk factors of vulva carcinoma) 25

外阴癌腹股沟淋巴结转移(inguinal lymphnode metastasesof vulva carcinoma) 25

腹股沟区淋巴结的解剖分布(anatomic distribution of inguinal lymph nodes) 25

前哨岗淋巴结的核素扫描技术(radiolymphoseinti-graphy for sentinel lymphnode) 25

外阴癌的放射治疗(radiotherapy for vulva carcinoma) 25

外阴癌放疗化疗的综合治疗(combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy for vulva carcinoma) 25

阴道胚性横纹肌肉瘤(embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of vagina) 26

外阴癌的个体化治疗(individualized therapy for vulva carcinoma) 26

阴道上皮内瘤变(intraepithelial neoplasia of vagina,VaIN) 26

阴道原发性鳞癌(primar squamous cell carcinoma of vagina) 26

阴道腺癌(adenocarcinoma of vagina) 26

阴道卵黄囊瘤(yolk sac tumor of vagina) 26

宫颈微灶型浸润癌(microinvasive carcinoma of the cervix,MICA) 27

子宫颈癌及癌前病变(carcinoma of the uterine cervix and precancerous lesious) 27

宫颈不典型增生(cervical dysplasia) 27

宫颈上皮内瘤变(cervical intraepithelial neoplasia CIN) 27

宫颈原位癌(carcinoma in situ of the cervix) 27

碘试验(Schiller test) 28

宫颈浸润癌(invasive carcinoma of the cervix) 28

单纯疱疹Ⅱ型病毒(herpes simplex virus-Ⅱ,HSV-2) 28

人乳头瘤病毒(human papilloma virus,HPV) 28

阴道脱落细胞学(exfoliative cytology of the vagina) 28

Bethesda系统(Bethesda system,TBS) 28

宫颈环状电挖术(loop electrosurgical excision procedure,LEEP) 29

阴道镜检查(colposcopy) 29

宫颈活体组织检查(biopsy of the cervix) 29

宫颈管内膜刮取术(curettage of the endocervix) 29

宫颈锥形切除术(conization of the cervix) 29

肿瘤固有荧光诊断法(diagnosis by tumor inherited fluroresence) 29

广泛性子宫切除术后尿潴留(postoperative urinary retention in radical hysterectomy) 30

宫颈癌细胞DNA含量与倍体(DNA cantent and ploidy of the cervical cancler) 30

宫颈癌的盆腔检查(pelvic examination in cervical cancer) 30

宫颈癌的临床分期(clinical stageing of carcinoma of the cervix) 30

广泛性子宫切除术后输尿管瘘(postoperative ureteral fistula in radical hysterectomy) 30

宫颈癌放射治疗源(radioactivity sources for teatment of cervical cancer) 31

系统性腹膜外淋巴结清扫术后淋巴囊肿(postoperative lymphocyst of systemic extraperitoneal lymphadenectomy) 31

宫颈癌传统腔内放疗(traditional intracavitory irradiation for cervical cancer) 31

宫颈癌A、B点概念(concept of point A and point B in radiotherapy of cervical cancer) 31

宫颈癌后装近距离治疗(afterloading brachytherapy for cervical cancer) 31

放射性直肠炎、膀胱炎(radiorectitis,radiocystitis) 32

宫颈癌放射治疗剂量概念(doseconcept of radiotherapy) 32

宫颈癌等效校正系数(iso-effect correction factor) 32

相对生物效应(relative biological effectiveness,RBE) 32

宫颈癌的体外照射(external irradiation) 32

宫颈癌放射治疗并发症(complication of radiotherapy) 32

高危宫颈癌(high-risk cervical cancer) 33

宫颈癌化学治疗(chemotherapy of cervical cancer) 33

宫颈癌术前先期化疗(neoadjuvant chemotherapy for cervical cancer) 33

宫颈癌综合治疗(combination therapy of the cervical cancer) 33

宫颈腺癌(adenocarcinoma of the cervix) 33

宫颈恶性腺瘤(malignant adenoma of the cervix) 33

宫颈癌的预防(prevention of cervical cancer) 34

宫颈癌合并妊娠(cervical cancer in pregnancy) 34

宫颈残端癌(carcinoma of cervical stump) 34

复发性宫颈癌(recurrent carcinoma of cervix) 34

宫颈癌的肿瘤标志物(tumor markers of cervical cancer) 34

宫颈肌瘤(cervical myoma) 35

卵巢自身移植和移位术(auto-transplantation and transposition of ovaries) 35

子宫肌瘤(myoma of uterus) 35

子宫肌瘤发病原因(pathogenesis of myoma of uterus) 35

子宫肌瘤B超图像(B ultrasonograph of myoma of uterus) 35

子宫肌瘤与不育(myoma of uterus and sterility) 35

子宫肌瘤与流产(myoma of uterus and abortion) 35

米非司酮治疗子宫肌瘤(treatment of myoma of uterus with mifepristone) 36

肌壁间肌瘤(intramural myoma) 36

黏膜下肌瘤(submucous myoma) 36

浆膜下肌瘤(subserous myoma) 36

子宫肌瘤退行性变性(degenerative change of myoma) 36

性腺激素释放素激动剂治疗子宫肌瘤(treatment of myoma of uterus with GNRH-a) 36

腹膜弥漫性平滑肌瘤(leiomyomatastasis peritonealis disseminata) 37

子宫肌瘤合并妊娠(myoma of uterus complicated by pregnancy) 37

子宫上皮样平滑肌瘤(平滑肌母细胞瘤)(epithelioidz smooth muscle tumor;leiomyoblastoma) 37

黏液样平滑肌肉瘤(myxoid leiomyosarcoma) 37

细胞性平滑肌瘤(cellular leiomyoma) 37

奇形怪状核平滑肌瘤(共质体平滑肌瘤)(leiomyoma with bizarre nuclei;symblastic leiomyoma) 37

良性转移性平滑肌瘤(benigh metastatic leiomyoma) 37

子宫内膜高度恶性间质肉瘤(high grade endometrial stromal sarcoma) 38

静脉内平滑肌瘤病(intravenous leiomyomatosis) 38

弥漫性平滑肌瘤病(diffuse leiomyomatosis) 38

子宫肌瘤肉瘤变(sarcomators change of myoma of uterus) 38

子宫肉瘤(uterine sarcoma) 38

子宫内膜低度恶性间质肉瘤(low grade endometrial stromal sarcoma) 38

子宫淋巴瘤和白血病(lymphoma of uterus and leukemia) 39

子宫平滑肌肉瘤(leiomyosarcomas) 39

子宫恶性中胚叶混合瘤(malignant mesodermal mixed tumor) 39

子宫腺肉瘤(adenosarcoma of uterus) 39

子宫内膜间质肉瘤(endometrial stromal sarcoma) 39

子宫淋巴瘤(lymphoma of uterus) 39

子宫内膜不典型增生(atypical hyperplasia of endometrium) 40

子宫肉瘤的临床分期(clinical staging of uterine sarcoma) 40

子宫肉瘤放疗(radiotherapy of uterine sarcoma) 40

子宫肉瘤化疗(chemotherapy of uterine sarcoma) 40

子宫凋落平滑肌瘤(apoplectic leiomyoma of uterus) 40

子宫内膜单纯增生(simple hyperplasia of endometrium) 40

子宫内膜复合增生(complex hyperplasia of endometrium) 40

子宫内膜增生不同类型的鉴别诊断(differential diagnosis of different types of hyperplasia of endometrium) 41

