第10章 关於介词的句型 1
〔一〕介词片语(Prepositional Phrase) 2
〔二〕介词的受词(Object of the Prepositions) 3
〔三〕介词的位置(Position of a Preposition) 9
〔四〕重要介词的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Important Prepositions) 11
(1)About 12
(2)Above 14
(3)Across 15
(4)After 16
(5)Against 18
(6)Along 20
(7)Among,Amid,Amidst,Amongst 21
(8)Around,Round 22
(9)At 24
(10)Before 30
(11)Behind 31
(12)Below 32
(13)Beneath 33
(14)Beside 33
(15)Besides 34
(16)Between 35
(17)Beyond 36
(18)But 37
(19)By 38
(20)For 43
(21)From 50
(22)In 55
(23)Into 63
(24)Of 65
(25)Off 70
(26)On(Upon) 71
(27)Over 74
(28)Since 77
(29)Through 77
(30)Till,Until 78
(31)To 79
(32)Toward or Towards 84
(33)Under 84
(34)Up 86
(35)With 86
(36)Within 91
(37)Without 92
〔五〕片语介词(Preposition phrase or Phrasal preposition) 94
第11章 关於连接词的句型 112
〔一〕结合连接词的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Copulative Conjunctions) 113
(1)And 113
(2)Both……and 119
(3)Not only……but also 120
(4)As well as 122
(5)Nor,Neither 123
(6)Besides,Moreover 124
(7)First……then 125
(8)For one thing……for another(thing) 126
(9)What with……what with 126
〔二〕反意连接词的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Adversative Conjunctions) 128
(1)But 128
(2)yet,still,nevertheless,however,while 130
〔三〕选择连接词的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Alternative Conjunctions) 133
(1)or;either……or 133
(2)Nor;neither……nor 135
〔四〕因由连接词的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Causal Conjunctions) 138
〔五〕表示时间的连接词句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Temporal Conjunctions) 142
〔六〕表示场所的连接词句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Conjunction of Place) 150
〔七〕表示样态的连接词句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Conjunctions of Manner) 152
〔八〕关於比较的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Comparative Conjunctions) 156
〔九〕关於条件的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Hypothetical Conjunctions) 166
〔十〕关於让步的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Concessive Conjunctions) 173
〔十一〕关於原因和理由的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Causal Conjunctions) 180
〔十二〕关於结果的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Conjunctions of Result) 187
〔十三〕关於目的之句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Conjunctions of Purpose) 192
第12章 关於名词的句型 198
〔一〕关於专用名词之句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Proper Noun) 198
〔二〕关於普通名词的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Common Noun) 201
〔三〕关於集合名词的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Collective Noun) 202
〔四〕关於物质名词的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Material Noun) 204
〔五〕关於抽象名词的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Abstract Noun) 206
〔六〕关於名词之性的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Gender) 207
〔七〕关於名词之数的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Numbers) 211
〔八〕关於名词之格的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Case) 215
第13章 关於代名词的句型 223
〔一〕关於人称代名词的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Personal Pronouns) 223
〔二〕关於指示代名词的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Demonstrative Pronouns) 247
〔三〕关於不定代名词的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Indefinite Pronouns) 255
〔四〕关於疑问代名词的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Interrogative Pronouns) 267
〔五〕关於关系代名词的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Relative Pronouns) 274
〔一〕关於形容词限定用法的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on the Attributive Use of Adjectives) 294
第14章 关於形容词的句型 298
〔二〕关於形容词述语用法的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on the Predicative Use of Adjectives) 298
〔三〕关於形容词的名词用法之句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Adjectives Used as Nouns) 302
〔四〕关於数量形容词的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Quantitative Adjective) 306
第15章 关於副词的句型 314
〔一〕关於时间副词的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Adverbs of Time) 315
〔二〕关於场所副词的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Adverbs of Place) 321
〔三〕关於程度副词的句型(Sentence Patterns Based on Adverbs of Degree) 323
〔四〕关於其他副词的句型 328
习题模范解答 337
「句型索引」 366
- 《红色旅游的社会效应研究》吴春焕著 2019
- 《汉语词汇知识与习得研究》邢红兵主编 2019
- 《生物质甘油共气化制氢基础研究》赵丽霞 2019
- 《东北民歌文化研究及艺术探析》(中国)杨清波 2019
- 《联吡啶基钌光敏染料的结构与性能的理论研究》李明霞 2019
- 《异质性条件下技术创新最优市场结构研究 以中国高技术产业为例》千慧雄 2019
- 《《国语》和《战国策》词汇比较研究》陈长书著 2017
- 《中国制造业绿色供应链发展研究报告》中国电子信息产业发展研究院 2019
- 《行政保留研究》门中敬著 2019
- 《新课标背景下英语教学理论与教学活动研究》应丽君 2018
- 《市政工程基础》杨岚编著 2009
- 《家畜百宝 猪、牛、羊、鸡的综合利用》山西省商业厅组织技术处编著 1959
- 《《道德经》200句》崇贤书院编著 2018
- 《高级英语阅读与听说教程》刘秀梅编著 2019
- 《计算机网络与通信基础》谢雨飞,田启川编著 2019
- 《社会学与人类生活 社会问题解析 第11版》(美)James M. Henslin(詹姆斯·M. 汉斯林) 2019
- 《看图自学吉他弹唱教程》陈飞编著 2019
- 《家》高铁林,王力军文;胡博综图 2019
- 《法语词汇认知联想记忆法》刘莲编著 2020
- 《培智学校义务教育实验教科书教师教学用书 生活适应 二年级 上》人民教育出版社,课程教材研究所,特殊教育课程教材研究中心编著 2019