- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:中国农业出版社
- 出版年份:1997
- 页数:372 页
1.General Surveys 3
Crop Farming 3
Forestry 6
Animal Husbandry 11
Feed Industry 14
Fisheries 16
Township Enterprises 18
State Farms and Land Reclamation 20
Farm Mechanization 24
Farm Machinery Industry 27
Farm Chemicals Industry 31
Water Conservancy 34
Meteorology 38
Rural Environmental Protection and Rural Energy 41
2.Rural Economic PoliciesEarnestly Implement Agricultural and Rural Policies 49
The Implementation of the System of Provincial Governor Assuming the Responsibility for"Rice Bag" 52
Implementation of the New Round of"Vgetable Basket"Project 54
Lightening Farmers'Burdens 57
Support the Development of Poor Areas 60
War Against Poverty 62
Afforestation Improves Ecological Environment 64
"Three-Hundred Project"of Land Reclamation 67
Establishment of Nationwide Township Enterprise Groups 71
Striving to Promote Construction of Water Conservancy Works 74
Large Industrial and Commercial Enterprises Get into Agricultural Field 77
Investment in Agriculture 80
Support to Agriculture by Financial Departments 84
Rural Credit in China 88
Farmland Capital Construction and Investment in Fixed Assets of Agriculture 90
Export and Import of Agricultural Products 94
Wholesale Markets for Farm Produce 98
Transfer of Rural Labour 100
3.Rural Export-Oriented EconomyNew Developments in Export-Oriented Economy of Township Enterprises 107
Township Enterprises Build"Trade-Industry-Agriculture"Export Production Bases 111
National Working Conference on Export by Township Enterprises and the 3rd China Township Enterprise Export Commodities Exhibition 115
Commendation of"National Advanced Administrations over Export by Township Enterprises"and"National Leading Township Exporters" 116
4.Agricultural Science and TechnologyDevelopment of Water-Saving Dry-Land Farming 121
Implementation of"Fertile Land Programme" 123
Seed Engineering 125
Forest Management and Highly Effective Development of Forestry 127
National Timber Industry Egineering Research Centre 130
The First Batch of key Laboratories of the Ministry of Forestry 131
Establishment of Fine Poultry Breeds Propagation System 132
The Fishery Technical Extension System 135
Application of New Soil and Fertilizer Technology 137
Forest Flowers and Plants 138
Disease Control in Aquiculture 140
Selection and Breeding of Elite Hevea Clones 142
Achievements in Scientific Research 144
Research on China Timber Permeability,Principle of Controllable Permeability and Options 144
Selection and Extension of Quality Chinese Fir Provenances for Afforestation 144
Drought Resistant Silvicultural Techniques on the Loess Plateau 145
Modern Management Techniques for Forest Resources in Southern China's Man-Made Timber Forest Bureaus(Farms) 146
Development of High-Yield and Comprehensive Utilization Techniques for Bamboo Forests 147
Research on Generating Electricity by Sanmen Gorge Hydropower Station during Flood Season 148
Development of Water-Saving Irrigation Technology in Guangxi 149
Research on Sand Problems of Xiaolangdi Water Project on the Yellow River 149
Numerical Forecast Models of Astronomical Tide and Storm Tide 150
Research on East-Asia Monsoon 150
China's Operational Medium-Range Numerical Weather Forecast System(OMNWFS) 151
The Data Receiving and Processing Application System of"FY-1" Meteorological Satellite 151
Establishment and Completion of the Second Generation of TV Weather Forecasting System 152
Regional Air Quality Modelling 152
5.Agricultural EducationIntegration of Agriculture,Science and Education to Invigorate Agriculture and Rural Economy 155
China Agricultural University 157
Central Agricultural Broadcasting and Television School 160
Basic Statistics of Agricultural Institutions of Higher Learing,1995 163
Basic Statistics of Agricultural Secondary Specialized Schools,1995 170
6.International Cooperation of AgricultureThe Introduction and Utilization of Foreign Funds in Agriculture 173
Summary of Foreign Affairs in Forestry 181
A Survey of International Activities in the Water Resources Sector 183
Foreign Affairs in the Field of Meteorology 185
Major Foreign Activities in Agricultural Sector 187
Forestry Foreign Affairs Activities 192
Major Events in International Cooperation in the Water Sector 194
WFP Gratis Assistance Project No.3355 to Gansu Province 197
WFP Gratis Assistance Project No.3557 to Qinghai Province 198
Sino-Canadian Cooperative Dry Land Agriculture Project in Hebei Province 199
FAO Special Programme on Food Security in Developing Countries 200
Sino-Israeli Agriculture Cooperation 201
Sino-Japanese Cooperative Project for New Hi-Tech Application in Dairy Cow in Tianjin 201
China Nature Reserves Management Project 202
UN Agreement on the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks 204
The 4th Asian Fisheries Congress and Beijing International Fisheries Exhibition 205
China/Unicef Cooperative Programme of Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation 206
The Automatic Commanding System Programme for the State Flood Control Headquarters 207
7.Natural Disasters to AgricultureNatural Disasters in Agriculture 211
Plant Diseases,Pests and Redent Damages 215