子宫内膜增生(hyperplasia of endometrium) 41

子宫内膜增生分类(classification of hyperplasia of endometrium) 41

子宫内膜增生病因(pathogenesis of hyperplasia of endometrium) 41

子宫内膜增生的闭经和出血(amenorrhea and bleeding in hyperplasia of endometrium) 41

子宫内膜样腺癌(uterine endometrial adenocarcinoma) 42

子宫内膜不典型增生的治疗(treament of atypical hyperpasia of endometrium) 42

子宫内膜增生与不育(endometrial hyperplasia and 42

sterility) 42

子宫内膜不典型增生的病情监测(monitoring of atypical hyperplasia of endometrium) 42

子宫内膜增生的癌变率(carcinomatous change of hyperplasia of endometrium) 42

子宫内膜癌(carcinoma of uterine endometrium) 42

子宫内膜鳞状细胞癌(squamous carcinoma of endometrium) 43

乳头状子宫内膜样腺癌(papillary endometrial adenocarcinoma) 43

分泌型子宫内膜样腺癌(secretory endometrial adenocarcinoma) 43

子宫内膜浆液性乳头状腺癌(serous papillary adenocarcinoma of endometrium) 43

子宫内膜透明细胞癌(clear cell carcinoma of endometrium) 43

子宫内膜黏液性癌(mucinous carcinoma of endometrium) 43

子宫内膜癌手术病理分期(surgico-pathological staging of endometrial cancer) 44

子宫内膜未分化癌(nondifferentiated carcinoma of uterus) 44

子宫内膜癌病理分级(pathological gradings of carcinoma of endometrium) 44

子宫内膜良性分化(benigh metaplasia of endometrium) 44

子宫内膜癌转移(metastases of endometrial carcinoma) 44

子宫内膜癌与不典型增生的鉴别诊断(differential diagnosis for atypical hyperplasia and endometrial cancer) 45

子宫内膜癌发病因素(pathogenesis of endometrial cancer) 45

子宫内膜癌的细胞学检查(cytological exam of endometrial cancer) 45

子宫内膜癌的分段诊刮(fractional curettage in endometrial cancer) 45

子宫内膜癌的B超声图像(B-ultrasonograph of endometrial cancer) 45

子宫内膜癌的高危因素(high risk factors for endometrial cancer) 46

子宫内膜癌的治疗原则(principle of treatment of endometrial cancer) 46

子宫内膜癌的手术治疗(surgical treatment of endometrial carcinoma) 46

子宫内膜癌的化疗(chemotherapy of endometrial cancer) 46

子宫内膜癌的放疗(radiotherapy of endometrial cancer) 46

子宫内膜癌的孕激素治疗(progesterone treatment of endometrial cancer) 46

卵巢上皮性肿瘤(ovarian epithelial tumors) 47

子宫内膜癌放疗与手术综合治疗(combined surgical and radiotherapy for endometrial cancer) 47

子宫内膜癌的预后(prognosis of endometrial cancer) 47

卵巢肿瘤分类(classification of ovarian tumors) 47

卵巢恶性肿瘤的FIGO分期(surgical pathological stging of ovarian malignant tumors) 47

早期卵巢浆液性交界性瘤的手术治疗(surgery for early stage ovarian serous tumors of border-line malignancy) 48

卵巢交界性上皮性肿瘤(ovarian epithelial tumors of low malignancy potential) 48

卵巢浆液性交界性瘤的种植转移(metastatic implantation of ovarian serous tumous of malignant potential) 48

卵巢浆液性交界性瘤的良性型及恶性型(benigh and malignant types of ovarian serous tumors of bord-erline malignancy) 48

卵巢交界性瘤的存活率(survival for ovarian epithelial tumors of borderline malignancy) 48

卵巢癌二次探查术(the second look laparotomy for ovarian cancer) 49

卵巢交界性瘤的化疗(adjuvant chemotherapy for ovarian epithelial tumors of borderline malignancy) 49

纯型及混合型的卵巢子宫内膜样癌(pure and mixed types of ovarian endometrioid epithelial carcinoma) 49

卵巢上皮性癌的存活率(survival for ovarian epithelial carcinoma) 49

卵巢癌肿瘤细胞减灭术(cytoreductive surgery for ovarian carcinoma) 49

化疗间隔期或中间性肿瘤细胞减灭术(interval cytoreduction or intervening cytoreduction) 50

大网膜切除术(omentectomy) 50

卵巢上皮性癌FIGO Ⅰ期的保守性手术(conservative surgery for FIGO stage Ⅰ ovarian epithelial carcinoma) 50

再次肿瘤细胞减灭术(secondary tumor cytoreduction) 50

卵巢癌二探(+)的再次肿瘤细胞减灭术(secondary cytoreduction for patients with positive findings in second look laparotomy) 50

复发性肿瘤的再次肿瘤细胞减灭术(re-cytoreduction for recurrent ovarian carcinoma) 50

卵巢恶性肿瘤的病情监测(monitoring of disease status of ovarian malignanttumors) 51

肿瘤初次手术后化疗过程中恶化进展的再次肿瘤细胞减灭术(re-cytoreduction for progressive ovarian carcinoma after initial cytoreduction and chemo therapy) 51

卵巢癌化疗(chemotherapy of ovarian cancer) 51

卵巢癌腹腔化疗(intraperitoneal chemotherapy for ovarian carcinoma) 51

卵巢癌紫杉醇(Taxol)化疗(chemotherapy of ovarian cancer with taxol) 51

Ⅰ期卵巢癌保守性手术后的化疗(chemotherapy after conservative surgery for stage Ⅰ ovarian cancer) 51

恶性腹膜间皮瘤(malignant mesothelioma of peritoncum) 52

血清CA125的测定(serum assay for CA125) 52

腹膜第二苗勒系统肿瘤(tumors of the second Mullerian system of peritoneum) 52

腹膜假黏液性瘤(pseudomucinous peritonei) 52

腹膜原发性浆液性囊腺癌(primary serous cystadenocarcinoma of peritoneum) 52

卵巢未成熟畸胎瘤(ovarian immature teratoma) 53

恶性腹膜间皮瘤的治疗(treatmcnt for malignant mesothelioma of peritoneum) 53

恶性腹膜间皮细胞瘤的鉴别诊断(differential diagnosis for malignant mesothelioma of peritoneum) 53

