Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery 机械原理PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:何兰主编
- 出 版 社:
- 出版年份:2005
- 页数:0 页
CHAPTER 1 Mechanisms and Machines:Basic Concepts 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Tools Available to the Designer of Linkages and Other Mechanisms 2
Hints for Effective Computer Use 2
Identifying a Need or a Problem 3
1.3 Systems of Units 3
Conversion Factors 4
1.4 Terminology and Definitions 5
Link 5
Frame 5
Joint or Kinematic Pair 5
Lower and Higher Pairs 5
Closed-Loop Kinematic Chains 8
Open-Loop Kinematic Chains 8
Manipulators 8
Robots 9
Linkage 9
Planar Motion and Planar Linkages 9
Spatial Morion and Spatial Linkages 9
Inversion 10
Cycle and Period 10
1.5 Degrees of Freedom(Mobility) 10
Constraints Due to Joints 10
Planar Linkages 12
Determination of Degrees of Freedom for a Planar Linkage 14
One-Degree-of-Freedom Configurations 15
1.6 Classification of Closed Planar Four-Bar Linkages:The Grashof Criterion 16
1.7 Transmission Angle 19
1.8 Limiting Positions of Slider-Crank Linkages 21
In-Line Slider-Crank Mechanisms 21
Offset Slider-Crank Mechanisms 22
1.9 Quick-Return Mechanisms 23
1.10 Linkage Interference 26
1.11 Mechanisms for Specific Applications 27
Slider-Crank Mechanism 27
Fluid Links 27
Gear Trains 27
Power Screws 28
Differential Screws 30
One-Way Clutches 31
Universal Joints 31
Automotive Steering Linkage 33
Computer-Controlled Industrial Robots 34
1.12 Computer-Aided Linkage Design 35
Research in Engineering Design Theory and Methodology 36
1.13 Mechanism Design Considerations 36
Problems 38
Bibliography and References 41
CHAPTER 2 Motion in Machinery:Positional Analysis of Planar Mechanisms 45
2.1 Motion 45
Examples of Rectilinear Morion:The Eccentric Cam and the Scotch Yoke 47
2.2 Vectors 48
Unit Vectors 48
Vector Components 49
2.3 Complex Numbers 50
Rectangular Form 50
Polar Form 50
Complex Arithmetic—Addition 51
Multiplication,Division,and Differentiation 51
2.4 Complex-Number Methods Applied to the Displacement Analysis of Linkages 52
Limiting Positions 54
Multiloop Linkages 55
Problems 55
Bibliography and References 56
CHAPTER 3 Velocity Analysis of Mechanisms 59
3.1 Basic Concepts 59
Velocity of a Point 60
Angular Velocity 61
Parameter Studies 64
3.2 Moving Coordinate Systems and Relative Velocity 65
Relative Velocity from Another Viewpoint 66
3.3 Complex-Number Methods Applied to Velocity Analysis 68
3.4 Graphical Analysis of Linkage Motion Utilizing Relative Velocity 71
Analyzing Motion of the In-Line Slider-Crank Mechanism 71
3.5 The Velocity Polygon 74
Velocity Image 77
3.6 Graphical Analysis of Basic Linkages 82
The Four-Bar Linkage 82
Analyzing Sliding Contact Linkages 83
Comparison of Results with an Analytical Solution 85
3.7 Analyzing Combinations of Basic Linkages 86
Toggle Linkage 86
Beam Pump 89
3.8 Centros 89
Kennedy's Theorem 90
Centros of a Four-Bar Linkage 90
Analyzing a Slider-Crank Mechanism 94
Problems 94
Bibliography and References 99
CHAPTER 4 Acceleration Analysis of Mechanisms 101
4.1 Basic Concepts 101
Acceleration of a Point 101
Angular Acceleration 102
Moving Coordinate Systems 102
Relative Acceleration 104
4.2 Complex-Number Methods Applied to Acceleration Analysis 105
Solving the Complex Acceleration Equation 106
4.3 The Acceleration Polygon 108
Analysis of Slider-Crank Mechanisms 108
Comparison with an Analytical Solution 111
Acceleration Image 112
Graphical Analysis of the Four-Bar Linkage 114
4.4 Graphical Analysis of Sliding Contact Linkages 116
Coriolis Acceleration 116
Comparison of Results with an Analytical Solution 120
4.5 Analyzing Combinations of Basic Linkages 120
Problems 123
Bibliography and References 125
CHAPTER 5 Design and Analysis of Cam-and-Follower Systems 127
5.1 Introduction 128
Some Applications of Cam-and-Follower Systems 128
Terminology 128
Disk Cam Design and Manufacture 129
5.2 Graphical Cam design 130
5.3 Cam Design in Terms of Follower Motion 132
Possible Forms of Follower Displacement 133
Uniform Motion 133
Parabolic Motion 133
Harmonic Motion 133
Follower Return 133
Problems with Harmonic and Parabolic Motion 134
Follower Motion for High-Speed Cams 135
5.4 Cycloidal Cams 136
Polynomial Motion 138
5.5 Design of Good High-Speed Polynomial Cams 138
5.6 Analytical Cam Design Based on the Theory of Envelopes 140
Theory of Envelopes 141