Forest Diseases and Pests Control 217
Natural Disasters by Province,1995 221
Farm Crops Diseases and Pests by Province,1995 224
Farm Crops Damaged by Weeds by Province,1995 225
Farm Crops Damages and Control of Rodents by Province,1995 226
Forest Diseases and Pests and Rodent Damages by Province,1995 227
Number of Forest Fires by Province,1995 229
8.Chronicle of Agricultural EventsChronicle of Agricultural Events,1995 233
9.Statistic of Agricultural Economy, 1995
Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Population by Province,1995 243
Cultivated Land Areas by Province,1995 244
Rural Primary Organization by Province,1995 246
Number of Labour Force of Townships and Villages by Province,1995 247
Total Output Value of Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fisheries by Province,1995(Calculated at 1995 current prices) 249
Total Output Value of Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fisheries by Province,1995(Calculated at 1990 constant prices) 250
Average Yield of Major Farm Crops Per Capita by Province,1995 251
Average Yield of Meat,Eggs,Milk and Aquatic Products Per Capita by Province,1995 252
Output and Sown Areas of Major Farm Crops,1995 253
Sown Areas and Mutiple Cropping Index of Farm Crops by Province,1995 254
Sown Areas and Yields of Major Farm Crops by Province,1995 255
Areas of Tea Gardens and Orchards by Province,1995 276
Output of Tea by Province,1995 277
Output of Fruits by Province,1995 278
Planted Areas and Output of Major Tropical and Subtropial Crops,1995 280
Number of Units with Ownership by the Whole People in Forestry by Province,1995 282
Number of State and Workers of Forestry by Province,1995(Year-end figure) 283
Afforestation Area of Different Forest Types by Province,1995 284
National Forestry Production by Province,1995 285
Output of Forest Products by Province,1995 286
Output of Major Livestock Products 288
Number of Slaughtered Livestock and Poultry by Province,1995 289
Total Output of Meat by Province,1995 291
Output of Major Livestock Products by Province,1995 293
Number of Domestic Animals,1995(Year-end figure) 295
Number of Domestic Animals by Province,1995(Year-end figure) 296
Organization of Fisherman by Province,1995 303
Output of Freshwater and Seawater Aquatic Products by Province,1995 304
Output of Marine Fishing by Province,1995 305
Areas of Seawater Fish Culture by Province,1995 306
Areas of Freshwater Fish Culture by Province,1995 308
Per Hectare Yield Lever of Freshwater Fish Culture by Province,1995 309
Motor Fishing Boats by Province,1995(Year-end figure) 310
Non-Motor Fishing Boats by Province,1995(Year-end figure) 311
Number of Enterprises Run by Townships and Villages by Province,1995 312
Number of Persons of Enterprises Run by Townships and Villages by Province,1995 314
Township Enterprises Output Value by Province,1995(Calculated at 1995 current prices) 316
Township Enterprises Output Value by Province,1995(Calculated at 1990 constant prices) 318
Major Economic Targets of Township and Village Enterprises by Province,1995 320
Output of Major Products of Township Enterprises by Province,1995 321
Foreign-Funded Enterprises of Townships in Various Regions,1995 324
Delivery Total of Export Products of Township Enterprises by Province,1995 326
Basic Indicators of State Farms and Land Reclamation by Province,1995 328
Major Economic Targets of State Farms and Land Reclamation by Province,1995(Calculated at 1995 current prices) 329
Gross Industrial and Agricultural Output Value of State Farms and Land Reclamation by Province,1995(Calculated at 1990 constant prices) 330
Sown Area and Output of Farm Crops in State Farms and Land Reclamation 331
Planted Area and Output of Major Tropical and Subtropical Crops in State Farms and Land Reclamation by Province,1995 332
Major Output of State Farms and Land Reclamation Industrial Enterprises by Province,1995 334
Major Agricultural Machinery by Province,1995(Year-end figure) 336
Farmland under Irrigation by Province,1995 345
Capacity of Reservoirs by Province,1995 347
Permanent Mechanical and Electrical,Electric Motor and Internal-Combustion Engine Irrigation and Drainge Pumping Station by Province,1995 349
Areas with Waterlogging Prevention Measures by Province,1995 350
Water and Soil Erosion Areas and Its Controlled Areas by Province,1995 351
Annual Average Temperature in Major Cities,1995 352
Annual Precipitation in Major Cities,1995 354
Annual Sunshine Hours in Major Cities,1995 356
Level of Agricultural Modernization 358
Rural Power Consumption,Generation and Farmland Irrigation by Province,1995 359
Consumption of Chemical Fertilizer for Agriculture by Province,1995(At effective basis) 360
Basic Indicators of Rural Households Surveyed 361
Net Income Per Capita in Farmer's Household and Its Sources 362
Average Net Income Per Capita of Farmers by Province,1995 363
Living Expenditure Per Capita of Farmers by Province,1995 364
Living Expenditure Per Capita of Farmers in Cash by Province,1995 366
Per Capita Consumption of Major Foods of Farmers by Province 1995 368
Possession of Principal Durable Consumer Goods Per 100 Farmers by Province,1995 370
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