卵巢畸胎瘤的分类(classification of ovarian teratoma) 53

卵巢成熟畸胎瘤(mature teratoma of ovary) 53

卵巢恶性生殖细胞肿瘤保留生殖功能(fertility preservation for malignant ovaran germ cell tumor) 54

卵巢未成熟畸胎瘤恶性程度的逆转(retroconversion of the malignancy of ovarian immature teratoma) 54

卵巢未成熟畸胎瘤恶性程度逆转的临床意义(clinical significance of the retroconversion of maliganacy of ovarian teratoma) 54

卵巢无性细胞瘤(ovarian dysgerminoma) 54

卵巢卵黄囊瘤(ovarian yolk sac tumor) 54

卵巢卵黄囊瘤的命名(denomination of ovarian yolk sac tumor) 54

遗传性卵巢癌综合征(hereditory ovarian cancer syndrome,HOCS) 55

卵巢性索间质肿瘤(ovarian sex cord stromal tumor) 55

卵巢颗粒细胞瘤(ovarian granulosa cell tumor) 55

卵巢泡膜细胞瘤(ovarian theca cell tumor) 55

卵巢纤维瘤(fibroma of ovary) 55

麦格综合征(Meig syndrome) 55

卵巢幼年型颗粒细胞瘤(juvenil type of granulosa cell tumor of ovary) 55

家族性黑斑息肉综合征(Peutz-Jeghers syndrome) 55

输卵管癌临床分期(clinical staging of fallopian tube cancer) 56

卵巢转移性肿瘤(metastatic ovarian tumor) 56

妊娠合并卵巢肿瘤(pregnancy complicated by ovarian tumor) 56

幼少女生殖器恶性肿瘤(genital tract malignancy in children and adolescents) 56

幼少女卵巢恶性生殖细胞肿瘤(malignat ovarian germ cell tumors in children and adolescents) 56

输卵管癌(primary carcinoma of fallopian tube) 56

葡萄胎的临床表现(clinical manifestations of hydatidiform mole) 57

输卵管癌手术治疗(surgical treatment of fallopian tube cancer) 57

输卵管癌化疗(chemotherapy of fallopian tube cancer) 57

输卵管癌放疗(radiotherapy of fallopian tube cancer) 57

葡萄胎(hydatidiform mole) 57

完全性葡萄胎(complete hydatidiform mole) 57

部分性葡萄胎(partial hydatidiform mole) 57

乳腺癌CMFVP方案(CMFVP regimen in breast cancer) 58

葡萄胎的诊断与处理(diagnosis and management of hydatidiform mole) 58

侵蚀性葡萄胎(invasive mole) 58

侵蚀性葡萄胎的临床病理特点(clinical and pathological characteristics of invasive mole) 58

侵蚀性葡萄胎的诊断(diagnosis of invasive mole) 58

妊娠性绒癌(gestational choriocarcinaoma) 59

妊娠性绒癌的临床病理特点(clinical and pathological characteristics of gestational choriocarcinoma) 59

妊娠性绒癌的诊断(diagnosis of choriocarcinoma) 59

滋养细胞肿瘤的临床分期(clinical staging of gestational trophoblastic tumors) 59

滋养细胞肿瘤的预后评分系统(prognostic scoring system of gestational trophoblastic tumors) 60

恶性滋养细胞肿瘤的化学治疗(chemotherapy of malignant trophoblastic tumors) 60

恶性滋养细胞肿瘤的手术治疗(surgical treatment ofmalignant trophoblastic tumors) 60

恶性滋养细胞肿瘤的放射治疗(radiotherapy of malignant trophoblastic tumors) 60

恶性滋养细胞肿瘤各转移瘤的诊断和治疗(diagnosis and treatment of metastases of malignant trophoblastictumors) 61

恶性滋养细胞肿瘤外阴阴道转移(vulval and vaginal metastasis of malignant trophblastic tumors) 61

恶性滋养细胞肿瘤宫颈转移瘤(cervical metastasis of malignant trophoblastic tumors) 61

恶性滋养细胞肿瘤宫旁转移(parametrial metastasis of malignant trophoblastic tumors) 61

恶性滋养细胞肿瘤肺转移(pulmonary metastasis of malignant trophoblastic tumors) 62

恶性滋养细胞肿瘤脑转移(brain metastasis of malignant trophoblastic tumors) 62

恶性滋养细胞肿瘤肝转移(hepatic metastasis of malignant trophoblastic tumors) 62

恶性滋养细胞肿瘤脾转移(splenic metastasis of malignant trophoblastic tumors) 62

恶性滋养细胞肿瘤肾转移(renal metastasis of malignant trophoblastic tumors) 63

恶性滋养细胞肿瘤膀胱转移(urinary metastasis of malignant trophoblastic tumors) 63

恶性滋养细胞肿瘤胃肠道转移(gastro-intestinal metastasis of malignant trophoblastic tumors) 63

人类绒毛膜促性腺激素(human chorionic gonadotropin,HCG) 63

选择性动脉插管技术在滋养细胞肿瘤中的应用(elective arterial catheterization in the diagnosis and management of trophoblastic tumors) 63

胎盘部位滋养细胞肿瘤(placental site trophoblastic tumors,PSTT) 64

子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis) 64

子宫内膜异位症病因的种植学说(implantation theory of the pathogenesis of endometriosis) 64

子宫内膜异位症病因的体腔上皮化生学说(celomic metaplasia theory of the pathogenesis of endometriosis) 64

子宫内膜异位症病因的黄素化未破裂卵泡综合征学说(luteinizedunruptured follicle syndrome theory of the pathogenesis of endometriosis) 64

子宫内膜异位症病因的免疫学说(immunity theory of the pathogenesis of endometriosis) 65

子宫内膜异位症病因的良性转移学说(benign metastasis theory of the pathogenesis of endometriosis) 65

子宫内膜异位症发生机制的分子生物学基础(molecular biology basis of the pathogenesis of endometriosis) 65

芳香化酶P450在异位内膜灶种植中的作用(aromatase P450 in the implantation of ectopic endometrium) 65

血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)在子宫内膜异位灶种植中的作用(vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)in the implantation of ectopic endometrium) 65

异位内膜上雌激素受体与孕激素受体的特点(estrogen and progesterone receptor in ectopic endometrium) 65

表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)家族在异位内膜进展中的作用(function of epidermal growth factor 66

receptor(EGFR)in the progression of endometriosis) 66

生长调节因子α在内膜异位症的盆腔环境中的表达(expression of growth regulated α in the peritoneal environment with endometriosis) 66

细胞凋亡的调控:Bcl-2、Fas在异位和正位内膜中的表达(expression of Bcl-2 and Fas in the eutopic and ectopic endometrium in regulating endometrial cell apoptosis) 66

子宫内膜异位症与不育(endometriosis and infertility) 66

卵巢巧克力囊肿(chocolate ovarian cyst) 66

子宫直肠陷凹及直肠阴道隔的子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis of rectouterine pouch and rectovaginal septum) 66

肠道子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis of intestinal/tract) 67

