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Part Ⅰ Basics of Anglo-American Law 1

Chapter 1 Surviving Law School 3

Chapter 2 Legal Systems of the World 14

Chapter 3 Precedent 38

Chapter 4 Law of the United States 61

Chapter 5 Reading Legal Cases 73

Chapter 6 The Civil Litigation Process 89

Part Ⅱ An Introduction to American Laws 97

Chapter 7 Constitutional Law 99

Chapter 8 Contract Law 121

Chapter 9 Tort Law 139

Chapter 10 Property Law 160

Chapter 11 Criminal Law 196

Chapter 12 Criminal Procedure 215

Chapter 13 Criminal Evidence 235

Part Ⅲ WTO Law&Legal Translation and Writing 255

Chapter 14 Understanding the WTO:Basics 257

Chapter 15 Legal Translation 277

Chapter 16 Legal Writing 290

Selected Readings 314

1.Entertainment&Sports Law 314

2.Admiralty 321

3.Intellectual Property 327

4.Introduction to International Law 344

Glossary of 101 Key Legal Terms 357
