handbook of physiology section 2_circulation volume iiiPDF电子书下载
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49.Integrated aspects of cardiovascular regulation&B.FOLKOW C.HEYMANS E.NEIL 1787
50.Control of the circulation as studied with analog computer technics&HOMER R.WARNER 1825
51.Circulatory adaptation to the requirements of life under more than one atmosphere of pressure&KARL E.SCHAEFER 1843
52.Effect of respiratory acts on the circulation&E.P.SHARPEY-SCHAFER 1875
53.Circulatory effects of hyperventilation and hypoventilation&DICKINSON W.RICHARDS 1887
54.The circulation in hypothermia of non-hibernating animals and men&RUDOLF THAUER 1899
55.Circulatory adjustments to climatic requirements&RUDOLF THAUER 1921
56.Circulation in mammalian hibernation&CHARLES P.LYMAN 1967
57.Conditional circulatory responses in men and animals&STEPAN FIGAR 1991
58.Shock and peripheral circulatory insufficiency&JACOB FINE 2037
59.The physiology of congestive heart failure&JAMES O.DAVIS 2071
60.Artificial blood circulation&PIERRE M.GALIETTI GERHARD A.BRECHER 2123
61.The physiology of arterial hypertension&IRVINE H.PAGE JAMES W.MCCUBBIN 2163
62.Circulatory effects of blood clotting,fibrinolysis,and related hemostatic processes&M.MASON GUEST 2209
63.Intravascular erythrocyte aggregation (blood sludge)&MELVIN H.KNISELY 2249
64.Ultrastructure of the vascular membrane&G.MAJNO 2293
65.Clubbing of the fingers&JEAN GINSBURG 2377
66.Anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions with special emphasis on the circulation&HIRAM E.ESSEX 2391
67.Postural changes in the circulation&OTTO H.GAUER HANS L.THRON 2409
68.Effect of psychopharmacological drugs on the circulation&J.H.BURN 2441
69.Effects of the autonomic drugs on the circulatory system&RAYMOND P.AHLQUIST 2457
70.The circulatory effects of anesthetics&E.M.GREISHEIMER 2477
71.Development of the heart&J.D.BOYD 2511
72.Adaptations of the circulation in invertebrate animals&ARTHUR W.MARTIN KJELL JOHANSEN 2545
73.Comparative aspects of cardiovascular function in vertebrates&KJELL JOHANSEN ARTHUR W.MARTIN 2583
74.Adaptive changes in the heart,vessels,and patterns of control under chronically high loads&FRANCISCO GRANDE HENRY L.TAYLOR 2615
Index 2679