泌尿系子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis of urinary tract) 67

宫颈子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis in cervix uteri) 67

腹膜子宫内膜异位症(peritoneal endometriosis) 67

胸膜及肺部子宫内膜异位症(pleura and pulmonary endometriosis) 68

腹壁瘢痕子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis in abdominal scar) 68

子宫内膜异位症的临床分期(classification of endometriosis) 68

子宫内膜异位症的Acosta分期(Acosta classification of endometriosis) 68

子宫内膜异位症的美国生育协会(AFS)分期(American Fertility Society(AFS)classification of endometriosis) 68

子宫内膜异位症的修改后美国生育协会(RAFS)分期(revised American Fertility Society(RAFS)classification of endometriosis) 69

子宫内膜异位症的血清CA125测定(serum levels of CA125 in endometriosis) 69

子宫内膜异位症的腹腔镜诊断(laparoscopic diagnosis for endometriosis) 69

子宫内膜异位症的鉴别诊断(differential diagnosis of endometriosis) 70

子宫内膜异位症的治疗(treatment of endometriosis) 70

子宫内膜异位症的假孕疗法(pseudopregnancy treatment of endometriosis) 70

子宫内膜异位症的假绝经疗法(pseudomenopause treatment of endometriosis) 70

丹那唑治疗子宫内膜异位症(danazol treatment of endometriosis) 70

内美通治疗子宫内膜异位症(nemestran treatment of endometriosis) 71

促性腺激素释放激素激动剂(GnRH-a)治疗子宫内膜异位症(gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist GnRH-a treatment of endometriosis) 71

GnRH-a治疗子宫内膜异位症中的反向添加治疗(add-back treatment for GnRH-a therapy) 71

棉酚治疗子宫内膜异位症(gossypol treatment of endometriosis) 71

子宫内膜异位症米非司酮(RU486)治疗(mifepristone(RU486)treatment of endometriosis) 71

子宫内膜异位症的剖腹手术治疗(surgical treatment of endometriosis by laparotomy) 72

子宫内膜异位症药物与手术综合治疗(combined medical and surgical treatment in endometriosis) 72

子宫内膜异位症的治疗方法的选择(selection of treatment of endometriosis) 72

子宫肌腺病(adenomyosis) 72

子宫腺肌病的手术治疗(surgical treatment of adenomyosis) 72

子宫腺肌病的药物治疗(medical treatment of adenomyosis) 72

阴道膀胱膨出(vaginal cystocele) 72

阴道直肠膨出(vaginal rectocele) 73

阴道尿道膨出(vaginal urethralcele) 73

阴道内异物(foreign body in vagina) 73

外阴血肿(hematoma of vulva) 73

宫颈撕裂(laceration of cervix) 73

应力性尿失禁(stress incontinence of urine) 73

会阴陈旧性撕裂(old laceration of perineum) 74

阴道囊肿(vaginal cyst) 74

阴道小肠疝(vaginal enterocele) 74

子宫脱垂(prolapse of uterus) 74

宫颈过长(elongation of cervix) 74

宫颈溃疡(ulceration of cervix) 74

子宫托(vaginal ring for prolapse of uterus) 75

子宫腹壁瘘管(uterine abdominal fistula) 75

膀胱阴道瘘(cysto-vaginal fistula) 75

尿道阴道瘘(urethro-vaginal fistula) 75

膀胱尿道阴道瘘(cysto-urethro-vaginal fistula) 75

膀胱宫颈阴道瘘(cysto-cervical vaginal fistula) 76

输尿管阴道瘘(uretero-vaginal fistula) 76

阴道疤痕性狭窄(vaginal atresia by scarring) 76

阴道裂伤(laceration of vaginal wall) 76

直肠阴道瘘(recto-vaginal fistula) 76

处女膜闭锁(imperforate hymen) 76

先天性直肠阴道瘘(congenital recto-vaginal fistula) 77

尿道憩室(urethral diverticulum) 77

阴道积血,子宫积血及输卵管积血(hematocolpos,hematometra and hematosalpinx) 77

先天性无阴道(congenital absence of vagina) 77

阴道横隔(transverse vaginal septum) 77

阴道纵隔(longitudinal vaginal septum) 77

阴道斜隔(oblique vaginal septum) 77

宫颈发育不全(congenital anomaly of uterinex) 78

先天性子宫畸形(congenital anomaly of uterus) 78

先天性输卵管畸形(congenital anomaly of fallopian tube) 78

阴道前壁膀胱膨出修补术(anterior colporrhaphy) 78

阴道后壁直肠膨出修补术(posterior colporrhaphy) 78

子宫脱垂曼彻斯特修补术(Manchester operation for prolapse of uterus) 78

阴道式全子宫切除术(vaginal hysterectomy) 79

阴道前后壁封闭手术(Le-Fort colporrhaphy) 79

子宫脱垂斯波尔丁—理查森手术(Spalding-Richardson operation for prolapse of uterus) 79

会阴三度撕裂修补术(operative repair for third degree tear of perineum) 79

宫颈撕裂修补术(trecheloplasty for laceration of cervix) 79

外阴切除术(vulvectomy) 79

肌瘤摘除手术(myomectomy) 80

部分子宫切除术(subtotal hysterectomy) 80

全子宫切除术(total hysterectomy) 80

卵巢囊肿剔除术(enucleation of ovarian cyst) 80

卵巢输卵管切除术(salpingo-oophorectomy) 80

输卵管成形术(salpingoplasty) 81

输卵管造口术(salpingostomy) 81

输卵管切除术(salpingectomy) 81

筋膜外全子宫切除术(extrafascial total hysterectomy) 81

筋膜外扩大全子宫切除术(extended extrafascial hysterectomy) 81

次广泛全子宫切除术(subextensive hysterectomy) 81

广泛全子宫切除及盆腔淋巴结清扫术(extensive total hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy) 81

腹膜外淋巴结清扫术(extraperitoneal pelvic lymhadenectomy) 82

超广泛性全子宫切除术(ultraradical hysterectomy) 82

盆腔脏器切除术(pelvic exenteration) 82

妇科腹腔镜技术(gynecologic laparoscopy) 82

妇科腹腔镜手术的发展史(history of operative gynecologic laparoscopy) 82

妇科腹腔镜的手术器械(surgical instruments of gynecologic loparoscopy) 82

腹腔镜手术器械的消毒(sterilixation of laparoscopic instruments) 82

妇科腹腔镜检的手术方法(surgical skills of gynecologic laparoscopy) 83

开放式腹腔镜检(open laparoscopy) 83

显微腹腔镜检(microlaparoscopy) 83

妇科腹腔镜手术的适应证(indication of operative gynecologic laparoscopy) 83

妇科腹腔镜手术的禁忌证(contraindication of operative gynecologic laparoscopy) 83

妇科腹腔镜手术的麻醉(anesthesia of operative gynecologic laparoscopy) 84

腹腔镜检诊断盆腔包块(laparoscopy for diagnosis of pelvic mass) 84

腹腔镜检诊断盆腔疼痛(laparoscopy for diagnosis of pelvic pain) 84

腹腔镜检诊断妇科内分泌疾病(laparoscopy for 84

diagnosis of gynecologic endocrine disorders) 84

腹腔镜检诊断生殖器畸形(laparoscopy for diagnosis of genital malformation) 84

腹腔镜检诊断多囊卵巢(laparoscopyfor diagnosis of polycystic ovary) 84

腹腔镜下多囊卵巢打孔术(laparoscopic oophorostomy or ovarian drilling for polycystic ovary) 84

