采暖通风与空气调节设计规范 GBJ19-87PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:建设部标准定额司编
- 出 版 社:
- 出版年份:1995
- 页数:270 页
1 General 1
Contents 1
2 Indoor and outdoor air design conditions 3
2.1 Indoor air design conditions 3
2.3 Solar irradiance in summer 8
3 Heating 9
3.1 General requirements 9
3.2 Heating load 15
3.3 Radiator heating 18
3.4 Panel heating 20
3.5 Hot air heating and warm air curtain 23
3.6 Heating pipelines 26
3.7 Steam ejector 30
4 Ventilation 31
4.1 General requirements 31
4.2 Natural ventilation 33
4.3 Thermal insulation and cooling 35
4.4 Mechanical ventilation 37
4.5 Dust control and cleaning 40
4.6 Fire prevention and explosion proofing 43
4.7 Equipment, duct and the others 48
5 Air conditioning 52
5.1 General requirements 52
5.2 Load calculation 54
5.3 System design 58
5.4 Space air diffusion 61
2.2 Outdoor air design conditions 65
5.5 Air handling 65
6.1 General requirements 67
6 Refrigeration 67
6.2 Compression type refrigeration 69
6.3 Heat-operated refrigeration 70
6.4 Design of refrigerating station, arrangement of 71
equipment and miscellaneous 71
7 Automatic control 75
7.1 General requirements 75
7.2 Detecting, interlock and signal display 76
7.3 Automatic regulation and control 77
7.4 Automatic protection and control of refrigerating installation 80
Sound attenuation and vibration isolation 82
8.1 General requirements 82
8.2 Sound attenuation and insulation 83
8.3 Vibration isolation 84
Appendix 1 Terminology 86
Appendix 2 Outdoor climatic conditions 90
Appendix 3 Simplified statistic methods for outdoor design temperatures 180
Appendix 4 Global solar irradiance for summer 182
Appendix 5 Solar irradiance through standard window glass for summer 210
Appendix 6 Distribution map of atmospheric transparency 252
for summer air conditioning 252
Appendix 7 Heat loss for heating cold air infiltrated 253
through gaps of doors or windows 253
Appendix 8 Orientation correction factor for cold air infiltration 256
Appendix 9 Calculation of natural ventilation 261
Appendix 10 Calculation of systematic local relief 264
Appendix 11 Minimum velocity in dust removal duct 266
Appendix 12 Conversion factors between SI and conventional units 267
Appendix 13 Explanation of words in this code 268
Additional description 269
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