![BASIC EQUALITY AND DISCRIMINATION RECONCILING THEORY AND LAW](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/91/s67046ea.jpg)
![BASIC EQUALITY AND DISCRIMINATION RECONCILING THEORY AND LAW](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/91/s67046ea.jpg)
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:ASHGATE
- 出版年份:2011
- 页数:228 页
1 Introduction 1
2 Why Should We Speak of Equality? 13
Why Westen Thinks ‘Equality’ is Empty 13
Waldron’s Defence of Equality 15
The Point of Talk about Equality 18
3 Why Do We Value Basic Equality? 27
Introduction 27
Range Properties 30
Metaethical Considerations 35
The Ethics of Superiority 41
4 The Scope of Basic Equality 45
Introduction 45
Basic Equality and Morality 45
When are We Bound by Basic Equality? 52
5 Basic Equality and Other Values 57
Introduction 57
Basic Equality and Fundamental Freedoms 59
Enforcing Basic Equality 65
Other Types of Liberty 68
Equal Values? 69
6 Denying Basic Equality 75
Introduction 75
What Constitutes a Denial of Basic Equality? 76
Some Different Types of Denial of Basic Equality 80
7 Discrimination and Culture 89
Introduction 89
Definitions 90
What is Discrimination Against a Cultural Group? 95
Is Critiquing Other Cultures Morally Permissible? 96
Cultural Rights 99
8 Equality’s Law 109
Introduction 109
Substantive Equality? 113
Equality and Dignity 121
Social Inclusion 131
Conclusion 135
9 Basic Equality and Different Treatment 139
Introduction 139
Indirect Discrimination 143
Summing Up 154
10 Affirmative Action 159
Introduction 159
The Past Discrimination Argument 165
The Forward Looking (Present Discrimination) Argument 181
Does Affirmative Action Treat Affected Individuals Fairly? 187
Is Affirmative Action Effective? 198
Different Contexts and Groups 204
What is to Be Done? 208
Conclusion 215
Bibliography 217
Index 225
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