腹腔镜检查不孕症的适应证(indication of laparoscopy for infertility) 84

腹腔镜检诊断及处理不孕症(laparoscopy for diagnosis and treatment of infertility) 85

腹腔镜检在卵巢恶性肿瘤中的应用(laparoscopy for ovarian malignant tumors) 85

腹腔镜检在滋养细胞肿瘤中的应用(laparoscopy for trophoblastic diseases) 85

腹腔镜检的局限性(limits of laparoscopy) 85

腹腔镜手术中电凝及电切治疗(laparoscopic surgery with electrocautery and electrocision) 85

腹腔镜手术使用电凝时注意事项(key points of laparoscopic surgery with electrocautery) 85

腹腔镜手术中微波治疗(laparoscopic surgery with microwave) 86

腹腔镜手术中激光治疗(laparoscopic surgery with laser) 86

妇科腹腔镜手术操作的特点(special skills for operative gynecologic laparoscopy) 86

妇科腹腔镜手术的并发症(complications of operative gynecologic laparoscopy) 86

腹腔镜手术并发症的预防(prevention of complications in laparoscopic surgery) 86

腹腔镜下卵巢囊肿剥除术(enucleation of ovarian cysts under laparoscopy) 87

腹腔镜下卵巢囊肿切除术(ovariocystectomy under laparoscopy) 87

腹腔镜下卵巢冠囊肿剥除术(enucleation of parovarian cysts under laparoscopy) 87

子宫内膜异位症的腹腔镜手术治疗(laparoscopic treatment for endometriosis) 87

输卵管妊娠腹腔镜手术治疗(laparoscopic treatment for tubal pregnancy) 87

腹腔镜下盆腔粘连分离术(pelvic adhesiotomy under laparoscopy) 87

腹腔镜下输卵管造口术(salpingostomy under laparoscopy) 88

腹腔镜下输卵管脓肿的处理(treatment of pyosalpinx under laparoscopy) 88

腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤摘除术(laparoscopic myomectomy) 88

腹腔镜下张力性尿失禁矫治术(surgical treatment of stress incontinence of urine under laparoscopy) 88

腹腔镜辅助的阴道子宫切除术(laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy,LAVH) 88

腹腔镜标准鞘内SEMM式子宫切除术(classic intrafascial SEMM hysterectomy,CISH) 88

腹腔镜下腹膜后淋巴结切除术(laparoscopic lymphadenectomy) 89

腹腔镜绝育术(laparoscopic sterilization) 89

腹腔镜下手术优点及不足之处(advantages and disadvantages of laparoscopic surgery) 89

宫腔镜手术的发展史(history of hysteroscopic surgery) 89

宫腔镜手术的器械与设备(equipment and instrument of hysteroscopic surgery) 90

宫腔镜检查(diagnostic hysteroscopy) 90

宫腔镜检查的适应证与禁忌证(indication and contraindication of diagnostic hysteroscopy) 90

正常宫腔的宫腔镜所见(hysteroscopy of normal uterine cavity) 90

宫腔镜下常见的几种病理情况(pathological conditions commonly seen by hysteroscopy) 91

宫腔镜检查并发症(complication of diagnostic hysteroscopy) 91

宫腔镜B超联合检查(hysteroscopy combining with B sonography) 91

宫腔镜手术治疗妇科疾病(hysteroscopic surgery for gynecologic disease) 91

宫腔镜技术治疗不孕症(hysteroscopic treatment for infertility) 91

宫腔镜手术(operative hysteroscopy) 92

宫腔镜手术的术前准备(preoperative preparation for hysteroscopic operation) 92

宫腔镜电切术的灌流液(irrigating fluid for hysteroscopic electroresection) 92

宫腔镜电切术的灌流方法(fluid irrigation for hysteroscopic electroresection) 92

宫腔镜子宫内膜电切术(transcervical resection of endometrium,TCRE) 93

宫腔镜子宫肌瘤切除术(transcervical resection of myoma of uterus,TCRM) 93

宫腔镜子宫中隔切除术(transcervical resection of uterine septum,TCRS) 93

宫腔镜子宫粘连切除术(transcervial resection of uterine adhesion,TCRA) 93

宫腔镜子宫异物取出术(transcervical remoral of intra-uterine foreign body) 93

宫腔镜下激光手术(hysteroscopic operation with laser) 94

宫腔镜手术的术后经过(postoperative course of hysteroscopic surgery) 94

宫腔镜手术的术后处理(postoperative treatment for hysteroscopic surgery) 94

宫腔镜手术并发症(complications of hysteroscopic surgery) 94

宫腔镜手术的晚期并发症(late complications of hysteroscopic surgery) 95

宫腔镜子宫内膜电切除与腹式或阴式子宫切除的比较(comparison of transcervical resection of endometrium with abdominal or vaginal hysterectomy) 95

宫腔镜子宫内膜电切除与各种方法比较(comparison of transcervical resection of endometrium with other method of endometrial ablation) 95

宫腹腔镜联合手术在妇科的应用(combining use of hysteroscopic and laparoscopic surgeries in gynecologic disease) 95

