- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:中国农业出版社
- 出版年份:1996
- 页数:342 页
1.General Surveys 3
Crop Farming 3
Forestry 6
Animal Husbandry 9
Feed Industry 11
Fisheries 12
Township Enterprises 15
State Farms and Land Reclamation 17
Farm Mechanization 21
Farm Machinery Industry 24
Farm Chemicals Industry 27
Water Conservancy 28
Meteorology 32
Agricultural Environmental Protection and Rural Energy 34
2.Rural Economic PoliciesCollective Land Use Right Transfer with Compensation 41
Develop Appropriate-Scaled Agriculture 44
Auction of"Four Wastes" 46
Measures to Support Commodity Grain or Cotton Counties 48
High-Yield,High-Quality and High-Efficiency Agricultural Demonstration Zones 50
Vegetable Basket Project Fruitful 52
Township Enterprise Demonstration District 53
East-West Cooperation in Developing Township Enterprises 56
Control of Farm Capital Goods Market Strengthened 58
Price of Aquatic Products Stable and Market Brisk 59
Export of Agricultural Products 62
Investment in Agriculture 65
Agricultural Capital Construction and Fixed Assets Investment 68
Support to Agriculture by Financial Departments 72
Agricultural Development Bank of China 74
Agricultural Projects Financed by the State Natural Sciences Foundation 75
3.Rural Export-Oriented EconomyRural Export-Oriented Economy 81
China's Fisheries and the World 83
Township Enterprises in Central,Western China Go International 84
Land Reclamation Enterprises Strive to Be Foreign Market-Oriented 87
Export-Oriented Economy Spurs Development of Township Enterprises in Suburban Beijing 89
Jiangxi Develops Land of Red Soil with World Bank Loans 91
Fujian Strives to Build a Foreign Market-Oriented Rural Economy 92
4.Agricultural Science and TechnologyAgricultural Projects Under State"863"Programme 97
Evaluation and Demonstration of Agriculture Projects in the"Climbing Programme" 100
Scientiffc Research in Service of Farm Production 103
Popularization of Agricultural Technology 108
Summarization of Fisheries Science and Technology 112
Achievements in Scientific ResearchResearch and Application of the Light and Temperature Action Model Concerning Fertility Transformation in Photoperiod(temperature)-Sensitive Genic Male-Sterile Rice 115
Breeding,Extension and Use of the New Wheat Cultivar Xi'an 8 116
Development of New Wheat Germplasms with Heterogenous Cytoplasm 116
Breeding and Utilization of Male-Sterile Dual-Use Lines of Hot Pepper 117
Breeding of New Sweet Pepper Cultivars Zhongjiao 4 and Zhongjiao 5 with Good Quality,Disease Resistance and High Productivity 117
Insect Tolerance of Transgenic Populus nigra Plants 118
The Extension of ABT Root-Growth Powder 119
The Manufacture of High Molecular Materials-Polyester Polyhydric Using Rosin Derivatives as Monomeric Unit 120
Rattanpalm(Calamus L.) 120
The Integrated Benefits of Soil and Water Conservation Forest System on the Loess Plateau 121
Breeding of Italian Bee Zhejiang Agricultural University No.1 122
Clustering Study on the Breeds of Chinese Yellow Cattle 122
The Research on Using Plant Growth Regulator TA Milk Powder in Laminaria and Laver(porphyra)Culture 123
The Marine Living and Fisheries Resource within Islands Water Area in Guangdong Province 124
The Structural Safety Analysis of Intake Tower Group and Aseismatic Model Test of Orifice Outler Tower for Xiaolangdi Project 125
New Technology in Design of Tidal Barrage on Suzhou River 125
Report on Comprehensive Utilization of Yangtze River Basin 126
5.Agricultural EducationReform of Agricultural Education System 131
The Implementation of the"Green Certificate Project" 134
Sichuan Agricultural University 136
Zhejiang Rural Technical Teacher's College Ningbo Agricultural School 137
Taizhou Agricultural School 138
Basic Statistics of Agricultural Institutions of Higher Learning,1994 140
Basic Statistics of Agricultural Secondary Specialized Schools,1994 147
6.Introduction Cooperation of AgricultureIntroduction and Utilization of Foreign Capital in Agriculture 151
Summary of Foreign Affairs in Forestry 157
International Activities in the Water Resources Sector 158
Summary of Meteorological Foreign Affairs 161
Major Foreign Activities in Agricultural Sector 163
Exchange of Forestry Delegations 167
Major Foreign Activities in the Water Resources Sector 168
Signature of IFAD-Financed Project for Qinghai Province 170
Sino-Israeli Demonstration Farm 171
Sino-Israeli International Agricultural Training Centre 172
The Forest Resources Development and Protection Project 172
European Union-China's Dairy Development Project 173
APEC's Fisheries Working Group 174
Sino-US Joint Enforcement in Respect of Driftnet Fishing Vessel on the High Seas of North Pacific Ocean 175
Establishment of International Centre for Small Hydro Power 176
Water and Soil Conservation over Loess Plateau 177
Xiaolangdi Project on the Yellow River 178
The Project Funded by the Institutional Development Fund from the World Bank 178
National Flood Control Dispatching System(Phase I) 179
Sino-Japanese Cooperation Project for Polder and Drainage Improvement in Guangdong 180
Water Supply for Dalian City 181
China-ROK Cooperative Study for Development of Upper Fenhe River in Shanxi 181
International Symposium on the Law of Cooperatives 182
