- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)麦克齐奥拉(Macziola
- 出 版 社:华夏出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- 页数:118 页
Unit1 Introductions and greetings 1
1.1 Introducing yourself 1
1.2 Saying where you re from 3
1.3 Introducing other people 4
Unit2 Occupations 7
2.1 Saying what you do 7
2.2 Telephoning 8
2.3 Finding out information about people 10
Unit3 Companies 13
3.1 Describing a company 13
3.2 Talking about types of business 15
3.3 Finding the perfect partner 16
Unit4 The place of work 19
4.1 Giving directions 19
4.2 Talking about departments 21
4.3 Taking a message 22
Unit5 Revision and consolidation 25
Unit6 Day-to-day work 27
6.1 Talking about your work 27
6.2 Describing routines 28
6.3 Likes and dislikes 29
Unit7 The working environment 31
7.1 Asking people to do things 31
7.2 Talking about stress 33
7.3 Giving advice 34
Unit8 Plans 36
8.1 Discussing arrangements 36
8.2 Making arrangements 37
8.3 Planning a trip 39
Unit9 Visits and travel 41
9.1 Finding out about hotels 41
9.2 Talking to a visitor 42
9.3 Attending business events 44
Unit10 Revision and consolidation 46
Unit11 Work history 49
11.1 Finding someone a job 49
11.2 Talking about your career 51
11.3 Describing your first job 53
Unit12 Fairs and sales 55
12.1 Finding out about a trade fair 55
12.2 Talking about products 56
12.3 Placing an order 58
Unit13 Product description 62
13.1 Comparing products 62
13.2 Saying what s best 63
13.3 Making suggestions 65
Unit14 Entertaining 67
14.1 Taking a guest to dinner 67
14.2 Making invitations 68
14.3 Describing food 70
Unit15 Revision and consolidation 72
Unit16 Firms and factories 75
16.1 Saying what you ve done 75
16.2 Visiting a factory 76
16.3 The company report 78
Unit17 Problems,problems 80
17.1 Dealing with problems 80
17.2 Complaining and apologizing 81
17.3 Finding a solution 82
Unit18 Future trends 84
18.1 Making predictions 84
18.2 Talking about the future 86
18.3 Changing the way we work 87
Unit19 Enjoying a business trip 89
19.1 Finding our about a city 89
19.2 Making offers 90
19.3 Thanking 92
Unit20 Revision and consolidation 94
Resource activities 97
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