直流电疗法(galvanism) 96

电离子透入疗法(iontophoresis) 96

感应电疗法(faradization) 96

音频电疗法(audiofrequency current therapy) 96

调制中频电疗法(modulated medium frequency electrotherapy) 96

干扰电疗法(interferential current therapy) 96

立体动态干扰电疗法(stereo-dynamic interferential current therapy) 97

短波电疗法(short wave therapy) 97

脉冲短波疗法(pulsed short wave therapy) 97

超短波疗法(ultrashort wave therapy) 97

微波疗法(microwave therapy) 97

毫米波疗法(millimeter wave therapy) 97

高频热疗法(hyperthermia therapy) 97

红外线疗法(infrared therapy) 97

可见光疗法(visible light therapy) 98

紫外线疗法(ultraviolet therapy) 98

紫外线照射充氧自血回输疗法(ultraviolet blood irradiation and oxygenation,UBIO) 98

激光疗法(laser therapy) 98

超声波疗法(ultrasonotherapy) 98

磁场疗法(magnetic field therapy) 99

上行淋浴疗法(upward shower therapy) 99

石蜡疗法(paraffin therapy) 99

泥疗法(pelotherapy) 99

砂疗法(sand therapy) 99

冷冻疗法(cryotherapy) 99

性学(sexology) 99

性医学(sexual medicine) 100

性欲(sexual desire;libido) 100

性交(sexual intercourse,coitus) 100

格拉夫伯格点(G点)(Gr?fenberg spot) 100

性反应时相(phase of sexual response) 100

女性性功能障碍(female sexual dysfunction) 101

女性性欲低下(female inadequate sexual desire) 101

女性性欲亢进(female hypersexuality) 101

阴道痉挛(vaginismus) 101

性交疼痛(dyspareunia) 101

口交(oral-genital sex) 101

肛交(anal intercourse) 101

性偏离(sexual deviation) 102

同性恋(homosexuality) 102

性骚扰(sexual harassment) 102

性施虐(sexual sadism) 102

强奸(rape) 102

变性手术(sex reversion surgery) 102

性教育(sexual education) 103

原始生殖细胞(primordial germ cell) 103

卵原细胞(oogonia) 103

初级卵母细胞(primary oocyte) 103

次级卵母细胞(secondary oocyte) 103

卵母细胞的最终成熟(final maturation of oocyte) 103

卵细胞储备(oocyte reserve) 103

始基卵泡(primordial follicle) 104

卵泡发育(folliculogenesis) 104

窦前卵泡(preantral follicle) 104

窦状卵泡(antral follicle) 104

排卵前卵泡(preovulatory follicle) 104

卵泡群的募集(recruitment of follicle cohort) 105

优势卵泡的选择(selection of dominant follicle) 105

卵泡闭锁(follicular atresia) 105

LH/FSH峰(midcycle LH/FSH surge) 105

促性腺激素释放激素的自身引发作用(self priming effect of GnRh) 105

排卵(ovulation) 105

黄体(corpus lutein) 106

黄体退化(loteolysis) 106

受精(fertilization) 106

卵裂(cleavage) 106

着床(nidation) 106

雌激素(estrogen) 106

雌激素受体(estrogen receptor,ER) 106

孕酮(progesterone) 107

雄激素(androgen) 107

性激素结合蛋白(sex hormone-binding globulin SHBG) 107

雌激素的生理功能(function of estrogen) 107

孕酮的生理功能(function of progesterone) 107

月经周期(menstrual cycle) 108

增殖期(proliferative phase) 108

分泌期(secretory phase) 108

月经期(menstrual phase) 108

垂体促性腺激素(gonadotropin) 108

卵巢激素的反馈调节(feedback control of ovarian hormones) 109

卵泡刺激素(follicle stimulating hormone,FSH) 109

黄体生成激素(luteinizing hormone,LH) 109

促性腺激素释放激素(gonadotropin releasing hormone,GnRH) 109

GnRH脉冲分泌(pulsatile secretion of GnRH) 109

GnRH的双向调节作用(dual action of GnRH) 110

中枢神经系下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴(central neuronal system hypothalamic-pituitary-ovary axis) 110

泌乳素(prolactin) 110

促性腺激素释放激素增效剂(GnRH agonist,GnRHa) 110

抑制素(inhibin) 110

激活素(activin) 110

卵泡抑素(follistatin) 111

基础体温(basal body temperature(BBT)measurement) 111

阴道细胞学检查(vaginal cytology) 111

宫颈粘液检查(cervical mucus examination) 111

子宫内膜活体组织检查(endometrium biopsy) 111

孕酮试验(progesterone test) 112

雌激素试验(estrogen test) 112

GnRH兴奋试验(GnRH stimulating test) 112

生殖激素浓度测定(measurements of reproductive hormones) 112

盆腔B型超声检查(pelvic ultrasonography) 113

青春发育期(puberty) 113

月经初潮(menarche) 113

乳房初发育(thelarche) 113

肾上腺功能初现(阴毛初现)(adrenarche;pubarche) 113

性早熟症真性(完全性)(true-precocious puberty(complete)) 113

体质性(特发性)真性性早熟症(constitutional lidiopathic precocious puberty) 114

性早熟症假性(不完全性)(pseudo-precocious puberty(incomplete)) 114

McCune-Albright综合征(McCune-Albright syndrome) 114

乳房早发育(precocious thelarche) 114

阴毛早现(precocious adrenarche) 114

青春发育延迟(delayed puberty) 114

体质性青春发育延迟(constitutional delayed puberty) 115

性幼稚(sexual infantilism) 115

月经失调(menstral disorders) 115

功能失调性子宫出血有排卵型(dysfunctional uterine bleeding,ovulatory) 115

月经量多(menorrhagia) 115

经间出血(intermentstrual bleeding) 115

围排卵期出血(peri-ovulatory bleeding) 116

卵泡期出血或月经期长(prolonged period) 116

黄体期出血或经前出血(premenstrual bleeding) 116

功能失调性子宫出血无排卵型(dysfunctional uterine bleeding,anovulatory) 116

月经频多(menometrorrhagia) 116

月经淋漓(menostaxis) 116

月经过少(hypomenorrhea) 116

月经稀发(oligomenorrhea) 116

性交后出血(post-coital bleeding) 116

撤退性出血(withdrawal bleeding) 116

突破性出血(breakthrough bleeding) 117

宫腔镜下子宫内膜切除术(endometrium albation under hysteroscopy) 117

隐经(cryptomenorrhea) 117

闭经原发性(amenorrhea,pirmary) 117

闭经继发性(amenorrhea,secondary) 117

子宫性闭经(uterine amenorrhea) 117

宫腔粘连综合征(asherman syndrome) 117

探宫腔术(sounding of uterine cavity) 117

副中肾管系发育不全(mullerian dysgenesis;Rukitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome) 118

卵巢性闭经(高促性腺激素性闭经)(ovarian amenorrhea;hyper-gonadotropic amenorhea) 118

Turner综合征(Turner syndrome) 118

卵巢早衰(过早绝经)(premature ovarian failure,premature menopause) 118

卵巢不敏感综合征(ovarian resistant syndrome;Savage syndrome) 118

垂体性闭经(pituitary amenorrhea) 118

希恩综合征(Sheehan syndrome) 118

空蝶鞍综合征(empty-sella syndrome) 119

下丘脑性闭经(hypothalamic amenorrhea) 119

单一性促性腺激素缺乏症(isolated gonadotropin deftciency;Kallmann syndrome) 119

肥胖生殖无能综合征(frohlich syndrome) 119

功能性下丘脑性闭经(dysfunctional hypothalamic amenorrhea) 119

精神性闭经(psychogenic amenorrhea) 120

营养不良性闭经(malnutritonal amenorrhea;weightloss related amenorrhea) 120

运动性闭经(exercise-related amenorrhea) 120

神经性厌食(anorexia nervosa) 120

避孕药后闭经(post-pill amenorrhea) 121

正常促性腺激素性闭经(normo-gonadotropic amenorrhea) 121

低促性腺性闭经(hypo-gonadotropic amenorrhea) 121

假孕(psuedocyesis) 121

高雄激素血症(hyperandrogenemia) 121

多囊卵巢综合征(polycystic ovarian syndrome) 121

卵泡膜细胞增殖症(hyperthecosis) 122

女性多毛症(hirsutism) 122

特发性多毛症(idiopathic hirsutism) 122

女性男性化(virilization) 122

黑棘皮症(acanthosis nigicans) 122

胰岛素抵抗(insulin resistance) 122

高雄激素-胰岛素抵抗-黑棘皮综合征(hyperandrogenemia-insulin resistant-acathos is nigrican syndrome;HAIR-AN syndrome) 123