7.Natural Disasters to AgricultureNatural Disasters in Agriculture 187
Plant Diseases,Pests and Rodent Damages 191
Forest Diseases and Pests 195
8.Chronicle of Agricultural EventsChronicle of Agricultural Events,1994 203
9.Statistics of Agricultural Economy, 1994
Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Population by Province,1994 211
Cultivated Land Areas by Province,1994 212
Rural Primary Organization by Province,1994 214
Number of Labour Force of Townships and Villages by Province,1994 215
Total Output Value of Rural Non-Agricultural Trades by Province,1994(Calculated at 1994 current prices) 217
Total Output Value of Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fisheries by Province,1994(Calculated at 1994 current prices) 218
Total Output Value of Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fisheries by Province,1994(Calculated at 1990 constant prices) 219
Average Yield of Major Farm Crops Per Capita by Province,1994 220
Average Yield of Meat,Eggs,Milk and Aquatic Products Per Capita by Province,1994 221
Output and Sown Areas of Major Farm Crops,1994 222
Sown Areas and Mutiple Cropping Index of Farm Crops by Province,1994 223
Sown Areas and Yields of Major Farm Crops by Province,1994 224
Areas of Tea Gardens and Orchards by Province,1994 245
Output of Tea by Province,1994 246
Output of Fruits by Province,1994 247
Planted Areas and Output of Major Tropical and Subtropical Crops,1994 249
Number of Units with Ownership by the Whole People in Forestry by Province,1994 251
Number of State and Workers of Forestry by Province,1994(Year-end figure) 252
Afforestation Area of Different Forest Types by Province,1994 253
National Forestry Production by Province,1994 254
Output of Timber,Bamboo,Sawn Lumber and Plywood by Province,1994 255
Output of Fibreboard,Shaving Board,Resin,Tannin Extract and Shellac by Province,1994 256
Output of Forest Products by Province,1994 257
Output of Major Livestock Products 259
Number of Slaughtered Livestock and Poultry by Province,1994 260
Total Output of Meat by Province,1994 262
Output of Major Livestock Products by Province,1994 264
Number of Domestic Animals,1994(Year-end figure) 266
Number of Domestic Animals by Province,1994(Year-end figure) 267
Organizations of Fishermen by Province,1994 273
Output of Freshwater and Seawater Aquatic Products by Province,1994 274
Output of Marine Fishing by Province,1994 275
Areas of Seawater Fish Culture by Province,1994 276
Areas of Freshwater Fish Culture by Province,1994 278
Per Hectare Yield Lever of Freshwater Fish Culture by Province,1994 279
Motor Fishing Boats by Province,1994(Year-end figure) 280
Non-Motor Fishing Boats by Province,1994(Year-end figure) 281
Number of Enterprises Run by Townships and Villages by Province,1994 282
Number of Persons of Enterprises Run by Townships and Villages by Province,1994 284
Township Enterprises Output Value by Province,1994(Calculated at 1994 current prices) 286
Township Enterprises Output Value by Province,1994(Calculated at 1990 constant prices) 287
Major Economic Targets of Township and Village Enterprises by Province,1994 288
Output of Major Products of Township Enterprises by Province,1994 291
Delivery Total of Export Products of Township Enterprises by Province,1994 294
Basic Indicators of State Farms and Land Reclamation by Province,1994 296
Major Economic Targets of State Farms and Land Reclamation by Province,1994(Calculated at 1994 current prices) 297
Planted Area and Output of Major Tropical and Subtropical Crops in State Farms and Land Reclamation by Province,1994 298
Gross Industrial and Agricultural Output Value of State Farms and Land Reclamation by Province,1994(Calculated at 1990 constant prices) 300
Sown Area and Output of Farm Crops in State Farms and Land Reclamation 301
Planted Areas and Output of Fruits and Tea in State Farms and Land Reclamation by Province,1994 302
Major Output of State Farms and Land Reclamation Industrial Enterprises by Province,1994 303
Major Agricultural Machinery by Province,1994(Year-end figure) 306
Farmland Under Irrigation by Province,1994 315
Capacity of Reservoirs by Province,1994 317
Permanent Mechanical and Electrical,Electric Motor and Internal-Combustion Engine Irrigation and Drainage Pumping Station by Province,1994 319
Areas with Waterlogging Prevention Measures by Province,1994 320
Water and Soil Erosion Areas and Its Controlled Areas by Province,1994 321
Annual Average Temperature in Major Cities,1994 322
Annual Precipitation in Major Cities,1994 324
Annual Sunshine Hours in Major Cities,1994 326
Level of Agricultural Modernization 328
Rural Power Consumption,Generation and Farmland Irrigation by Province,1994 329
Consumption of Chemical Fertilizer for Agriculture by Province,1994(At effective basis) 330
Basic Indicators of Rural Households Surveyed 331
Net Income Per Capita in Farmer's Household and Its Sources 332
Average Net Income Per Capita of Farmers by Province,1994 333
Living Expenditure Per Capita of Farmers by Province,1994 334
LivingExpenditure Per Capita of Farmers in Cash by Province,1994 336
Per Capita Consumption of Major Foods of Farmers by Province,1994 338
Possession of Principal Durable Consumer Goods Per 100 Farmers by Province,1994 340
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