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剑桥英语史 第四卷 1776-1997
剑桥英语史 第四卷 1776-1997

剑桥英语史 第四卷 1776-1997PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(英)霍格(Richard M.Hogg)等著
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:0 页
《剑桥英语史 第四卷 1776-1997》目录

1 INTRODUCTION&Suzanne Romaine 1

1.1 From Old English to New Englishes:unity in diversity? 1

1.2 1776 and after:an age of revolutions and empires 6

1.3 Shifting centres of gravity and the notion of a common core 22

1.4 Language,nation,and identity:staking a claim on the past and future 48

1.5 Conclusion:a remarkable success story? 54

Further reading 56

2 VOCABULARY&John Algeo 57

2.1 The study of the English vocabulary 57

2.2 The growth of the vocabulary 61

2.3 Creating as a source of new words 66

2.4 Shifting as a source of new words 66

2.5 Shortening as a source of new words 71

2.6 Composing as a source of new words 74

2.7 Blending as a source of new words 76

2.8 Borrowing as a source of new words 76

2.9 Recent neologisms 82

2.10 Vocabulary change as a mirror of cultural change 88

Further reading 91

3 SYNTAX&David Denison 92

3.1 Introduction 92

3.2 The noun phrase 96

3.3 The verbal group 130

3.4 Elements of the clause 212

3.5 Structure of the clause 235

3.6 Composite sentences 255

Notes 312

Textual sources 323

Further reading 326

4 ONOMASTICS Richard Coates 330

Preamble 330

4.1 Sources for British names 332

4.2 Scholarship 336

4.3 Personal names 339

4.4 Surnames 348

4.5 Place-names 350

4.6 Street-names 365

4.7 Other categories of nameables 370

4.8 Academic writings on names 371

Further Reading 371

5 PHONOLOGY&Michael K.C.MacMahon 373

5.1 The soundscapes of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries 373

5.2 The historical sources and their interpretation 375

5.3 Methods of phonetic/phonological analysis 381

5.4 Standards and styles of pronunciation 382

5.5 Vowel systems 403

5.6 Vowel phonotactics(structural) 418

5.7 Vowel phonotactics(lexical-incidental) 438

5.8 Vowel realisations 448

5.9 Consonant systems 467

5.10 Consonant phonotactics(structural) 469

5.11 Consonant phonotactics(lexical-incidental) 483

5.12 Consonant realisations 486

5.13 Lexical stress 492

5.14 Intonation and rhythm 517

5.15 Voice qualities 519

5.16 Conclusions 520

Notes 522

Further reading 535


6.1 Introduction 536

6.2 First period:mid-eighteenth century-1830 540

6.3 Second period:1830-1930 557

6.4 Third period:1930-present 579

6.5 Conclusions and prospects 585

Further reading 587

7 LITERARY LANGUAGE&Sylvia Adamson 589

7.1 Introduction 589

7.2 Breaking the standard 598

7.3 Breaking the pentameter 614

7.4 The breaking of hypotaxis 630

7.5 The problem of metaphor 646

7.6 Self-expression and self-representation 661

7.7 CODA:the two revolutions and the literary common core 679

Further reading 681

Key to the numbered examples 684

Key to the cited authors 689

Glossary of linguisticterms 693

Bibliography 708

Index 762