卵巢楔形切除术(wedge resection of ovary) 123

腹腔镜下卵巢打孔术(laparoscopic ovarian cauterization) 123

高泌乳素血症(hyperprolactinemia) 123

闭经泌乳综合征(amenorrhea-galactorrhea syndrome) 123

垂体泌乳素瘤 大腺瘤(pituitary macroprolactinoma) 124

垂体泌乳素瘤 微腺瘤(pituitary microprolactinoma) 124

高泌乳素血症 特发性(idiopathic hyperprolactinemia) 124

痛经原发性(dysmenorrhea,primary) 124

痛经继发性(dysmenorrhea,secondary) 124

经前期紧张症(premenstrual syndrome) 124

性发育异常(两性畸形)(disorders of sexual development,hermaphroditism) 125

SRY基因(sex determining region of Y gene) 125

真两性畸形(tue hermaphroditism) 125

假两性畸形(psuedohermaphroditism) 125

曲细精管发育不全(Klinefelter syndrome) 125

XO/XY性腺发育不全(XO/XY gonadal dysgenesis) 125

先天性肾上腺皮质增生症,21羟化酶缺乏症(congenital adrenal hyperplasia,21-hydroxy lase deficiency) 125

肾上腺皮质增生症,17-α羟化酶缺乏症(adrenal hyperplasia,17-α hydroxylase deficiency) 126

雄激素不敏感综合征(androgen insensitivity syndrome) 126

条索状性腺(streak gonad) 126

类无睾体型(eunuchoid) 126

超雌(super-female) 126

单纯性腺发育不全(pure gonadal dysgenesis) 126

围绝经期(perimenopausal period) 126

绝经过渡期(menopausal transitional period) 126

绝经前期(premenopausal period) 127

绝经后期(postmenopausal period) 127

绝经期综合征(menopausal syndrome) 127

潮热(hot flushes) 127

绝经后骨质疏松症(postmenopausal osteoporosis) 127

骨密度(bone mineral density) 127

绝经后性激素替代治疗(postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy) 128

不育症(infertility) 128

女性不育症,原发性和继发性(female infertility,primary and secondary) 128

男性不育症(male infertility) 128

无排卵性不育症(anovulatory infertility) 129

持续性不排卵(chronic anovulation) 129

稀发排卵(oligoovulation) 129

过早黄素化(premature luteinization) 129

黄体功能缺陷(luteal phase deficiency LPD) 129

黄素化未破裂卵泡综合征(luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome,LUFS) 130

输卵管性不育症(tubal infertility) 130

原因不明性不育症(unexplained infertility) 130

免疫性不育症(immune infertility) 130

交媾后试验(postcoital test;Huhner test) 130

输卵管通液检查(hydrotubation) 131

子宫输卵管造影(hysterosalpingography) 131

诱导排卵(induction of ovulation) 131

控制下促超排卵:CC/HMG/HCG和HMG或FSH/HCG方案(controlled ovarian hyperstimulation(COH)or controlled super-ovulation:CHMG/HCG and HMG or FSH/HCG project) 132

控制下促超排卵:GnRH-a/HMG/HCG和GnRH/HMG/HCG方案(controlled ovarian hyperstimulation(COH):GnRH-a/HMG and GnRH/HMG/HCG project) 132

卵巢过度刺激综合征(ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome,OHSS) 132

辅助生育技术(assisted reproductive techniques,ART) 133

人工授精,夫精(artificial insemination by husbana,AIH) 133

人工授精,供精(artificial insemination by donor,AID) 133

人工授精,宫腔内(intra-uterine insemination,IUI) 133

人工授精 腹腔内(direct intraperitoneal insemination,DIPI) 133

人工授精 卵泡内(direct intra-follicular insemination,DIFI) 133

人工授精 输卵管内 经阴道(transvaginal intra-tubal insemination,TITI) 134

精子输卵管内移植(sperm intra-fallopian transfcr,SIFT) 134

采卵术(ovum recovery;ovum retrieval) 134

体外受精,胚胎移植(in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer,IVF-ET) 134

赠卵体外受精,胚胎移植(oocyte donation,IVF-ET) 135

赠送胚胎移植(embryo donation ET) 135

代孕母亲(surrogate mother) 135

冻融胚胎移植(frozen-thawed embryo transfer) 135

显微授精,透明带部分解剖(partial zona dissection,PZD) 136

显微授精透明带下显微授精(subzonal insemination,SUZI) 136

显微授精胞浆内单精子注射(intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection,(ICSI)) 136

配子移植输卵管内(gamete intra-fallopian transfer,GIFT) 136

配子移植 宫腔内(gamete intra-utenne transfer,GIUT) 136

合子移植 输卵管内(zygote intra-fallopian transfer,ZIFT) 137

胚胎移植 输卵管内(tubal embryo transfer,TET) 137

辅助性孵化(assisted hatching) 137

共培养(co-culture) 137

未成熟卵体外成熟(in vitro maturation of immature oocytes) 137

选择性灭胎术(selected embryo reduction) 137

早、早胚胎(pre-embryo) 137

着床前诊断(pre-implantation diagnosis) 137

围产期(perinatal period) 138

出生率(birth rate) 138

生育率(fertility rate) 138

死产(stillbirth) 138

新生儿死亡率(neonatal death rate) 138

直接母死亡(direct maternal death) 138

间接母死亡(indirect maternal death) 138

骨盆的解剖(pelvic anatomy) 138

骨盆的平面(planes of pelvis) 139

入口平面(pelvic inlet) 139

骨盆测量(pelvic measurement) 139

中腔平面(midpelvis) 139

出口平面(pelvic outlet) 140

盆轴(pelvic axis) 140

骨盆的形态(pelvic shape) 140

女人型骨盆(gynecoid pelvis) 140

男人型骨盆(android pelvis) 140

类人猿型骨盆(anthropoid pelvis) 140

扁平骨盆(platypelloid pelvis) 140

佝偻病扁平骨盆(rachitic flat pelvis) 140

畸形骨盆(pelvis abnormalities) 140

骨软化症骨盆(osteomalacic pelvis) 141

倾斜骨盆(obliquely contracted pelvis) 141

均小骨盆(generally contracted pelvis) 141

胎盘老化(placental aging) 141

胎盘的激素(placental hormones) 141

胎盘绒毛膜促性腺激素(human chorionic gonadotropin,HCG) 141

胎盘生乳素(human placental lactogen,HPL) 141

检测不出胎盘泌乳素的妊娠(pregnancies without detectable HPL) 142

胎盘的其他蛋白激素(other protein hormones of placenta) 142

胎盘生长激素释放激素(placental growth hormone-releasing hormone) 142

胎盘合成的其他肽类激素(other peptide hormones synthesized in placenta) 142

胎盘的雌激素(placental estrogen) 142

母血浆去氢表雄酮(maternal plasma dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate) 142