Disk Cam with Translating Flat-Faced Follower 142
Disk Cam with Translating Offset Roller Follower 144
Pressure Angle 146
Disk Cam with Rotating Flat-Faced Follower 147
Disk Cam with Rotating Roller Follower 149
Cam Curvature 150
Translating Flat-Faced Follower 151
Translating Roller Follower 151
5.7 Positive-Motion Cams 153
Face Cam 153
Constant-Breadth Cams 153
Conjugate Cams 154
Cylindrical Cams 154
Problems 154
Bibliography and References 155
CHAPTER 6 Spur Gears:Design and Analysis 157
6.1 Gear Types 157
6.2 Spur Gear Terminology 158
Backlash 160
6.3 Fundamental Law of Gearing 160
Conjugate Action and the Involute Curve 162
The Base Circle 162
The Line of Action 166
The Pressure Angle 166
Contact Length 168
Contact Ratio 170
6.4 Internal Gears 172
6.5 Standard Gears 172
6.6 Gear Manufacture 173
6.7 Sliding Action of Gear Teeth 177
6.8 Interference 178
Undercutting 181
Stub Teeth 182
Problems 182
Bibliography and References 183
CHAPTER 7 Helical,Worm,and Bevel Gears:Design and Analysis 185
7.1 Helical Gears on Parallel Shafts 185
Helical Gear Tooth Contact 187
Helical Gear Terminology and Geometry 187
Normal Pitch and Normal Module 187
Pressure Angle 188
Center Distance 188
Face Width 189
Axial Pitch 189
Contact Ratio and Axial Contact Ratio(Axial Overlap) 189
Velocity Ratio of Helical Gears on Parallel Shafts 190
Helical Gear Forces 190
Eliminating Thrust with Herringbone Gears 191
7.2 Crossed Helical Gears 192
Crossed Helical Gear Geometry 192
Center Distance 193
Velocity Ratio of Crossed Helical Gears 194
7.3 Worm Gears 194
Worm Gear Terminology and Geometry 195
Velocity Ratio of Worm Gear Sets with Perpendicular Shafts 197
7.4 Bevel Gears 198
Bevel Gear Terminology and Geometry 198
Velocity Ratio of Bevel Gears 200
Other Types of Bevel Gears 201
Problems 203
Bibliography and References 204
CHAPTER 8 Drive Trains:Design and Analysis 205
8.1 Introduction 205
8.2 Velocity Ratios for Spur and Helical Gear Trains 206
Spur Gear Trains 206
Helical Gear Trains 206
Worm Drives 207
Idlers 207
Reversing Direction 208
Double Reductions 209
8.3 Planetary Gear Trains 211
Formula Method(Train Value Formulation Method)for Solving Planetary Trains 211
Input and Output Shafts 215
Tabular Analysis(Superposition):An An Alternative Method for Analyzing of Planetary Trains 215
Compound Planetary Trains 218
Balanced Planetary Trains 219
Planetary Differential Drives 220
Tandem Planetary Trains 222
Planetary Trains with More than One Input 224
Differentials and Phase Shifters 225
8.4 Other Drive Train Elements 227
Chain Drives 227
Belt Drives 228
V Belt Drives 229
Flat Belts 229
Positive-Drive Belts 229
Flexible-Spline Drives 230
Problems 233
Bibliography and References 237
CHAPTER 9 Static-Force Analysis 239
9.1 Introduction 239
9.2 Graphical Force Analysis 240
Graphical Force Analysis of the Slider-Crank Mechanism 241
Graphical Foree Analysis of the Four-Bar Linkage 242
9.3 Analytical Statics 246
Static-Equilibrium Equations 246
Analytical Solution for the Four-Bar Linkage 247
9.4 Friction in Mechanisms 251
Graphical Solution for a Slider-Crank Mechanism Including Friction 254
Problems 256
Bibliography and References 260
CHAPTER 10 Dynamic-Force Analysis 261
10.1 Introduction 261
10.2 D'Alembert'S Principle and Inertial Forces 262
Equivalent Offset Inertial Force 264
10.3 Dynamic Analysis of the Four-Bar Linkage 265
10.4 Dynamic Analysis of the Slider-Crank Mechanism 269
Equivalent Inertia 271
Approximate Dynamic Analysis Equations 273
Dynamic-Force Analysis for an Assumed Motion of a Mechanism 274
Dynamic-Motion Analysis for an Assumed Input Torque 278
10.5 Balancing of Machinery 280
10.6 Balancing of Rigid Rotors 281
Static Balancing 284
Dynamic Balancing 286
10.7 Balancing of Reciprocating Machines 289
Single-Cylinder Machines 290
Problems 292
Bibliography and References 297
CHAPTER 11 Synthesis 299
11.1 Type Synthesis 300
11.2 Number Synthesis 300
11.3 Two-Position Synthesis 301
Graphical Solution 301
Computer Solution 301
Inaccessible Pivot Point 303
11.4 Three-Position Synthesis Using a Four-Bar Linkage 305
11.5 Design of a Function Generator:Dot-Product Method 306
Selection of Precision Points 310
11.6 Coupler Curves 313
Problems 318
Bibliography and References 319
Partial Answers to Selected Problems 321
Some Conversion Factors 327
教学支持说明 330
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