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  • 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:2222
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:0 页

信号处理 1

纯相位序列的能量传递性质 1

滤波因子的均匀收敛和均方收敛性质 11

Multidimensional All-Pass Filters and Minimum-Phase Filters 22

Simultaneous Wavelet Estimation and Deconvolution of Reflection Seismic Signals 27

Nonlinear Fusion Filters Based on Prediction and Smoothing 45

An Alternative Switching Criterion for Independent Component Analysis(ICA) 50

Independent Particle Filters 57

Particle Filters for Maneuvering Target Tracking Problem 81

Nonlinear Discriminant Analysis on Embedded Manifold 95

谱估计与分析 119

谱估计中的最佳高分辨时窗函数 119

关于多维平稳序列奇异性和WOLD分解的谱表示 135

Z-Transform Models and Data Extrapolation Formulas in the Maximum Entropy Methods of Power Spectral Analysis 147

Rank of a Class of Autocorrelation Matrixes in Spectral Estimation 153

多谱估计的参数方法 156

时间序列分析 165

The Convolution-Type Matrix and the Property of the Complex Space l2 165

Parameter Estimation in Exponential Models 180

On Time-Reversibility of Linear Processes 195

Almost Sure Convergence Analysis of Mixed Time Averages and kth-Order Cyclic Statistics 200

模式识别与属性数学 210

有序样品聚类的相关序列法 210

一种新的样品聚类方法——差异序列法 216

属性识别理论模型及其应用 221

属性层次模型AHM——一种新的无结构决策方法 231

Fusion Prediction Based on the Attribute Clustering Network and the Radial Basis Function 236

Analysis of the Weighting Exponent in the FCM 245

附录 259

程乾生教授生平简介 259

程乾生论著目录 261

编后记 277