胎盘的孕激素(placental progesterone) 143

胎儿肾上腺(fetal adrenal gland) 143

泌乳素(prolactin,PRL) 143

早期妊娠(early pregnancy) 143

晚期妊娠(late pregnancy) 143

Braxton Hicks收缩(Braxton Hicks contraction) 144

蒙氏结节(Montgomery glands) 144

妊娠平卧低血压综合征(supine hypotension syndrome) 144

妊娠生理性血稀释(physiological blood dilution) 144

母-儿交流系统(fetal-maternal communication system) 144

母儿交流系统的发生(development of fetal-maternal communication system) 144

母儿交流系统的构成(organization of fetal-maternal communication system) 144

胎盘arm(placental arm) 144

妊娠期胎儿的动力作用(dynamic role of the fetus in pregnancy) 145

胎儿使母体对妊娠的认识(fetal-induced recognition of pregnancy) 145

黄体与妊娠(luteal corpus and pregnancy) 145

母体对半异体胎儿移植物的接收(maternal acceptance of the semi-allogenic fetal graft) 145

胎儿对妊娠内分泌的作用(fetal contribution to the endocrinology of pregnancy) 145

胎盘对营养的输送(placental sequestration of nutrition) 146

胎儿在分娩发动中的作用(fetal retreat for initiation of parturition) 146

胎儿和新生儿对泌乳的作用(fetal and neonatal contribution to lactation) 146

产前保健(prenatal care) 146

高危妊娠(high risk pregnancy) 146

头围(head circumference) 147

腹围(abdominal circumference) 147

双顶径(biparietal diameter) 147

四段触诊法(Leopold's maneuvers) 147

平均动脉压(mean arterial pressure,MAP) 147

胎动计数(fetal movement counting) 147

腹直肌分离(seperation of abdominal rectus muscle) 147

悬垂腹(pendulous abdomen) 148

胎动警告征象(warning signs of fetal movement) 148

胎儿成熟度测定(determination of fetal maturity) 148

卵磷脂/鞘磷脂的比值测定(L/S比值)(lecithin/sphigomyelin ratio) 148

羊水振荡试验(shaking test of amnionic fluid) 148

羊水胆红素测定(bilirubin determination of amniotic fluid) 148

羊水肌酐测定(creatinine determination of amniotic fluid) 148

羊水类脂质细胞计数(lipid cell counting of amniotic fluid) 149

脐血血气分析(blood-ges analysis of umbilical blood) 149

综合生物物理表现评分(biophysical profile scoring) 149

经皮脐血穿刺术(cordocentesis) 149

羊水指数(amniotic fluid index,AFI) 150

羊水池深度(amniotic fluid depth) 150

胎心—宫缩电子监护(fetal heart rate-uterine contraction electronic monitoring) 150

外监护(external monitoring) 150

内监护(internal monitoring) 150

无应力试验(non stress test,NST) 150

声音刺激试验(vibroacoustic stimulation test,VAS) 151

头皮刺激试验(scalp stimulation test) 151

宫缩应力试验(contraction stress test,CST) 151

刺激乳头试验(nipple stimulation test) 151

胎心率基线(baseline fetal heart activity) 151

胎心基线短期可变性(short-term baseline variability of fetal heart beat) 152

胎心基线长期可变性(long-term baseline variabilitv of fetal heart beat) 152

胎心心动过速(fetal tachycardia) 152

胎心心动过缓(fetal bradycardia) 152

胎心率加速(acceleration of fetal heart rate) 152

胎心率可变减速(variable deceleration of fetal heart rate) 152

胎心率早期减速(early deceleration of fetal heart rate) 153

胎心率晚期减速(late deceleration of fetal heart rate) 153

胎心率延长减速(prolong deceleration of fetal heart rate) 153

胎心心律失常(cardiac arrhythmia of fetal heart rate) 153

胎心正弦型图形(sinusoid pattern of fetal heart rate) 153

胎儿头皮血气分析(fetal scalp blod sampling) 153

胎儿血氧饱和度测定(determination of fetal oxyhemoglobin saturation) 154

分娩的子宫分期(the uterine phases of parturition) 154

分娩子宫0期(uterine phase 0 of parturitiom) 154

分娩0期的类固醇激素(steroid hormone contributions in phase 0 of parturition) 154

激素及细胞与细胞间的联系(hormone and cell-to-cell communication) 154

分娩0期β-肾上腺能受体(β-adrenoreceptor and phase 0 of parturition) 155

分娩0期松驰素(relaxin and phase 0 of parturition) 155

分娩0期子宫肌层的黄体生成素/绒毛促性腺激素受体(LH/HCGreceptors in myometrium and phase 0 of parturition) 155

分娩0期促肾上腺皮质激素释放素(corticotropin-releasing hormone(CRH)and phase 0 of parturition 155

分娩0期甲状旁腺素相关蛋白(parathyroid hormone-related protein(PTH-rp)and phase 0 of parturition) 155

分娩0期的前列腺素(Prostaglandin and phase 0 of parturition) 155

分娩0期的子宫肌层的环苷鸟酸(cgmp of cyclic guanosine monophosphate,in phase 0 of parturition) 155

分娩0期的心、脑钠素肽(atrial/brain natriuretic peptidesin phase 0 of parturition) 156

一氧化氮的合成及环苷鸟酸(nitric oxide synthesis and cgmp) 156

子宫0期的安全系统的消失(fial-safe system of uterine phase 0) 156

分娩Ⅰ期(uterine phase 1 of parturition) 156

分娩Ⅱ期的前列腺素(prostaglandins and phase 2 of parturition) 156

分娩Ⅱ期的血小板激活因子(platelet activating factors(PAF)and phase 2 of parturition) 156

分娩Ⅱ期的内皮素-1(edothelin-1 and phase 2 of parturition) 156

缩宫素与分娩的发动(uterotonin and initiation of parturition) 156

催产素(oxytocin) 157

催产素的历史(history of oxytocin) 157

催产素的生物及化学(biology and chemistry of oxytocin) 157

催产素对心血管作用(cardiovacular effects of oxytocin) 157

催产素的抗利尿作用(antidiuresis) 157

催产素与分娩的发动(oxytocin and initiation of parturition) 157

类固醇与催产素受体(steroids and oxytocin receptors) 157

胎儿催产素(fetal oxytocin) 158

麦角新碱(ergonovine) 158

宫颈成熟(cervical ripening) 158

宫内组织与分娩(contribution of intrauterine tissue to parturition) 158

前羊水囊(forebag of amniotic fluid) 158

盆底(pelvic floor) 158

入室试验(electronic admission testing) 158

